Nada – Journey of Forgiveness – Third Round

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful blue planet! I AM MASTER NADA!

To participate once more in the Journey of Forgiveness is a reason for great joy and expansion of my heart. I notice the souls freeing themselves from the chains and ties imposed along time, which is so rewarding. The entire process aims to bring back the confidence and force each soul essentially has inside. So many souls don’t remember who they are anymore, their missions, or what they represent on this planet. Therefore, these souls lose the willingness to do something good for the Whole because they don’t feel they have the force to provoke a change, whether small or large.

Most souls on this journey know they must remember something. They don’t know precisely what, but they insist so there ahead they may be sure about this impulse that brought them here. Indeed, this is not an illusion. There is an objective in what these souls are going through. Freedom from those chains, feelings, and ties made on their own consciousness for so much time.

Each day and step you take, your souls lose a bit of what had been imprisoning them for so long. But, each piece that goes away, each cured point, brings more force and encouragement to proceed with the journey. The journey is long, but you can’t realize what is happening through your human consciousness. Many even can remember but not most. But, we know you are ready to see. Obviously, one day everything will be shown, and the great test will require you to forgive yourselves, without judgment, for so many errors.

Those who can see some scenes are more prepared and gradually are forgiving and becoming strongest and ready for what is coming. The third round is almost ending. We can say that the next round is a significant peak; you will be in the middle of the way. Many will start seeing things, and some will continue seeing nothing. It all depends on how each soul interprets what was made along the way. However, never forget that no matter what you see or will see, the most important is to have an open heart full of Unconditional Love for your soul.

There can’t be any judgment. The times were different, and societies were not like today. There is no way of judging something you do not live. That moment took to that decision. Today you think that decision was wrong but then did your soul have a choice? So, never judge. Whatever it is, the most horrifying, undignified act of your soul, do not judge them. Your souls don’t deserve judgment. If today you, in your human consciousness, are making this journey, it is because your soul brought you here. So then, doesn’t your soul deserve forgiveness?

Indeed, it does because not even we judge. How could you, a consciousness full of mistakes, judge your soul? The process involves emanating love and forgiveness. The way is sincere forgiveness after learning the lesson. Through this forgiveness, and only through it, your souls will be free. You must deeply surrender to this process. So, you will start quickly seeing, perceiving, and feeling all your souls have been, back in the good times, the golden times of this planet, when you were evolved souls.

Do not lose hope and faith. Continue in this journey, whatever it happens. Don’t give up. Even if it is difficult, painful, or distressing, never forget we are beside you. Just think of asking for help, and we will be there to comfort your heart and help you to forgive and ask for forgiveness.

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