Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I ‘M MASTER NADA!
We are coming here, in sequence, to pass to you the last teachings within this whole process of evolution. You have already learned almost everything; what you need to learn now is how to find the Divine Presence within each one of you, your Higher Self, and in this way obtain all the answers, the paths, everything that is necessary for each moment.
Don’t depend on having only our messages for you to walk on. All that we had to teach has been taught, very little remains. Maybe we have even been too repetitive with some subjects, but these subjects are necessary to be repeated so that you can hear them in a different way.
There is so much learning left, but not told by us, the learning will have to be the effective actions every day, in relation to each learning. The time has arrived for you to apply all that you have received. You are used to having our energy supporting you, as if we were indispensable to your journey. You are wrong. The journey is each one’s journey, the journey is each one’s soul’s journey. Each one of you have your masters and to them you can also connect to ask for help, but not to lean on them.
The path has to be done with free hands, without support, with the mind focused on the here and now, on the execution, on the experience of each moment, because each feeling emanated in this instant will reverberate later on. So you can’t be too careful. You have to be very careful with what you think, with what you say, and with what you feel.
Understand, we have reached the most critical point in the journey, where you will now be subjected to the most critical points in your souls, so that you can effectively free yourself from all the energies emanating from and stored , and ingrained in your souls. The time to free yourselves from all this is now. The time comes for your souls to understand that they have to do their part. And how to do this? Who is the current representative of your soul? It is you. So you have to want this, you have to see yourself constantly loosing, letting go of all these feelings that have been emanated or experienced by your soul.
And how to do this? You have already been given many tools to do this. The current lightning walk seems so simple, many would even say, “It seems to have no action, it seems to have no power. So I tell you that the power of this walk is in you, not in the walk itself. The walk is like a portal that is always there, but it is you who choose to go through the portal. We don’t keep pulling anyone through the portal.
So as you go through this Second Ray Walk, you go through 7 portals, and each one of them, as you go through them, destroys a lot of energies stored uselessly, for they will be of no value to your souls. Many will say: “So if I do it several times, each time I will be cleaning myself more and more?” Yes, that is the great objective: to let yourself be enveloped by all the energy of this walk, to let yourself be enveloped by the energy of each one of us, and little by little, you will realize that many things will change on your paths.
The ease, the harmony, the prosperity, will become more and more present, because this is all part of the Light, and with each step you take on the journey, you take a big step towards the Light. At this moment many still question why it isn’t released for all? Many still cling and complain and speak ill because they can’t afford the walk. I will tell you just one point: Everyone has reached the point they need to reach. Each one has reached the conditions he or she needed to have. Then you will understand that this walk isn’t for you? You can understand that, and I will tell you something else: If the conditions aren’t there for you to have this walk, it’s because you aren’t really ready for it; you should repeat the first walk many more times, because I assure you that each one of you who took the first walk with a lot of love, getting rid of everything that was in the respective bags, the universe brought the conditions for you to take the Second Walk.
So I would say that this is, let’s say, a proof. Those who haven’t managed to have the conditions yet aren’t meant to have them. Look at your walk with much love and no ego; and you will understand that you aren’t ready yet, that you still need to empty many bags, until you can set foot on the Second Walk. And the day you are ready, the conditions will come, and you will know that it is time for you to make the Second Walk. Now if you still don’t trust that, if you think that the universe will never help you, then I tell you again, you aren’t ready yet, you still need to get rid of many beliefs and dogmas that you still carry.
Not everything can come easily in your hands; it depends on the point of the journey. And more and more it will be like this, because when you do what we tell you to do in a way that is easy to obtain, it doesn’t have much value; you get desperate, you run after it, you get anxious, but when it comes to actually doing it, you do it for the sake of doing it, you don’t fully give in. I’m not talking about everybody here, I’m talking about some. So if we put everything within everyone’s reach there would be no more commitment, because you would have everything in your hands and I might add that it would be difficult for you to go through the walks in the right way.
Each soul has its own way. Each being on this planet has its quota of prosperity that comes from this and other lives, but each being also on this planet, if he has faith and confidence, finds the way, finds the form to get what he wants. This is also a learning process. Don’t judge those who have better financial conditions than you; it’s each one’s path, and it doesn’t matter if it was in a legal way or not, each one will reap what they sowed. At some point you will reap. And I can tell you that this moment has already arrived.
So, each one has a road, each one has a soul path, each one has the path that his or her own soul has prepared, and there is no use in judging it, there is no use in blaspheming against it, because at this moment you have the power of the Light in your hands, you have the power of change in your hands, you have the power of the evolution point of the planet in your hands; and you can change all of this, you just have to believe in your heart and see everything with love, only love.
Looking back on your own journey is not easy, because when you look at it without judgment, you can see all the wrong things you’ve done, and if at that moment you forgive yourself and understand that at that moment it was what had to be done, you take a leap in consciousness; you no longer judge yourself, you no longer criticize yourself, you just start looking forward with the awareness that you shouldn’t repeat what was done back there. But never forgetting that there will be a feeling there which is forgiveness; to forgive or to be forgiven. This feeling will have to go along with the wrong things you have done.
Each of you, connect with your Divine Presence. Feel it flooding your whole body with pure love, and in that moment, ask for forgiveness and forgive everyone, all along your soul walk. No matter the time, no matter who. Do this act daily if possible, and you will be increasingly rid of all the bad energies that you have emanated or received, and each time you pass through that portal within the walk, those energies will be taken away from you, because they are no longer good for anything. And the walk will become lighter and lighter.
Try it. Do this process, but it has to be done with much love, from the bottom of your heart. I will leave you with a little exercise, easy to do. The connection to the Divine Presence is made by being connected to Gaia and Source. These two connections take you to the Divine Presence in your heart. Make these connections and watch your hearts glow. When you feel the warming in your chest, there is the Divine Presence, and in this solemn moment, forgive and ask forgiveness of all who have passed through your soul walk.
As you see, it is an easy exercise, but it needs to be done with faith and confidence. If you do this exercise constantly, a transformation will happen in your hearts, will happen in your journeys. And as you pass through each portal of the journey, all that energy that no longer serves you will be transmuted into Love and Light, returning to the planet and to your brothers and sisters.
So look at this beautiful work. You help yourselves and help your neighbor. Do you perceive that you don’t need us to elevate you? You just need to be, each one of you, in your Divine Presence, that is the path , that will bring each one of you gradually into the Fifth Dimension.
Translation: Virginia Leite