Sit comfortably.
Take a few deep breaths.
See yourself now at the edge of a lake.
A little further on, a large waterfall.
Enter the lake and walk towards the waterfall.
Turn your back to it and go under the waterfall.
Feel the weight of the water on your shoulders and head.
See yourself being undressed and becoming entirely naked, physically.
Feel every part of your body being touched by these waters.
Feel it, as if each strand of water penetrated your skin.
And it goes beyond your body internally, out through your feet and hands.
Allow the water to penetrate your entire body and sweep away every cell, every corner, of everything that is meaningless and no longer fits at this moment. Feel as if the water were you and you were the water in the waterfall.
As if you were one.
Let your body interact with the water that falls on it.
Your body is mostly water.
The water that is in your body is the same water that falls outside of it.
And these waters mix.
And everything that is dense, hardened, petrified, guarded, is being dissolved.
“It is discharged through your hands and feet.”
Feel your body becoming light as if you were water and could spread out all over the lake.
Now become aware of the consistency of your body.
Become aware of your clothes.
And little by little, get out of the waterfall.
Get out of the lake.
And just stay, sitting on the edge, living this whole process.
Allowing your body to understand all the remaining spaces that have been cleared.
We are now covering you entirely with our energy.
And we invite Master Hilarion to be with you at this time. Remain seated.
And at this moment I cover you with my Green Cloak, filling every space that has been cleared from your body with the energy of my Green Ray.
During this time, breathe deeply.
You are enveloped in an aura of Green Light.
So breathe deeply.
Keep breathing, and feel your body becoming strong and enlightened.
Keep my mantle over you for five minutes.
<5 minute pause>
After this time, I remove the cloak and you can stand up.
Be grateful for this whole process.
“Grateful for the chance to live this moment.”
And I leave you now, with all my love.
Right now, we’re back; the Dragons.
Close your eyes.
And we are leading you back to where you started this meditation.
If you want to stay in this energy, stay as long as you like.
If not, breathe deeply.
Open your eyes and gradually return to your consciousness.
Translated by Simarea Marques