Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM MASTER NADA!
Being here with all of you fills my heart with joy, and at the same time I give back much Light to each one of you who is with me here and now.
My brothers, you will still learn much. There is much that you have been which you have been guided to do and which are not correct. But there is is no use, at this moment, trying to change, modify, these habits, these customs. You are already going through a very difficult phase on the planet. So this isn’t the most appropriate time.
There will come a time when you will be ready to receive all the guidance regarding changes and new habits. Don’t think that the Fifth Dimension is boring, is joyless, that you are prevented from doing much. things. I ask each of you a question: Do you know full joy? But that joy that comes strong, immense, that takes over your whole body; it’s as if every cell in your body is joyful at that moment.
No, you don’t know it, because the full joy of the Fifth Dimension isn’t a moment, it isn’t something that makes you laugh or smile. Full joy is constant. Our hearts vibrate with joy all the time. There is no thought of problems because they don’t exist. The problems that you pass through on the planet don’t exist in the Fifth Dimension, because nothing is suffered to be achieved; nothing is battled to be achieved . Everything comes into your hands.
I would say that the magic of the Fifth Dimension will take you back to being children for a long time. Children in creating, children in playing, children in thinking. So don’t look at the Fifth Dimension as something dull and boring, where nothing happens because everything is perfect. No. There’s work, there’s planting, there’s harvesting, there’s trading, there’s partying, there’s full-on fun. We just don’t focus on ephemeral pleasures. If we have to dance all night, we will, and the best of all, without getting tired.
Everything is allowed, as long as it’s good for you and for the Whole. There is no competition. There is nothing that brings a being to a lower level or to a higher level. everyone is equal; everyone has the same rights. Of course there is organization, of course there are governments, leaders, but not like on the planet, where just one leader makes his decisions, correct or not, and can make an entire nation suffer. Decisions aren’t made in a single mind; decisions are to be debated and reach a consensus that is good for one and for the whole. We aren’t puppets shaking our heads because we are in the Fifth Dimension. We live normally, but at a much higher vibration where full joy is 100% of the time in our hearts and minds.
So when we start to question certain habits, don’t think it’s going to be boring. “Oh, I won’t be able to do anything else!”. That’s not it. Of course you will have a long time to adjust. You won’t go straight to the apex of the Fifth Dimension. You will have a long time of training, of understanding, to adapt or maybe not. It may be that when you get there, you not adapt to anything; you don’t accept the way of life, the rules.
Yes, we have rules. And in this case, if you don’t adapt, it’s all right; the choice will be yours. You’ll be taken to another planet, where you can continue to enjoy the pleasures you’ve always had, without any problems. This won’t be a punishment for you; on the contrary, we’ll be doing your pleasure. So don’t worry about what’s to come. Worry about what you live now, about so many bad habits, thoughts and ways that you have adapted to live.
Live within Love and Light. This is the great project of the moment: to live within Love and Light. And the closer you get to this project, the easier anything will be, because everything that comes from Love and Light is perfect. No disturbing, it isn’t boring, and it’s easy to fulfill. So fill your hearts with Love and Light. That’s all, because the rest will come easily, day after day.
TRANSLATION: Virginia Leite