Rowena – Don’t Forget to Connect with your Higher Self

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!

I came here today to distribute many roses. I leave with each of you a pink rose, representing all my Love and the balance you need. The energies are coming with full force, destroying everything that was hidden that they encounter along the way. Nothing will be hidden; nothing will be a secret anymore. Your life will be profoundly shaken up, making each of you fully aware of yourself and those around you. It will be a time of changes, all kinds of changes. Is there a slight fear of all that is coming? Many of you will be, but the goal now is not to be afraid; it’s to put into practice all that you have assimilated over time.

We’ve been talking for a long time about what will happen now. So, no one has been fooled. This is the first time anyone has come so far expecting that the pink world you dream of will happen in this dimension. The perfect pink world will only happen in the New World. Because this one needs to purge everything generated over time, which brings up horrible feelings. Only some people know how to manipulate their feelings and ideas. Many feel and put them out there, not caring about others or the attitudes they will have towards others. The time now is to make it happen, to act as you have been taught, as you have learned.

The moment has arrived for you to practice everything you have already experienced. All the techniques, rituals, and treatments; have expanded your consciousness for you to get here. So this’s a great moment for you to let this consciousness be raised, develop it more and more, without caring what happens. Only your Higher Self knows which path you will follow from now on. And rest assured that this great being, the divine presence in each one of you, knows how to lead each soul to the right path, to everything that needs to be involved and developed.

At this moment, the Higher Self of each being on this planet is 100% active. The incarnated soul knows how to follow the right path, choose to live for the Light, and choose to go towards the Light. This contact with the Higher Self is essential. Many are trying and succeeding; others try only once, and as they don’t succeed, they give up. When you enter school, do you know everything you will learn? Of course not; you discover another story, a subject, or something new every day. It adds to all that you have learned previously and gives you the conditions to gain knowledge and know more about how to solve problems.

This contact with your Higher Self is something you create and build. So it’s not enough to sit down and ask, “talk to me. Your Higher Self speaks, but you don’t listen. And why don’t you hear? Because you are not ready, you have not learned how to reach him. You are miles away from where he is. And why is that? Because you don’t lead the way to him, you don’t insist, try only once, and as you fail, give up, disbelieve, and think it’s all nonsense. So I insist: the path is step by step; it is to attempt until one day it happens.

It’s not trial and error because you don’t listen to your Higher Self is not an error. It’s your way of creating the connection that is too slow, or perhaps you need more belief to make that connection. So use every device you know, ask for our assistance, create situations to reach out to him, and put your minds to work. You are powerful. You are capable of making powerful and beautiful connections. You have to want it and believe that you are creating that connection. If your heart thinks: “It’s nonsense, I’m not even going to insist because I’m not going to succeed. That will be your result. You will fail. Now, if you have Love in your heart and are trying to create this connection with all this Love, one day, it will happen. But it is a path to be opened up and strengthened. It is a walk that is being opened up. It doesn’t happen overnight.

So it’s to this being that is not outside of you, it’s within each of you, that you need to have this connection so that you can be guided correctly on the path to follow. We’ve always said this: don’t depend on another, don’t depend on a word, on a Being of Light because at a particular moment, you might not have any of that. And then what will you do? Will you run away, desperate? It will be to no avail. Then it’s your Higher Self within who has to give you the coordinates, not the other, not the Beings of Light. There will be a time when we’ll be silent because this will be necessary for your planet to undergo a significant change.

However, this change will have to come from the heart of each of you, not from our guidance. You must take the reins of your journey without any intervention from us. So, why depend on us, on our opinion, on what we say? There’s no need for dependence but instead a union with the Higher Self of each one. It’s a union, not dependency. You must think because you have free will and can exchange ideas with your Higher Self. If you remain dependent on its answers, the day will come when your Higher Self won’t say anything because you have to make choices. He can guide you, but the decisions are yours, and the choices are yours. And the time will come when you have to make choices, and those choices will have to come from your heart, not your mind.

Keep this Pink Rose that I have left with each of you where you want it. In your mind or heart, always remember that I’m there with it. Whenever you mentalize a pink rose, I will be there immediately. I will help you in whatever way I can without invading your free will or changing your choices. But I will be close by, guiding you as far as possible. You have us all the time, but for you to feel and hear us, the first step is your Higher Self.

Once you have created that connection with your Higher Self, everything else comes together. So know how to make your choices, and train your connection to your Higher Self. This is what each of you needs to do now. You must do it, for you will need all the support that he will surely give to each of you. So take your time with help from the other or Beings of Light. But first, you’ll have to be connected to your Higher Self, the only one to tell you what to do.

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