Rowena – Cover Yourself with My Pink Light

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!

It is with great joy that I can be here with you once again. Sharing our energy with you is something that brings us much pleasure and enjoyment. This division is not as you understand; the more we divide, the more energy increases. The process is a little different from the division of your world, this world that I once lived too. I understand and know what it is to be in the Third Dimension. But I also know that I look at my path today and see where I have come from, and I tell each of you that this path is possible. I can’t say that it is easy because we carry a lot of weight from all the incarnations we had before we evolved.

But when we take the first step toward evolution, each weight is transformed into Love, Light. And it ceases to be a burden. It becomes just teaching stored somewhere in our memory, no longer part of what we have lived. So evolution is a continuous process. Each of us who is now an Ascended Master continues on our way. We don’t stop in the Fifth Dimension, and we will never stop because we always need to be stronger and more enlightened to help more and more beings in the universe. That is our role; that is the role of every ascending being. So you can park in the Fifth Dimension and live on, years and years and years, or continue on the path of evolution.

This was the choice I made, and my journey continues to evolve. There are no feelings of superiority or being better than someone else. As I explained, the surface is to share the Love, the Light. And each time we share, this Love and Light increases in us and those who are part of this process. I can call you brothers, as we always have, because I come from where you are now. I know how hard it was to get where I am today. Still, all the change I have learned, transformed myself, and all that I have caused around and for everyone only makes me believe that I have never gone wrong, that I am here because I love who I am and what I do.

We are all together with you now, no matter what will happen on your planet, on this planet I once lived to. So you need to think of yourself, not the other, not what will happen. Everything that will happen, in whatever form, is already written by Father/Mother God. Each point in the planet’s evolution has been set in time, precisely what has to happen. So there is nothing to do. There is nothing to change. The only thing humanity can do is to vibrate Light, lots of Light so that the consequences of all the change on planet Earth are as small as possible.

Because where there is Light, suffering is alleviated, and sorrows are placated. So that’s all humanity needs, to emanate Light. Now, how it will be and what will happen don’t matter. You cannot judge the process that will occur. You don’t know a millionth of what the truth is on this planet. Even those who call themselves awake still find themselves picking on irrelevant and meaningless points, taking sides, idolizing people, fighting over people, and fighting over others’ ideas. Don’t let yourself be manipulated; you act with your heart, no longer with your mind. Forget what you are saying out there. You need to listen only to your Higher Self. Do not cling to any process because nothing is true; everything that is shown to you, presented to you by the Matrix, is false, is illusory. The Matrix is still there. It will only be destroyed when all those who keep it standing are destroyed.

So why worry about what will happen tomorrow? Your worry eliminates the Light, increases suffering, and increases pain because you are not looking inward at what is true. It would take all of you to isolate yourselves from the world in your own corner. Instead, you should look, see, hear nothing else, silence your mind’s voice and let only the Higher Self speak. If this were to happen, I guarantee you that in a short time, everyone would evolve, or at least those whose hearts belong to the Light. Because they would no longer be carried away by other people’s ideas, by other people’s prejudices, or by other people’s rules.

You would only hear the one who is the great conductor of each of you, the I Am Presence.

Until you do this, you will have doubts, idolize other humans, fight over other humans, impose your ideas, kill for your thoughts, and not evolve. Because you will be stuck with the Matrix, with all this illusion it has created, you are on the same level as it. To stay outside the Matrix you have to forget about the outside, look inside, to your heart, and listen only to your Higher Self, no one else. And when I say no one else, I mean no one else. It doesn’t matter if it is a mother, father, brother, husband, wife, son, or friend. It doesn’t matter.

You need to listen to your Higher Self, not the other’s opinion. We must respect those who don’t know how to listen to their Higher Self. Those who are still attached to other people’s ideas, those supposedly excellent, perfect, and beautiful, but which, deep down, are pure illusions. Just respect, say nothing, comment nothing; everyone has a choice. And that is what we have been saying here for several days now, make your choice. Who do you choose to listen to? The Higher Self or other humans, who do you prefer? This is a decisive moment in your entire planet. Those who choose to listen to the Higher Self and stay apart from all processes in their world will be on the right path. Because they will detach themselves from all this mass that today only grows.

Now, anyone who chooses to take sides, pick a side, judge, criticize, or cling to ridiculous details will be in the middle of the masses, mingling with them. Just be sure, what will you do when the Light comes, and all those who keep this planet manipulated today are removed from it? Will you scream and want to go along? Or will you regret how foolish you have been all this time? Este é um grande momento para a escolha, porque esta massa que está aí não permanecerá.


Those who get involved and embroiled with it will leave along with it. Because on this planet, there will be no more room for those who do not vibrate Light. And following what we have been doing for the last few days, don’t forget to put the glass with water beside your bed and ask for it: Master Rowena! Energize this water with your Light! And I will. And for those who want my help to find the path to their Higher Self, all they have to do is ask Master Rowena! Cover me with your Pink Ray of pure Love, and help me find my Higher Self, and with all the Love I have, I will surely help you.

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