Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!
To be here on this return of the Journey of Forgiveness is a reason of great joy to my heart. This process of releasing the souls of your ancestors, directly connected to your existence, is not simple. It is not a process that happens 100% as we wish. Some souls in this great ancestors’ tree have participated in your life, not as precursors of your lineage. They just have. Most of the time, they did you a lot of harm, causing pain, suffering, and violence.
Some of these souls have been freeing themselves from these feelings over time. So do not judge them. Everyone can change, and everyone can have sincere repentance. And when this happens, these souls ask the Karmic Council to allow them to be part of the generation of new beings and to pass this experience on.
We need to explain something: Souls are composed of fractals, which are pieces of this soul that go through the whole process of evolution, each in its own time. Each incarnation has a fractal involved. The soul is as if it were a central point interconnected to “n” others. So each of these fractals lives a life somewhere in the universe, goes through extraordinary situations and stressful, violent, painful, I might even say harrowing situations.
That reverberates in the soul. So each time one of these fractals incarnates again, it is planned for them to experience that feeling. So those who have committed offenses to this soul’s fractals are also a tiny fractal of that more significant soul. So you know that a fractal of that soul that was so violated will incarnate. According to an agreement with the Karmic Council, it prepares itself to be the generator of that physical body. So that it can pass on to that fractal that once hurt, made so much pain, a new feeling: a feeling of Love, forgiveness, and evolution.
I am not saying that it’s an easy process. All that memory returns when you live together as mother and child or father and child. The feeling exists even if inside this planet where you don’t remember anything. There is a pain still embedded in that fractal that suffered the aggression. And he looks at that other and doesn’t understand why he feels something terrible towards that other.
So this is a process allowed by the Karmic Council. Why? So that the one who caused the suffering will be filled with pure Love and know how to exercise Unconditional Love. It doesn’t matter that that son mistreats him so much and makes him suffer so much that that son doesn’t have Love for him, but he will be there exercising Love.
So, for him, there is an evolution, and for the one who received the aggression, if he does not forgive, if he cannot forget, there is also a lesson there. Forgiveness is not yet possible, and new encounters will happen. But, until one day, this will all pass, and both can look at each other, live together, and have pure Unconditional Love.
My brothers and sisters, the relationships between souls, are very complex. You know a part of it. Some believe that they only live with ancestors, that whoever is on their path today is someone from the past. This is only one valid point; you need to learn lessons. Lessons exist in every soul. So if you have committed something and need to know a lesson, a new soul can come along and teach you the lesson you need. Even if it wasn’t the soul that had contact with you in the past. The lesson comes back, not the soul.
Souls usually return within the same family circle in the interest of that group’s evolution. Otherwise not. Souls hop around the planet. They incarnate each time, in a different place, in other families, in diverse customs, so that it learns new things. Imagine if a soul was born in a city and reincarnated again and again in the same town, in the same family, only changing places, only changing the kinship. What would this soul learn? Nothing. And I would say that each incarnation would make it angrier because it can no longer stand living with the same souls repeating everything the same way.
You must eliminate beliefs that whoever is in your way, your father, your mother, your brothers and sisters, and your children, are souls from the past coming back. They are souls from the past coming back, but not from your family or ancestors. They are other souls; who bring with them the lessons you need to learn and that you will have to teach them. It is an exchange; you learn, and you teach.
So what comes back from their walks are the lessons, not the souls. Souls that keep coming back in the same circle are souls of no light that chase other souls, that doesn’t leave them alone. Those souls incarnate every time that fractal incarnates and comes along to disturb. So break those beliefs. You get back lessons, not souls. This is a misconception that you have been taught.
There is karma, which we call lessons, but it is not the same souls who will apply the lessons to you. It will be others; the lesson is the same, but other souls will be the teachers. So many of you may be seeing people you don’t know, of course not. They are people who are part of your ancestors, not your family today. And you will see many faces, whole people, maybe situations, maybe scenes. And what has already been said? It is not to remember this. It is not to keep trying to understand who that person is.
It is someone from your past, an ancestor of yours, whose lineage brought you here, like, let’s say, human clothing, but the connection remained.
Ask the master of the turn to remove any memories and thoughts within you. And if sorrows are coming up, it is because you need to forgive. The connection is reminding you of the facts of your soul walk. So what is missing there? The forgiveness of that soul that once did you so much harm. If you don’t forgive, that connection is not broken. So it is up to you to forgive. It is up to you to free that soul and consequently free yourself.
There are other points that I won’t go into today. Not all connections are broken. The whole process happens with lots of Unconditional Love. Each soul is brought to the awareness that this is happening. The vast majority agree because they want to be free, they suffer a lot, without even knowing why, but they suffer. And this liberation will bring peace to their hearts.
But there are black-hearted souls in the middle of this great tree. Souls that don’t accept the breaking of these connections. But one thing I can assure you, they will be severed, but that is for the end of this tour. After that, it will be brother Saint Germain who will take care of these more difficult connections.
So just surrender. And any feelings of pain, ask the turn master to help your soul let go and forgive so that it stops reverberating in your own walk. And be ready to fly higher and higher.