Dear Brothers from Planet Earth, I AM KALIGALl Commander of the Pleiadian Ship!
We have been quite happy with so many solicitations and requests that we show ourselves in your skies. And when I say we are here, I am not referring only to my Pleiadian brothers but to all brothers in your skies. We have done our best to answer each request. We like to flash a Light here and there, and respond to each one that calls out to us. We are no longer hiding, but amusingly, those who contest our existence for their own interests always make countless excuses and lies to justify what you see, and many, in this way, still doubt our existence.
We cannot say when we will appear; we are already emerging. But the day will come when we will all appear together, covering the skies of your planet. Not as a threat, as many will understand, because they will be incited to spread fear of an invasion. We will only show that we are there; we will not stay long. We will show off and return to our dimension, just so that the consciousness of many gets expanded and so that many may understand that they have been deceived. This is how the revelations will happen, little by little, because our simple appearance will cause many to create various stories.
And we know that a lot will happen in our name to cause even more fear. Understand that they are not worried about hurting you; they still want to keep the lie, the deception that was done over centuries and centuries. Unfortunately, we can only avoid a few things because many vibrate with their energy. We are doing our best to protect those who are our allies and who respect us in every way, and we will do so until the end. But now, a lot is being manipulated and programmed on your planet. Not by us but by those who are still there, and we know about every step they take.
But it would be best if you went through many things to understand the importance of each action taken. So be it for each soul incarnated there or in past times. Every soul on this planet is being led to go through their own lessons, with greater or lesser intensity. This depends on each person’s path. So we cannot intervene; those who accompany each soul—the Higher Self of each one of them—are the ones who know the journey of each one. And the Masters of each soul lead each one to the right place at the right time. So whatever happens, please don’t blame us for anything.
It won’t be our appearance that will cause the problems; the problems will be caused because they were already programmed to happen; it’s part of the game. And about that, we can’t do anything; we’ll show up to tell you: We are here, as we always said we would be! And that will be enough to provoke many people’s rages and cause a significant imbalance. However, living a lie will not take you to the Fifth Dimension. It’s what has always been said: the truths will not be easy to swallow, and this is the smallest. So there will be a lot of upheavals, yes, because you have been deceived, everyone has, as if this planet is the only one in the universe and all the attention of Father/Mother God is focused here; there is nothing out there! Very pretentious. Father/Mother God, creating a universe so big, so immense, just for one planet, for one only race.
And many still believe in this and will see that this is a lie, that they have been deceived. How will we be received? With Love by many, but with hatred by some, fear by others, and rage by others. Rage because living a lie is better; not everyone likes to know the truth. Many have adapted so much to lying that it is comfortable to live like this. But within the path of evolution of this planet lies something that no longer fits. The truth will come out, very ugly and intense, and that will cause a great revolution on this planet. Each one will choose their path: either to choose the Light and leave aside everything else or to stick themselves in this boiling cauldron of hatred and rage, which will settle on the planet.
Everyone will have a choice because everyone will know everything and what awaits them on one path or another. So my brothers keep calling and asking us to show up because this is already making many minds think. Although they still don’t believe it, they have let themselves accept that they are things of their world. Indeed, satellites walking in a row and in a circle are things of your world, but we are already making some minds think. So ask us more and more to show up, and these will be brief appearances, but we will gradually start to show our fleet.
The big surprise will be our motherships, because these are immense and indestructible by your weapons. On that day, then, we will initiate our contact, and we already know today and now who we will contact and how our visit to your planet will be. And there and then, a New Era will begin. At the time when there will be nothing left to hide, it will be up to each of you to decide which path to follow. And effectively, each one will follow their path—to the Fifth Dimension—for those who choose it. For others, the freedom to continue following the Third Dimension once more, it will be your choice.