Millennial Dragons – Portal 08/08 – Water Element Meditations


Our goal today is to get you ready for the big portal on the 8th of August.

Our focus for today is on the element of water. Why are we studying the elements, you ask? It’s so that every part of your body is in balance.

You are made of the elements of this planet: fire, water, earth, and air. Each of you has this power inside your body. They are present in the form of heat, the fluids that flow through your veins, the air you breathe into your lungs, and the physical structure of your body, which represents the earth’s element.”

Reaching the Portal in balance is important for this moment in your journey. It’s an important moment for the planet and for everyone on it. Believe me, the energies of the Sun of Alcyon are at their peak. And it will bring, or rather is already bringing, the power of each element into your bodies. And we will bring this balance, so that you can be ready to receive all this Light properly, taking advantage of 100% of the energy that will arrive.

Doing the daily meditations is not compulsory. It’s a choice: whether you want to do it or not. If you don’t do it, nothing will happen to you; you will continue to receive all the energy that enters through the Portal. However, your body may not metabolize it properly. So it’s important to do each meditation once a day.

If you start after today, do one every day in a row. Even if it’s after Portal Day. Because the energies don’t just arrive on that day. They are already working on the planet. And they will be working for some time after the portal. But you can only start the 4 meditations until the day of the portal. Don’t start anymore after that. The time will have passed.

So you can do the first meditation from today until the 8th. And then one a day, starting from the first day. Don’t start again after the 8th. You must understand the rules. You must keep the rules.

We will be leading the meditations. And whoever does the first from the 9th will do it alone because we won’t be there. You will get nothing. Learn to follow the rules. Today’s meditation will be on the element of water. Tomorrow it will be the earth element. Wednesday, the air element. And on Thursday, Archangel Michael will finish with the fire element. So pay attention to the sequence and do one each day. Starting on the 8th.

Rest assured that each of the meditations will bring the balance of that element’s power into your bodies. It’s important to always remember to drink lots of water; no matter which element is being treated in the meditation, drink lots of water.

We are always with each and every one of you. We are part of this whole process. We are rebuilding this planet and bringing back to each of you everything you once had. And that will be taken back little by little.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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