Another cycle ends. Another one begins.
Is it worth looking back? Maybe, however, if we look back and identify our errors, failures, and the things we haven’t learned and need to improve. Looking back and judging ourselves won’t bring results. Evolution is learning going forward. So, it is worth looking back to learn the new path and avoid repeating what was not good, take new routes and make new choices.
We are used to making many promises to ourselves at the beginning of every year, but rarely do we fulfill them. So, what should we ask for this new cycle? It is not time to ask but to be grateful. Gratitude for being alive, having a family, a place to live, abundant table, gratitude for having a job, and living with dignity according to God’s precepts.
Many will say: “No, I can’t be grateful because I don’t have many of these things you named. I don’t have a house, an abundant table, a family, or a job. I don’t have a dignified life.” In this new cycle, it is not worth sitting down and crying or complaining about what has already happened. Still, it is worth dreaming, believing, and having faith. If we emanate good things, good things will come. However, when we complain, we are claiming again for the same stuff; nothing changes and never will.
So, why not dream and believe that tomorrow will be better? Why not think differently? You have been thinking for so long the same things and never changed; all are equal. So, why don’t you think differently? Try to think it is worth having a better life, and believe that tomorrow will be better. It is worth thinking that, with all the challenges, a brother is always in a situation much worse than yours.
So, the new cycle is the time to believe, have faith, and let the Love of God, Christ, Mary, of every illuminated being in the Universe fill your heart with much Light and Love. Above all, you should be grateful because you are alive. You are God’s spark, and it maintains you alive. So, feel thankful because you are a divine spark. Don’t complain; change your thoughts, vibrations, and everything you want.
What we put focus on expands and grows. So, if we focus on bad things, they grow and never improve. Conversely, we focus on good things, love, gratitude, hope, and faith. In that case, they will grow and certainly return because this is a Universal Law, the Action and Reaction Law. According to it, all we think, speak, feel, and do is emanated from the Universe and returns to us. Everything returns.
So, if we emanate bad things, they will come back to us; however, if we emanate positive feelings, they will come. Depending on the intensity of emanations, they will return with much more power. So, what’s the use of promises that we rarely fulfill? We should change our thinking, feelings, talk, and living to attract things that make us happy.
This is the message I brought you today at the end of this year. May 2023 be only another day, another year, but may you begin this new year with your heart full of light, love, and gratitude. You are not in this world now without reason. There is a reason for your existence. So, be grateful for your existence.
You are not invisible to the world, the Universe, and God’s eyes. So be grateful, and emanate love. These are the feelings, in fact, a few feelings, that are so powerful that they can change your life.