Dear sons and daughters of Planet Earth! I AM MARY!
I come with joy in my heart, but at the same time, with much concern. Sons and daughters, empty your minds and don’t let hatred, prejudice, discrimination, and separation take over. We have said that a great negative mass besets the planet, so I would like to explain one point, the reasons. Those who have been doing long, tiring, challenging work to go towards the enlightened path to the Fifth Dimension have learned a lot, changed their concepts, and eliminated many beliefs. And this work has been very profitable because it has shown you the path of evolution. It has made your souls remember where they came from and why they are here.
None of this is lost; the lesson learned should at least be kept and continued. We have treated and cleansed your souls, and this has been an excellent step for the vast majority in removing the burdens of pain and the causes and experiences of suffering. So why are many of you not managing to stay a part of this process? Yes, my sons and daughters, there’s still much for you all to learn. If you were effectively ready, you wouldn’t be going through any of this. But some of you still need to learn how to find and see yourself as you are.
Nothing happens by chance in the universe; everything has a reason. So this great mass is awakening the true self in many. Because many are mistaken, many had masks, but they have fallen, and all are now being who they indeed are. So to accuse this group of causing so many problems isn’t entirely fair. It’s only seeking out those who vibrate with it, in the same range, and making them manifest, showing themselves, and dropping their masks. So it’s doing an excellent service.
Because there’s no longer any way of fooling anyone, there’s no way to lie or cheat, as you say. Everything is crystal clear, and each of you are genuinely being who you truly are. Don’t feed the great mass with prejudice, judgment, separation, attacks, violence, and wars. You are all being true, and we can now know each one of you exactly as you are. Not us, you, of course, because we see the soul and the heart. And at this time, the hearts that were not so enlightened were becoming darker and darker, because they resembled this negative mass, filled with hatred, prejudice, and evil.
So, sons and daughters, what is truly happening? What’s happening is that the truth is out there, bouncing around for all to see. And more and more of you will see more and more truths; more and more of you will know everything as the masks fall off, and I can tell you that you will be very disappointed in those you idolize. Of course, not all; many are what they truly are and are children of the Light. But a large majority has deceived everyone on the planet and will soon be unmasked. That is what this mass is doing; they are paying the price for what they have always been, and they will no longer be able to hide. Because they are within it, and it’s as if it’s saying, “You are mine, so show yourself as you are; stop lying!” And this will happen. So my sons and daughters, those who are in that mass, are there because they want to be there; they weren’t thrown in or pushed in. They are within it because they are vibrating along with what it preaches, vibrating feelings that are not part of unconditional Love.
Don’t be scared, don’t be fearful; whoever is out is out. Those vibrating along with it will go through whatever happens; they have no choice. Sons and daughters, don’t ever forget that there is a choice for those on the path of the Light who want to enter this mass and for those in this mass who want to return to the path of Light. There is always a choice; there’s no judgment on our part. We are all here with outstretched hands and open arms, waiting for each one who wishes to leave this mass and do everything possible to stay on the path of Light, without passing judgment. But, of course, you will have to walk a long way to get rid of all you have provoked.
Don’t think that the simple fact that you decide not to vibrate in that mass anymore erases everything you have done; of course not. But I could say that you go back to the end of the line and take that road to ascension again. But you will be put on it and go through whatever is necessary for your evolution again. But you will be given that right. Whoever decides to stay in this mass, vibrating with it, is also making a choice, and they increase their quota to be disposed of later. So, what can I say, my sons and daughters, that I am concerned, yes, because many of those who were in the way of the Light got carried away by this mass, and they were unable to perceive that they have become trapped, as you say, “up to their hair” in this mass.
That worries me because many of us already knew that some would have made wrong choices and, up until now, still don’t realize what they have done. But that’s what free will is there for—for each one to choose their own path and choose what they want to follow. Then only those who are outside will see all the rotten things that exist in their world and have been hidden for so long. Those who are inside may not believe what they will see; they will think that it is all a lie because they can no longer see anything with the eyes of truth. Everything is deceitful and provocative, so it won’t make much difference if you are already inside.
Our arms are open, our hands outstretched; all it takes is a simple choice, and each of you will be able to take a new path or go back to the old one. Too bad it will be at the end of the line again, but at least we will be certain that everything you have learned was not in vain and was not thrown away. You are aware of the right path you must follow.