Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!
And we are on our way to one more turn. We are almost there, almost finishing this long Journey of Forgiveness. It is worth remembering here that none of the turns can be done separately. The journey always has to start from the first lap because this is a gradual and continuous process. It cannot begin in the middle of the road.
Today, I can see in the hearts of many Freedom the Light, making itself fully present in your souls. So let’s look at this: at the other turns, you were disconnected from those who were part of your journey to get you here. So we only took care of your mother’s and father’s lineage. At no time do we disconnect you from the other family members that existed in that era.
This was the purpose of the disembodied souls, not that those souls who were your brothers, your uncles, had no connection with you. They did. Within this process, we disconnect you from the one whose descent came to you and all the others who were in that time, such as brothers, uncles, and cousins.
So don’t worry; those connections have also been eliminated. In this sixth turn, we are disconnecting you from everyone in the family, down to your own level, which is your siblings. What changes in all this? Apparently nothing, nothing changes. As much as many stubbornly believe that there will be a breakup in the relationship, nothing changes. Because only Love prevails.
The only thing I would say that effectively changes is when there is no Love. When no feeling of Love is involved, that connection practically breaks down completely. Because if there is no love to keep it going, that relationship is over. So it could happen that many of you will separate from some souls because there was no Love there. Then the tendency is for you to totally disconnect from them because there is no Love to keep you trapped.
In fact, Love holds no one. So I would say keep them together by having a relationship no longer bound by any kind of bond or energetic connection, just living together by Love. If there is no Love, that relationship fades away. So many will wonder, “Where are the partners and companions, the wife and husband?” We have not talked about them so far. Wait, this will be at the next return. Because this one will bring those most intimate connections, which are your children and your partners.
We have not forgotten anything. Everything is going as we planned. And as we have said, the changes are subtle. No one will change drastically just because the energetic connection has been broken. Of course, there will be changes, but they will be very subtle. And don’t forget, this whole process is still going on.
It is much easier when we talk about severing connections with disembodied souls. Because they are not on this plane, not totally connected to you. You don’t know them in this day and age, so it is easy to break up. Disconnecting souls that are incarnated and close to you is not an easy process. It will take the time of the seven Rays for it all to effectively happen. There is a learning process for each soul to understand that they will not be alone. They will not be abandoned.
All those around will continue to be around as long as there is Love. But we understand that where there is no Love, it is a time for everyone to go their own way. Why more sorrows, why more fights? Let each one follow his destiny, and that’s it.
So don’t expect very different reactions from the people around you, and wait until the end of the seventh ray. Then, you can say: “The break has been made, the energetic connection has been broken.” And then you can see the small changes, the subtlety in that relationship. It is as if a great weight has been lifted off your back.
About this, I will remind you of something that has already been said here. The burden a mother and a father carry in their memory cells is passed on to the child. There go the limiting beliefs, the whole genetic lineage, all the prejudices, and everything that has been propagated generation after generation. And you’re back there, carrying all this burden; half from the mother, half from the father.
You had no choice in saying, “I don’t want to carry it”; that’s the way it was, and that’s the way it still is. But now you have the choice to take this burden and leave it where you are and walk without them. This is the idea, and you will definitely feel lighter. You will no longer feel trapped by these beliefs, which are fed by attachment. So many parents pass on to their children all their fears, all that they have suffered and still suffer, for “n” reasons that are not worth mentioning here. And you absorb all this because the connection exists.
So your cells receive all that load of prejudices, limitations, and meaningless beliefs, which indirectly shape your character and your being. From the moment the connection is broken, your cells will still remember because it was a long time of feeding those misconceptions. But I would say that little by little, everything that is not provided is forgotten. So if there is no more feeding of these feelings, your cells will tend to forget what they heard every day or every second. And then, on that day, you will be able to say: “I am free. Nothing else that came from my parents or my ancestors rules my life”.
This is Freedom. This is being a free soul. Walk towards this result; this is what we want, this is what we are proposing. And I say again: Observe the subtle changes because they are very subtle, but there are changes. Know how to enjoy this journey, for it will surely lead each one of you to the liberation of your souls.