Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM KALIGHAL, commander of the Pleiadian ship!
My heart fills with joy when I can be here so close to all of you. Be assured that I feel every heart that misses my messages, but everything has its own time, my brothers. We are not here to speak foolish words, or to show off by coming here constantly. There has to be a purpose, there has to be a reason. So today I just want to bring a sublime energy, a positive energy, an energy of Love and much Light.
Our appearances are intensifying every day, and be sure that many beings on the planet are already beginning to admit that there may indeed be other beings in the universe. Only their hearts do not yet reflect peace and tranquility, but fear and many would even say dread, but soon, very soon, these views will be changed, because we will show you that we are here to help you, not to attack you, not to hurt you in any way.
Our hearts are hearts totally filled with Unconditional Love, so we would never do anything to assault, transform, change, try to manipulate the mind of anybody on this planet, or on any other planet in the universe. So today I’m going to fill this message with a little bit of the past.
We have been on your planet for a long time, we are the basis of your genetics. When the being of this planet was created many genes from extraterrestrial beings were used, and for the most part, ours is present. We brought knowledge, we brought evolution to your planet millions of years ago; whole civilizations were based on our teachings.
No, I’m not here puffing myself up by saying that only we participated in this process, no, many other races were united with us in this great project, Arcturians and Sirians, mainly, but I can assure you that most of it is ours. We practically infused everything that exists on your planet today. So, we know that at some point in the trajectory we also made mistakes, as if we had abandoned you to the fate of those who arrived here.
We are not going to redeem ourselves here, nor are we going to keep giving explanations, because the process of the arrival of these beings here was part of the context, part of the experience of the Earth, of the experience that would be lived on this planet for all of the last few years, or I can even say the last few millennia. So there was nothing we could do, and we were part of the whole deal of the project. But the human race got carried away, got on board with those ideas. No, we are not blaming anyone here, because many until today have not let themselves be involved. So there was always free will.
Yes, was there manipulation? Yes, there was. Was there connection impediment? Yes, there was. This part we cannot deny, but I would say that it all came from the human consciousness itself, from those humans who were here and who wanted to hold power over the whole planet. So there was a conjunction of ideas, there was an agreement of ideas for sovereignty on the planet itself. But if we were to stay here telling you the story it would take too long for us to tell you everything, and be sure that one day you will know everything, step by step, day by day, how it all happened, and all the answers will come to your minds.
We have nothing to hide, no one does, and there is no hiding, because the truth is there, the truth will be free, totally open, for all to know. It will only take a lot of Unconditional Love for you to understand the great project that was designed for this planet and its inhabitants. Nothing here has happened by chance or by carelessness. This project of planet Earth is still in progress, but its days are numbered.
You can, if you wish, ask your own Masters to bring you the truth; yes, you can. Everything is written in the channels of the universe. All events, all decisions, are recorded in the Akashic Records of the universe, and especially in the Akashic Records of planet Earth. I only say that opening these Records, at this moment may not be a good idea, because you still judge, you still cannot perceive things as they really are. You still get carried away by your beliefs and by everything that you have learned over this time. Then there would be too much judgment, and that would not be good for you.
Then curiosity will have to be kept at bay, for those who effectively want to continue the path. ” Oh, but curiosity is immense I want to know!” You have free will assume the consequences of what you come to understand or learn. I will tell you only one thing: It will take a lot of Unconditional Love for you to understand. Nothing is what it seems, nothing is what you understand. There is a greater plan, and it is not a plan of God the Father/Mother to punish the earthly humanity; it is a plan that was created precisely for the being to exercise his free will, to have the possibility to choose the Source or the non-Light. This was the great project, and here is the result.
So contain your curiosity, because in the future you won’t even have to ask to know the truth, because it will come to your human consciousness like a memory, like a movie, and you will remember everything in detail if you want to. To be in the Fifth Dimension is to be able to navigate through time to whenever you want, because there is no timeline; time is always the here and now, and wherever your mind takes you. Then you will know in detail with lucid and vivid scenes everything that happened, and how your souls contributed to it all.
Oh, don’t think that your souls were in a box seat or in a big stadium watching everything, the vast majority here actively participated in the whole process, including the fall of consciousness. So where will the judgment be, on you, on your souls, or on the great process? So understand, there is no point in running after it now, just wait a little while and you will understand everything in a correct way, without judgments. There is no point in going back to the past to understand all this.
So why did I come here to tell you this? Only because many are wondering why extraterrestrial beings are approaching the planet, why are they here? What do they want with us? So the answer is nothing more than for us to take back that initial project long before the fall of consciousness on this planet, and give you back all that this planet once was. This is our mission now, to free you from all the yoke of all the manipulation that has been done to you, and to give you back all that you had, so that little by little your own souls will remember all that they lived here and all that they did then, and that they can repeat in the present moment.
I can tell you that the transformation on your planet is intense. So much happening at the same time and so fast, but don’t forget that you have also changed. Throughout this time you have changed, and you will change faster and faster, and it could be that a lot will come to your mind without you asking. So just be aware of everything that comes, and try, as much as possible, to look at everything with Unconditional Love, without judgment, not against you or any race. Everyone participated.
If you feel more comfortable, let us say we are all responsible. Nobody here can be absolved of any blame, everybody was responsible, everybody participated in the process. So we are all here again to fix it; that’s a word you understand. So let’s fix everything again, to prepare this planet to be much better than it once was, because today you have the consciousness you didn’t have a millennia ago, and we hope that with that you can create a new Earth, a new planet, more evolved than it once was.