Nada – Journey of Forgiveness – Seventh Turn

Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM MASTER NADA!

It is with great joy and great satisfaction in my heart that I am here again on this Forgiveness Journey. Today concludes my participation in this journey; a journey of pure learning, a journey of elevation, a journey of freedom. If you could look back at yourselves before the first day of this journey and see yourselves today, you would be amazed at the difference in your souls. Yet, today you can believe it. You are bright spots of Light and incredibly dazzled by so much Light.

There are still connections. Yes, there are. However, the blood connections are the ones that cause the most problems. They are the ones that bring the wrong beliefs and often bring closed paths, illnesses, and a lot of misfortune. So you have pretty much eliminated all of them. And what would the other connections be? Remember, you are souls from different worlds, other planets. So these other connections come from other lives and dimensions outside this planet. It’s not yet time to release them. But I can tell you that it has been a significant shift for many souls here on this planet for millennia. It has been a great cleansing of all this time of imprisonment and receiving ideas, concepts, and beliefs that no longer fit in today’s world.

Your world has many souls that have lived through the barbarian times of your existence. They have not yet been able to free themselves of those feelings, of power, of thinking that they can do whatever they want without any consequence. This time is ending because each soul has a sentence that will be the fruit of all it has caused. There will be no bargaining of any kind. Nothing in your world will be sufficiently valuable to change this because of the Universal Laws that make this process happen and not the men’s laws.

Then, because of the degree of non-evolution, many will know barbarity again and go back to live on planets where violence and life-keeping will be constant. They will learn to value what they never did here. So each soul has already signed its sentence. Some are still trying to change, to evolve. Some succeed, some don’t, but they are trying, which is fascinating. So we are there together, giving strength to these souls to find the right path.

It is not only you, the evolved souls, who will have the chance to ascend. Many souls on this planet are following this path, they find it interesting and are following it, and most probably, they will be able to ascend. They are highly empowered and enlightened souls who quickly walk the path of evolution and ascension. Those attached to this world, power, and all sorts of feelings contrary to the Light already have their sentence in their hands. It is not a judgment. There was no judge; they just received the bill for all they provoked. It is as if every act, every thought, every word said for so long had a weight, and today that weight is being added up and, according to the result, defines where that soul will go.

This is the sentence, but no judge or anyone sitting behind a desk is judging. “You go; you don’t go!” Each one is getting the change, or rather, the result of what they have built up over time. Neither of us is involved, nor is Father/Mother God judging. It is the Universal Law of Action and Reaction. Many of you going through this journey also had a high bill; if you had chosen to stay as you were, you would not ascend. You would be taken out. But you have chosen to walk a path of evolution, of forgiveness, of asking for forgiveness, of releasing consciousness, of learning, and this gives you the discount on that large sum you had before.

Each step you take toward evolution deducts a little bit from that account. That is why you are not in the Fifth Dimension yet. You have not yet zeroed out everything you have done. We can’t just close our eyes and forgive everything. The point is not that we forgive. It’s that the Divine Laws forgive everything. But with each step forward, evolution, and demonstration of learning, this account will get smaller and smaller until it reaches the point where you are zeroed out and can evolve.

This is the process that is happening. It is not a process inherent only to evolved souls, to souls from other planets. Everyone on planet Earth has this right to evolve into the Fifth Dimension. Then, it is up to each soul to let go and choose to grow or stay on the path they are on today. You are following a very enlightened path. Those who have come this far can be assured that the bill has been settled for much forgiveness. By the way, what is the name of this journey?

So every broken connection has embedded in it a request for forgiveness or forgiveness itself. This is the journey: to forgive, to ask for forgiveness, and to get rid of everything that held you back, that added up to that very high bill that you had. Today the account is low. It is getting lower every day if you just keep following this path. It is not about finishing this journey, forgetting everything, or returning to being what you were before. You don’t really have the connections anymore, but you still have the free will to follow the path of Light or not.

So, if you choose not to follow the path of Light, I’m sorry to tell you that everything will come back. All this journey will be useless because each connection eliminated will return. All the weight you once had will return to that immense account, and you will lose everything. Nothing is definite. When will it be definite? I tell you, it never will. Even when you are in the Fifth Dimension, you will be taken to training and treatment if you emanate negative feelings. If you continue emanating negative emotions, you won’t remain in the Fifth Dimension.

So it’s a process that never ends. It’s a process that tends to go forward, but if you choose to come back, that’s okay. You’ll get back on the path again. So as you finish this journey, don’t forget: You need to keep all you have learned and all those broken connections. And how do you do that? By emanating love, lots of love. Because the bond comes back when you emanate any feeling toward your family members whose bonds have been broken. Just a feeling of anger or hatred, and the connection comes back.

So learn what you have accomplished so far. If you feel you will slip, ask for our help, and we will help you stay balanced and loving always. Don’t try to do it alone because you certainly can’t. So be very careful what you feel. Any feeling other than love or positive feeling calls you back. And then you would have to make the whole journey again. So, do you want this? I don’t think so. So when you have any feeling other than love, call on us immediately, and we will certainly help you over that hurdle.

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