Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!
Once again we are together on this Ascension Journey. It’s important for each of you who is taking part in this journey to open your heart; don’t be afraid of what will come; don’ be afraid of what you’ll have to needs to evolve.
Understand, my brothers, a lot of energy is arriving on the planet. And all of you are being affected by it. But your heart must be open to receive it. And what’s the difference between you and the rest? Each one of you, by choosing to follow a path of evolution, activates your Kundalini. And it goes up, gaining steps as you evolve.
So, when energy is released on to the planet, the degree of absorption is proportional to the height of the Kundalini is. For those who don’t know, the Kundalini is like a…, a rough stone, located in the Base Chakra. And it is this that determines your degree of evolution.
Then, when you choose to evolve, this stone comes to life and begins to grow towards the Heart Chakra. And the day it reaches this chakra, you become complete beings of light, ready. This is just a symbolism of what Kundalini is.
It is, in fact, pure energy, which remains dormant until you choose to evolve. For those who choose to evolve, it begins to unfold and rise, effectively. And each energy that arrives is absorbed by you, in proportion to how high it is. So, for those who haven’t chosen to evolve, it is still dormant. And all the energy that arrives is not used. It arrives and nothing happens.
For those of you who are already on the journey, the energy arrives, and in proportion to the at height it’s already , you receive this energy, and you evolve even more. Everything has a result. Accelerating the ascent even more. So, for those of you who are making this journey, in addition to the energy that is already on the planet, you are receiving Light Codes.
These codes are easily absorbed by the Kundalini, encouraging it to rise higher and higher. But for this to happen, a very important factor has to be active: a pure heart. The heart that is sure of what you want.The heart sure that you’re on the right way, that you’re doing your best to get there. And it doesn’t matter whether you go to the Fifth Dimension or not. At this moment, what matters to you is your evolution, because this will never be forgotten, nor erased; in whatever situation you’re in.
So, for these Light Codes that you are receiving to act, you need a journey that has already begun, so that the Kundalini is already awakened, and an immense, open heart, like a big flower, that blooms and puts its insides out. So your heart needs to be open, clean, bright, loving, for all this to operate, because otherwise, it’s like there’s a cover over your Channel of Light and nothing reaches the Kundalini.
So, my brothers, everything is focussed on the heart. Everything is focussed on the most important place in your souls: the heart. And don’t look at your physical heart, it’s the heart of your soul. Of course, your consciousness determines what your heart feels, because you are representatives of the soul at this moment. So know how to wish for what you want, but from the heart. With a full heart, with a pure heart, otherwise you will receive nothing.
Translation by Virginia Leite