Rowena – Journey of Forgiveness – Seventh Round

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!

My heart is overjoyed to be able to finish today my participation in this Journey of Forgiveness. They were moments of much light, of much Love, but mainly of surrender and trust from you. We bring new teachings, truths never said before, and new concepts and many of you believe and follow each step with much Love and trust. This is wonderful. Letting go of all those connections made over time is a noble attitude. I can even say proper of Unconditional Love; for who loves liberates, who loves does not bind, who loves does not demand, who loves does not exchange.

Many cannot really understand what changes because people are still around them, beside them, up and down in their generation. So I just explain that this is not something to be seen clearly with the naked eye; these are subtle changes, and these are changes that will happen over time. Imagine a big, colossal water container filled with water all the time. It will always remain full. That water is consumed in some way, but because water keeps coming in, that container will always be full. So are your cells; every belief, bond, and contract (not those of subservience), but contracts of lineage are passed on.

Many people in the past had this obligation to pass on all their concepts and learning to their descendants. This is engraved in every cell of your body, of everybody of that time. But these beliefs are also passed on to the soul. The body is just a garment, everything the body thinks and feels, the soul thinks and feels. So all these beliefs, limitations, feelings of superiority, and nobility are also passed on. So it is like that water that fills the container, which is you today, which is your cells today.

I can even say that many diseases are passed on by beliefs that if my parents had it, I would have it too. These are decrees that are made, that pass between generations, and you end up receiving this. The water container, your cells inside your body, continue to be fed because of the connections. There may not even be a body. Still, the link is there with that soul, which continues to believe in everything. Many have not evolved. Many make a point of not changing.

So what is being done on this journey? The point where the container was supplied is broken up, and there is no longer a water supply. So what will happen? Will that colossal container automatically empty itself? No, it will be emptied gradually. The changes are difficult to observe because your cells still have those beliefs. They are still full of everything that was passed to them. Only with a difference: there is no longer the supply, so this container will empty out; or be brought into your body in time. Your cells will forget that because it is no longer fed. It will get to the point where they won’t remember anything because nothing is provided anymore.

So don’t expect to see everything happen in a clear, explicit way on your path; everything will happen, but gradually. As you move into the 5th Dimension, your cells are also being cleansed by the light coming in and by the evolution of your body. No longer being fed by these beliefs and decrees, they will become perfect, clean as they once were when they were created.

You are on the path, emptying the giant vessel. It takes time for all your cells to cleanse themselves of these prejudices, beliefs, and truths that were once imposed. Only what will remain is Love. It is the Love that connects two souls. It is Love that connects two physical bodies with consciousness. No more other feelings. You always have to have Love first and maintain a connection of Love. There are no lines connecting because Love is free. Unconditional Love does not harm the other. So it doesn’t create more energetic connections. It just exists in each consciousness and in each heart.

So Love a lot and unconditionally because this feeling doesn’t connect you energetically to anybody. And one thing that is important to remember: You are destroying the connections of beliefs, decrees, everything that you have received, and everything that you are going through. So you can continue to feed certain feelings, but they will no longer attack the person in question; low vibration feelings. They will all stay in you. Before, you were feeding them and passing them on to someone else. So I could say it was half, one half in you and the other half in the person you deposited the feeling in. Now it will stay entirely in you.

So if you harbor anger with someone, that anger will stay 100% in you. And as we have been saying, the harvest is fast. It will all come back to you because you will no longer be able to reach the other. And another important point: Don’t forget that we are talking about connections between families. We haven’t yet reached friends, acquaintances, or strangers. These also create connections with you, but they are not as strong as the connection of a begotten child, so these connections need to be broken. The connections of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances are not physically generated. They exist only by feelings; you receive back what you reverberate.

So to keep this path light and perfect, emanate only positive feelings. Because the negative ones don’t hit the other anymore, but they violently hit only you. Because everything you emanate, you receive in return. What is your choice? What do you choose to emanate from now on? Will you continue emanating bad feelings? Remember, they will return 100% with the same intensity against you.

So be aware, be conscious of every feeling, word, and thought generated because your soul needs to be cleaned, and your soul is moving into the 5th Dimension. So everything you emanate now will come back to you 100%. Do you want to evolve? Do you want to climb that ladder of ascension? Then, keep emanating good feelings. That’s all. The road is still long, but more and more of you will find your balance. You just have to believe in it and stay alert all the time.

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