Pleiadians – We Look Forward to First Contact

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth! I am KALIGAL! Commander of Pleiadian ship.

I think you can tell my joy and vibe. Yes, we are all dressed for a party, we have put on our best clothes because we want to look good for you. Since we will cause some astonishment, dread, and fear, at least we will be sure that nobody will say that we are in tattered or dirty clothes; we will look very elegant.

Of course, wisdom and evolution have made us abandon many feelings. Still, we cannot deny that we are also anxious; it is not an anxiety that is bad for us. On the contrary, it is an anxiety that is good to be experienced because we are waiting for the big moment. We have been on the surface of your planet a long time, all the time.

You can’t see us, but we have been walking there for long distances so that our bodies get a little used to the dense energy of the planet. We certainly won’t be able to stay there for long. Still, we have already managed to stay for a few hours without this damaging our physical clothing and our energy.

We are getting ready. Contact will happen. Of course, we will not contact everybody; we know precisely and see and feel the heart of every inhabitant of this planet. So we know those who respect and love us and that we will be able, after the first impact … yes, I will speak softly because there will be an impact for us too. We are different from you, and you are different from us; the effect will be mutual.

Of course, we have learned to observe and see what you look like today. I think we know about every type on the planet, but you don’t know us. You imagine us by some pictures or figures (which some insist on saying are our images), but in reality, you don’t know what we are like. Few have ever seen us and made contact with us, and they have no interest in exposing us, saying that we are this way or that way.

So don’t think that it will be only you who will be a little surprised to see us there, so close, so near, in the distance of a handshake or an action that you usually share on the planet, which is the hug. We are used to living in Unconditional Love. It’s not that we don’t have moments of affection; of course, we do, but we don’t need to show it all the time because the one who is next to us knows that we love him unconditionally. So we don’t need to show our Love.

We demonstrate Love through care, attention, the harmony of our family, the joy of our descendants, and the harmony of our meetings. But, of course, we don’t need to have this close contact all the time to show our Love; it is something we are not used to doing. And we admire some of your customs, like hugging and kissing in a demonstration of Love, friendship, and respect (sometimes even fake), but you are used to it.

So we have been preparing ourselves to live this moment. And I will confess that I really want to experience the action of a hug. This energy exchange is so deep and beautiful. You do it when you are happy and meet someone you love, or for whatever reason. So it will be a great learning experience for us.

So, I would say that each of us has experienced some of your customs. We have tried your food, your drinks. But, of course, we make a point of having everything very natural; the processed ones don’t come into our ships. And I can tell you, we have been growing many things and harvesting within our vessels, in pure environments, without the chemicals you put in your food. And we have enjoyed many flavors and will take them with us.

This planet is prosperous, with an absurd diversity of edibles and minerals. Rare planets in the Universe have so much variety. And Father/Mother God has allowed us to take a little bit from here to our homes, to our planets, and show our people how interesting your habits are.

Of course, we no longer need physical food as you do. We feed on energy, but we can choose to eat yes, and we will have, so to speak, more abundance, more variety to the experience. I can say that this planet will be doing school throughout the Universe. And we will also bring to you what we have. It will be an exchange because we also have good food and drinks. We have already tested our drinks, and they are so rich in nutrients that a glass of them would be enough to feed a family. This will be very important in bringing health to your people, for those who agree to drink it.

Nothing will be imposed. We will make the offer, and those who want will take it. Indeed everything is being done with so much Love. So many will see in that tiny glass the opportunity to satisfy their hunger instantly, as if it were a big energy pill, and may even feed their children.

So it’s all an exchange. We are not only taking from your planet but also bringing technology that will end the consumption of the planet’s attributes. Advanced clean technology will mean you no longer have to destroy the planet to have energy and pure water. Technology to eliminate your garbage, clean your oceans and animals, and many other things we will bring as a gift. We will ask nothing. I speak here, not only by the Pleiadians but on behalf of all the galactic brothers around your planet. Each one will bring an evolution to this planet.

So we are looking forward to this moment. How wouldn’t we be anxious to look at your oceans and see no more floating garbage? How not to be expecting to look at all the humans and see them healthy and fed? How can we not look at the skies and see its clean, pure air, free of pollution? So we want to do this soon, quickly.

So we are looking forward to starting working together with you. We will not be the ones to bring in, impose, and do everything ourselves. It will be a co-participation; you will be with us learning how to reproduce the technology and use it because tomorrow we will leave. You will stay here, keeping it running.

We are looking forward to it, and we know it is very close. We have been warned. So it’s like we are always, with our clothes hanging out, ready to put on quickly and be all nice and neat, waiting for the big moment.

In the hearts of some, I see the same anxiety. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that in all these processes, we hope most that we can open our arms and receive a hug, just as you do among yourselves. Without fear, without any kind of repulsion, just letting your Love emanate, which we know is not yet Unconditional Love. Still, we do know that you know how to love.

If you can give us a hug, we will be sure you have already learned Unconditional Love. And learned to love what is different, that you have already learned to love what is strange to you. And this moment will reverberate in the Universe, and everyone will know: “Humans know. The humans on planet Earth know how to love unconditionally.

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