Rafael – Balance and Disease

Dear brothers from Planet Earth, I AM RAFAEL!

Today, I find that many of you are aware of balance and what it means to be in balance. Human bodies have been created perfect, free from disability and disease. So why do your bodies get sick? Why are there so many problems?

Balance is a set of organs and cells functioning harmoniously, at the same rhythm, and with the same purpose. The thing that removes, alters, or breaks this balance, this harmony, is primarily feelings. Feelings of high vibration such as joy, love, harmony, happiness, friendship, and many others that bring joy to the heart are energies with very high vibrations. Through the emission of one of these feelings, one or the other, an aura of positive energies is created around you. They attract everything positive that is in the universe and all around you. And your cells and organs receive that elevated energy, and it’s as if they receive lubrication and work harder, with more joy, keeping your body more balanced, if that’s possible.

And this aura of positive energy wards off illnesses because nothing harmful will be able to manifest itself in an elevated cell, in a cheerful cell, in a happy cell—nothing. What are diseases? Diseases are the result of imbalances in your cells. The cells lose the power to fight; they lose the power to stay active; they lose the power not to be invaded; and they become slave cells to that negative process that is coming, whether internal or external. But how does this imbalance settle in?

So let’s talk about low-vibration feelings: anger, resentment, sorrow, hate, sadness, disappointment, lack of love, fear… Ahh, especially fear. What are these feelings triggering? They are very low vibrations and alter your cells because they start to vibrate slowly, they start to vibrate without strength, without spirit, without joy, and they allow themselves to be swept away by everything, opening the doors to any imbalance.

Understand that everything you are going through today is due to the external environment, which has promoted all these feelings, mainly fear. You were created and live based on fear. Fear imposed by religions, fear imposed by violence, fear imposed by other human beings—always fears, always unbalanced. The most important part of this whole process is your consciousness, your way of thinking, acting, and seeing the world.

Those who are sick but manage to overcome all the negative feelings accompanying the disease sometimes even recuperate because they have managed to reverse this situation. Others extrapolate the body’s limit; it’s as if you spent a lifetime vibrating low, hurting your cells and bodies, and suddenly you woke up: “From today on, I will vibrate very high.” But how long did you vibrate low? It won’t take a day, two days, or three days to fix everything. You need to reincarnate several times because the power of destruction of these feelings is immense, much greater than positive ones. Because cell memory starts to produce sick cells, not healthy cells anymore, and for you to reverse the situation of these cells, it would take a lot of will and a lot of focus so that you could change all the programming of your cells.

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s a lengthy and complicated process. That’s why many of you are treating yourselves holistically, balancing yourselves, and changing your ways of thinking and living. But the cure doesn’t come; it is still far away, your bodies still suffer, it’s not a quick process, and it takes time. It takes a lot of struggle, treatment, and focus for your cells to effectively change and start vibrating in harmony and balance.

The question is: Is it worth trying or not? I would say it’s always worth it because, in this attempt to balance your cells, you are generating a new journey. You learn to be mindful of what it is to be a body, a balanced and positive human being. So it’s always worth it, and be assured that something always changes. You may not achieve that desired cure, but you may notice that something improves and that you can maintain more balance. So don’t give up; this is the way; never give up. And depending on the focus, the constancy, the attempts, and believing that it is possible, you may not even feel anything anymore because the equilibrium will be so great that even if your cells continue to multiply wrongly, the force of positive energy is already starting to compensate you. So, the pain and suffering is barely noticeable because you reach balance.

Where can we go from here? Change your minds, change your vibrations, and slowly you will see that all is possible. But the first and most important point will always be the shifting in thinking and acting. This is the way, believe in it and you will see how much you will gain.

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