Mother Mary – Our Bodies and the Changes

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

As always, I carry a great mantle in my hands. But today, I envelop the entire planet in a great heart, so that each son and daughter may receive this energy of great Love, great balance, and great Light.

My children, be in balance. Seek balance. This is the keyword of the moment. Don’t seek excess. Don’t seek what makes you uncomfortable. Always seek balance. There is no punishment. There is no chastisement. Why do you want to punish yourselves? Often by generating deep and unnecessary reactions.

The path of evolution is not like that. It’s light and balanced. So everything must happen in its own time. Everything must happen within your comfortable limits. There’s no point in taking on objectives, or goals, that bring you to a state of depression or sadness or lack. Everything has to be done gradually.

My children, it’s been millennia and millennia of walking with crooked feet. Don’t expect to straighten your feet all of a sudden. This will be painful, uncomfortable, and discouraging. You have to correct your feet, each in its own time. And if your feet become crooked again, there’s no need to blame yourself. There’s no need to be upset. Just try to get back on the right foot.

Don’t follow the other’s path. Everyone finds their own way. Everyone finds their own way. Everyone finds their own journey. To get rid of everything that we say isn’t good. Of course, you need to change. Of course, you have to pay attention to addictions, and to everything that you already know is not good. But nothing can be done abruptly, enforced, or imposed because it doesn’t work.

You need awareness. This is what will make you change. Not your mind. Consciousness, understanding, and wisdom affect your body. And then the body starts to show signs that it wants to change. The body begins to reject certain foods. The body requests to eat other foods. You need to be attentive to your body. You have to look after them with a lot of love.

Try to eat healthily. What’s the point of stopping eating junk food if you can’t eat healthy things? You’ll starve; you’ll get sick. So you need a different approach. You need to change the way you eat. Become healthier. Get to know other flavours. Create new habits. Then it will be easy to forget the old; to forget what is not good. Because you’re already getting used to so many other good things.

My children, there has to be a balance. Yes, we often say here that you need to stop eating animals, stop your addictions, stop a lot of things. But every time we say that there is an energy emanating from us. There is an energy that reaches your consciousnesses. And your consciousnesses reach your body. And your body starts to change.

Change your desires. Change for the better.

Don’t change yourself harshly. Don’t make eating or living something pleasureless. You need to eat enjoyably. But with healthy things. You need to search. You have to find what your body likes, not what someone else likes, not what someone else says. Each body is different. You may like a fruit that nobody else likes. And it’s your body that likes it.

So don’t follow other people’s lead. Look for your own options. Firstly, look for what’s healthy. Get used to healthy. Expand your options. Eat healthy things. Live healthily. Get moving. Exercise. Start with a simple walk. You may just enjoy walking, and that’s fine. The important thing is that you’re moving; you’re not sitting still in front of a device, whatever it may be.

Each of you is unique. Each of you has your own way of living. What’s good for someone else may not be good for you and vice versa. 

So look for what’s healthy in your own way, in your own manner. Look for what makes your body happy.

I’d say it’s not an easy walk either. Because you often have to be different from the rest of the family. But that’s when awareness comes in. That’s when willpower comes in; the desire to change, the desire to evolve. Nothing is easy, nothing is simple. Everything is very complex. But it’s the intention that is valuable; it’s the will that is valuable.

So seek, always seek the healthy. Get used to the healthy. Once you’ve created an immense range of healthy things, then you’ll start to forget what is not healthy. And you’ll start to gradually leave it behind because you’ll be used to other foods, other ways of living.

Everything is balance, my children. Don’t torture yourselves. We realise that for many it’s torture to stop eating certain things. And why is that? Because the focus remains on not eating. And where is the focus for new things? There is none. So know how to change your habits. Listen to your body. They are being treated. The very change in structure from carbon to crystalline means that your body is already beginning to reject certain things.

Therefore, nothing is on hold. You are being helped. But it’s important that you listen to your bodies; that you notice what you eat and how it’s being metabolised. Each of you is a different organism. Don’t look for a solution in someone else. Taste and flavour are yours, not someone else’s. So find your own alternatives. And you may be surprised by them.

Be certain, my sons and daughters, that we are with you at this time. We are helping everyone who wants to improve. We’re there together, giving you ideas, and helping you to change. Believe that. But don’t torture yourself. Don’t make the process of change uncomfortable. Because it won’t happen that way.

Translated by I Arantes

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