As mentioned in our previous meeting, the meditation or any of the meditations associated with the 8/08 portal concluded yesterday.
Understand that every activity or process is imbued with a feeling, a determination, and a purpose. That group of meditations within the Portal had its purpose, which was fulfilled. So there’s no reason to repeat it.
Unfortunately, there are always those who make their own decisions and then don’t know what to do with them. Then there will always be those who don’t care and will do it at any time. So I say to every one of you to think long and hard before taking any action, in the current time that you are living in.
“Time is moving swiftly, and the Light is powerful. Any attitude, feeling, or thought you project will come back to you rapidly and intensely. Avoid playing games or testing the waters. This is not a time for leisure; it is time to take quick action and reap the results.”
So accept the orders we give. If you disagree, why are you here? Why are you wasting your time listening to us, only to act against us, criticize and judge us? Why? Occupy your time with other things. Be supportive. Have a good at heart. That will help you a lot on your journey. Don’t waste your time questioning us or doing the exact opposite of what we say.
“Take responsibility for yourself and avoid attracting unnecessary problems. Just live your life.. We don’t force you to believe in us or to follow our path. But don’t joke about it. Treat the matter with respect. Respect should be a fundamental part of your journey and daily life.”
Respect other people’s opinions. Respect someone else’s moment. Respect is an essential attitude in this day and age. So don’t bother with us. Use your time to benefit the whole. If you don’t believe in us, that’s okay. Live your Divine. Live what you believe in, but don’t get caught up in this energy that makes you go against what we determine. This is also a way of keeping you in the weeds and separating you from the wheat.
My brothers and sisters, the journey is becoming more and more important. More and more solid. More and more demanding. So everyone needs to look at their own attitudes. Everyone needs to really understand everything we say. Everyone needs to change the way they live and see life. Don’t wait for others. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you what to do. The journey is yours alone.
Listen carefully to what we’re saying. Take a moment to pause. Breathe deeply, be fully present at this moment, and listen with your heart to what we are saying. By making this a habit, you will become aware of the many things you may still be doing incorrectly because you are not connected to your heart, but to your mind.”
Now is not the time to be an automatic toy, where we say something and you repeat it. It’s time for you to understand what you’ve been told. And do what we say, with your heart. This is what needs to be done. The game ended a long time ago. The Matrix kept you playing at being people and human for a long time. And where has this led you? To hunger, poverty, wars, diseases, and imbalances.
We are bringing you the new. Everything you’ve never had. Now, how can you have the new and keep all the habits and ways of thinking you had during the Matrix? It’s impossible. Everything has to be new. You need new attitudes. You have to look at everything with different eyes. And above all, with the eyes of the heart.
No, we’re not demanding that anyone become a monk. We want everyone to be serious. Not to be happy, not to smile, on the contrary, we want a lot of laughter. We want a lot of smiles, we want a lot of unity. But all within balance. All within the emanation of love through the heart, not through the mind.
So learn, my brothers, learn to live in the heart. Learn to be in your heart at all times. Start learning to silence your mind.
As always, I’ve tried to bring you activities, activities that make you think, that make you be present in the moment. So today we’re starting a new project. Our summer camp is changing its name. It will be called “Activities of the Heart”. Then the group will change its name. No one will need to join a new group. . We will be holding daily meetings for self-reflection and personal growth.
What will the task be? Every day, I’ll give you an assignment that will require you to use all the materials you’ve bought – pencils, paint, crayons, it doesn’t matter. You can use whatever you want. The activities will always be very simple, but what’s important is that you are fully present in your heart at the moment you are doing the activity.
“Block out the outside world. Prepare yourself. Play some music, light some incense, and pour a glass of water. It doesn’t matter how you do it; everyone has their own way of finding balance. Just be present. Look at the paper, and see the world before you. It’s a world you can dive into and discover beautiful images, beautiful messages, and beautiful feelings.”
Always put your heart into it. It’s your moment. “How long will this moment last?” There is no set time. It’s everyone’s time. If you want to stay there all day, go ahead – no problem at all. It’s everyone’s time. So, the task will always be to be present in that moment and draw whatever is given. Every day, you’ll be asked to draw a new picture.
Do everything with love and a lot of affection. Believe that something meaningful is being communicated to you. If it comes from your heart, your master or the master within you will respond. You will establish a connection with them and may receive messages, intuitions, and solutions to your problems.
So, my brothers, let’s start a new stage. No one here is an artist. And those who are artists, do your best. But the important thing isn’t how the drawing comes out. What’s important is the doing; it’s being present; it’s being there at that moment. Is it compulsory to do it? No, it’s not compulsory. Everyone will do it when their heart asks them to
These exercises will be a daily routine for some time. You can choose to do one or more each day, or none at all – it’s entirely up to you. It’s important to understand that these projects are not games. They are opportunities for you to truly learn how to be present, focused, and in tune with your heart while engaging in them.
So enjoy. Think, how many of you would like to be in this apprenticeship? Then be part of it. But always from the heart.
Translated by Simarea Marques