Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM MARY!
I am genuinely observing each one of you. My attention has been very focused on planet Earth in the last few days, and to be precise, in the country of the great majority here. It’s time for struggle; it’s time for the Light to conquer evil; it’s time for attention; it’s time for prayer. The atmosphere is troubled and quite negative. We’ve been doing all we can to lessen the burden placed on this country in recent days.
The Light will win! No matter how or when there will be only one outcome: Light! No matter how much they try to undermine, destroy, or take away the good energies of this country, they won’t succeed because we are here and attentive. We must constantly remind each one of you that you’re reaping what you sow, that you’re reaping what you emanate, and we respect that. You must reap pain and suffering to learn the lesson, not to be fooled by supposedly kind words and gestures.
Time runs, it doesn’t stop, and every second, the Light penetrates a little more into the consciousness of everyone on the planet, bringing more and more consciousness and truth. The truth is often horrendous. It makes you sick, disgusts you, repulses you, but it’s the greatest gift Father/Mother God has brought to the universe. Only truth can build something with Light, and only Light. Gradually, each inhabitant of this planet will begin to feel the truth about everything in their heart.
Do not expect the great revelations to come for you to have the truth. The truth’s in the Light, and the Light’s in your hearts. Then those who let themselves be bathed in the Light will see the truth, feel the truth, look at it and recognize it. Nothing else will deceive, mislead, or manipulate them. Those who don’t let the Light in will be the ones who will play the opposite role; they will try to control, deceive, and lie. Those who resonate with this energy will listen and believe it because all of it is true for them.
So they get carried away by all this energy of manipulation and lies. They’ll become arrogant and overbearing because they’ll think only their truth is actual. But we all know that those who have the truth in their heart don’t impose it, don’t buy it, don’t bribe it, and don’t exchange it. Those who have truth in their hearts believe in it and don’t force it on anyone. So, my sons and daughters, the time has come when you need to look within. You need to find your soul, your Higher Self, so you can let the truth be born, the only reality in your hearts.
Don’t allow illusions, manipulation, or lies to fill your hearts. Look within, seek the truth. Don’t let your ego tell you that you are always right; this isn’t true. You make mistakes, a lot of errors, but this isn’t about judgment. The proposal is about learning. Recognize that you make mistakes and seek the right path for everything in your life. Don’t insist on making mistakes, don’t try to look strong by not admitting that you make mistakes because the consequences won’t be good. The lessons become stronger and stronger, deeper and deeper until you learn.
My sons and daughters, find the truth in your hearts and open your minds to the Light. Don’t allow yourselves to be manipulated by anyone, don’t allow yourselves to be involved in other people’s ideas, and seek your own truths. And only he, the Higher Self in each one of you, can show you the truth.
Look within, my sons and daughters. Each choice has a result. Know how to choose the path of your lives, how to find love, Light, and truth in your hearts. Don’t let yourselves be deceived. My lap is always here, ready to receive you. Does it have space? It is immense. There is room for everyone. One word is enough: Mother! And I will place you in my lap, caress you, and help you find your way. Don’t be afraid, my children.
We aren’t judging you; we want you to see the truth, the path, and the Light. Ask for our help as many times as you wish, and each of us will take you in our arms and always welcome you, without judgment, without anything that could afflict you. My sons and daughters, difficult moments are approaching. Find the truth and the Light in your hearts. Only in this way will you pass through all and every tribulation. Those who allow themselves to be engulfed will be drawn into the desperate and loveless masses that will flood your planet. It’s up to you to find the path of truth and Light. Only then, my sons and daughters, will you be safe from this great process.
Seek, seek, seek your Higher Self. It is the path to the truth and Light to keep the right vibration in the times. Am I sad? Yes, I am because I don’t like to see my children suffering, my children being deceived by dark energy. I would like all my children to vibrate Light and to see the actual Light, the true Light. There’s no escaping from what’s coming. You have planted this; there’s no escaping it. You’ll receive what you have emanated.
So let at least those who can see the truth and the Light be assured that they will pass well. In another vibration, in a vibration far above all this manipulated and unbelieving mass that will hit the planet. It’s up to you, my sons and daughters, to choose where you want to be: on high, looking out from afar, or in the middle of the masses, blending in with them. It’s up to each one of you now to make this choice.