Rafael – Message from the Code of Light

Dear Brothers and sisters from the planet Earth! I AM RAFAEL ARCHANGEL!

I bring with me, a green recipient, with water inside. And I energize this water, the same way I will energize the water from the Code of Light, so you can receive this energy of balance, of healing. Helping your bodies in the actual transformation.

This water will be mixed with the water that you put in the water. Don’t worry; each one of you will have a little bit of this water. This water will be the whole weekend , being energized and raising each time more its power. On Monday, when you drink this water, notice the difference. For sure you will notice.

To bring the balance and the healing, it is not something easy, to reach you the way you need. Yes, we have for sure, the capacity to heal, but you must be ready to be healed. You must eliminate the fountain, the source, of many disturbances that you have. And when I say eliminate, it is really eliminate; it is not to have anymore, do not produce more, do not ingest anymore. And I would be here speaking for a long time about what not to do.

Many of you ask yourselves, why is it so difficult, when asked the healing, to receive this grace? The difficulty is not on us. The difficulty is in all of you to wish and believe effectively in healing. Wish to pass for a whole transformation, a whole process of changing, to then effectively become healed.

Don’t think that what we do there is no power. We don’t need much. You need. So, if you search for the healing of any illness, search it inside you. Watch the way of living in all senses. And maybe you will find, the main point of maintenance of your illness. And why maybe and not certainly?

Because deep inside, it is necessary to have a full detachment and trust, on what is being done, for the healing to happen affectively. Many are healed and you call them miracles. No. We did not do anything. The miracle was made by the person who believed. It was the person that put so much strengh, so much belief in the process, that reached the healing, to change oneself, to go one step up at the stairs of evolution.

Do not attribute the miracles to us. The miracles are done by yourselves. That is why not everybody is taken care of. We don’t have judgment. Even if was part of your journey, it would be challenging for us to deny the healing. Cause suffering does not make a part of God’s Mother/Father designs. What is part of your journey is, created by you; and many times kept by you. Think about it.

The message from the Code of Light is this:

“My body is my strength.

My body is my experience.

My body may be pure balance.

It is enough that I love it the most for that.”

When you have finished, say this word 3 times: Maniterium! Maniterium! Maniterium!

We can only, guide na easier way for healing: the balance. Seek balance. Do not seek healing effectively. Seek for keep yourselves in balance, this way the ilness does not manifest. And you can live calmer.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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