Rowena – Continue Climbing the Long Road towards Ascension

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM ROWENA!

I come here today with much joy, squandering much Love and Light to you. In this moment of your journey, it’s essential to maintain the equilibrium and seek to tread the correct path. You went through quite a transformative process in your souls. Now, your minds must consolidate all that for the process to happen simultaneously in your souls and minds.

Each day, when waking up, be grateful for the whole journey, and be thankful for living all these experiences. Remember that the journey is not available for everyone, not because they don’t see it, but because they don’t want to participate. And you have consciousness and an understanding of everything that this is bringing to you. For some, it has been easy; for many, it has been challenging and complicated.

But always think about the following: everything in the universe has a beginning and an end. Yes, even energies come into being, and if they are not maintained, they end. We try to make the energies remain active at all times, but we have to charge them for that. So always think that this whole process, which now seems so complicated, will have an end. However, this end is associated with learning. If you go through the process and learn, the lessons to be learned close forever. But if tomorrow you repeat the same mistake, that lesson returns with greater intensity and only ends when treated again.

Suffering is only maintained if you charge it if you provide it with energy. If you don’t try to solve suffering and always keep it aside without giving due importance, that energy remains. So why not put an end to each problem? We are all around you, ready to help you decide and take a direction, however difficult it may be. We give strength to your hearts; we give Unconditional Love for you to be able to find the way out, to find the path. Don’t ever doubt that. But we need permission, we need your request, we can’t do anything without your permission. So to request our help, we’ll have much Love to give you, to help you go through each difficult stage of that journey.

I would say the following: look ahead as a road with nothing else on the sides; it is a road with no end. You are climbing, there’s no way to know how much road there’s still on the top of the mountain, but deep down, you see an extremely shining Sun. So you know that you are moving towards Light. You’re not following the path of darkness. Although the road may be difficult and climbing hard, there will be Light at the end of that road. But not this Light that you are used to. There will be perfect Light, the Light of Unconditional Love.

So do not lose heart; do not be discouraged. The top of that road is the passport to receive all that Light. Sometimes it looks like that road extends a little more, and that is not an illusion. It shortens and expands as you learn the lessons. It shrinks when you understand the lessons; if you maintain the lessons and there is no learning, it extends for you to continue on that point, not going beyond that obstacle. So, the more you do for yourselves, for your souls, the more this road shortens. Until the day comes in which you will reach that top. What’s on the other side is a great surprise; you have no idea what will be there.

So, just look into the horizon, look at that extremely high road. It isn’t low; it’s rather high, it’s a long climbing road, and the feeling you get is that the more you climb, the more road there is to walk. So, I would say that this is no illusion, but the road is not extending. It is just showing itself, for it is so long that its end wouldn’t fit in your eyesight. So, as you walk, it shows where and where it is leading.

But do not lose heart; do not be discouraged. This road has an end, and it is the Fifth Dimension. So keep walking on it; at each point of this vast climbing road, there are presents, improvements, and illuminated paths, where you start to see and learn more and more things. But it is a climbing road, and with each wrong move, you can slip down. And it is a long slip down; it hurts. But do not lose heart. Keep on climbing, climb again. Injured knees heal quickly. You must resume climbing, so it will be until you reach the top of that road.

Trust us; trust in all the Love that we’ve got to give you. So ask our help, and I will place each of you in that field of roses of mine, incredibly vibrant, beautiful, fragrant, and you may walk around them, for they have no thorns. It is a unique field where roses don’t hurt. They just embrace you. And in the middle of this field of roses, repeat the following:

“Roses are sweet.

Love is sweet.

The journey is not so sweet,

But my walking is steady, is tough, is brave.

And as I walk, I will make it extremely sweet!”

This is my contribution, so you can go through this period of stillness and balance yourself with my words and energy. My Rose Ray covers each one of you with much Love. Use and abuse this ray. It is pure Unconditional Love, and it will help you look at that rather long and high road with much faith, with much certainty that you will reach the top.

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