Rowena – Live in the Here and Now

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!

I come here today with a lot of joy in my heart to bring balance, peace, and Love to my heart. Today I want to make an important point: The joy of being alive, of living in this moment, in this era of this planet. Every soul incarnated here today knew what was going to happen, knew that it would have a path to follow, the way of evolution. It is a long road, full of obstacles and challenges, and each one is overcoming them in its own shape and form. No being in the universe is like another. Each soul is an individual organism throughout the universe.

Even if the soul has many fractals spread across several universes, they are all part of the same soul. They all belong to this soul. They all have the energy of this soul. And right now, the soul is evolving, not your body. Your bodies are mere instruments of the ongoing process. So every soul that is here chose to be here, go through all of this, get here and leave, go a little further, and then leave. And I guarantee many will leave before the final process. Why? Because deep down, they are afraid of not being able to evolve, fearful of not being able to go to the Fifth Dimension.

As souls, they have the certainty that they will be protected and very welcomed. They will be prepared to go to the Fifth Dimension if this is the desire and path of each one. Then many souls will leave, and much suffering, pain, and loss for those who leave, but everything is the choice of each soul. You do not know your soul’s choice; you may think that you are on the path, and later on, you see yourself without the physical body because that was your soul’s choice. Others are sure they will pass in the physical body, but who can be sure?

Each soul knows its path until the critical moment of the planet’s ascension. So many agreed to be here to support as Pillars of Light and Emanators of Light. So many of you are Pillars of Light. However, it doesn’t mean you will stay until the end. No one knows the right moment, who will pass and who will not, physically or spiritually. So the great advice I would give each one of you is to take care of your path today, now, at this moment. Every second lived, live it intensely, with responsibility, Love, fraternity, and respect. So this way, you are adding positive feelings to your soul baggage.

And it doesn’t matter how your soul will reach the Fifth Dimension. What matters is that you supply Light and a lot of wisdom in the emanated feelings. Why worry about tomorrow? Why worry about what’s to come?

The concern, which should not be a concern, is to live here and now and live it intensely with Love. Because it is this moment, now, that will effectively make the moment up ahead happen. Every step taken here and now generates energy in that time that you call the future. Well, so be it, generating energy in the future. The moment will come when you will reap all that energy emanated today. So why worry about tomorrow and what is supposed to happen? Worry about the here and now. Look at your path here and now.

It is a path full of obstacles, a way full of thorns and suffering. You are probably reaping something that you sowed in some time, maybe not you with your physical conscience, but your soul. So it’s no use looking at the problem and wanting to pass it on because if you do that, it will come back more significant and intense later. There will reach the point where you can no longer move it; you will have to look at it and treat it. That’s what you need to do, treat every problem with Love. Learn what it teaches you, resolve it, and leave it behind. There is no problem without a solution at this time because the Light always brings the solution.

So if you have a problem, fill yourself with Light and think about it. And ask your Higher Self to show you the solution and the way, and it will show you. And you will succeed this way, learn the lesson and continue your walk. When you don’t know, but that doesn’t matter, what you will do for your soul matters. The more you follow an enlightened path, the more enlightened your soul becomes, and the easier it will pass to the Fifth Dimension anyway. But don’t try to delve into it; don’t live the future; live the present. Your present today is creating your time tomorrow. So, don’t worry about tomorrow; worry about walking an enlightened path, knowing how to separate yourself from the chaff, and following correct ways, actions, and thoughts.

What’s the use of reading, studying, and doing a bunch of rituals, if, in your everyday life and personal life, you were the opposite of everything you learned? What’s the use of this path and way of being? You will be deceiving yourself. So the moment is to look at the here and now, always with lots of Love. As much as it is immense suffering, look at it with Love because only then will you know there is a point of evolution. And that if you go through that problem, you’ll be taking a leap in your walk. Because every situation and obstacle on your path is a point of evolution, it’s a learning point because if that learning happens, you evolve.

So don’t think about tomorrow. Think about the here and now. Do it for your souls and for yourselves now, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow, not next month, not next year. Because no one knows what it will be like in a second, but it’s not for anyone to be sad or worried. “Will I die before the evolution of the planet?” And if it happens, will you be angry, sad, or grateful that your soul has chosen not to pass in the physical body? My brothers, ascension is not easy, and many have chosen to pass in the physical body. It won’t be easy either; do you know what your souls have chosen? You don’t know, so don’t live tomorrow. Live here, now, be evolved souls this minute, not in a little while, not later, not tomorrow. It’s now. Act as evolved souls here and now. Because whatever happens, the brighter your soul is, the easier it will be, I guarantee it.

The closer to the Fifth Dimensional frequency you, your soul, and your mind are, the easier the ascension will be. The further, the more difficult. So walk towards evolution now, in this minute, in this second. Practice acts that bring good to the Whole. Do actions that are good for you and never forget; when we tell you to think about the Whole, it is not to forget yourselves; it is not to think about the other; it is to think about the Whole. And what is the Whole? The Whole is thinking that if something is good for me, it will be good for the Whole, but you’re not thinking about someone else; you’re thinking about the Whole. So make sure to distinguish things; think about yourself and the Whole. It’s not being selfish or doing something just for you. It’s doing something good for you and for anyone else.

You’re not thinking about other people. You’re doing something good for the Whole. Everything always has to come from you first, but whatever you decide to do, be good for the Whole, not the other. It is for the Whole. So, my brothers, Love is the keyword in any situation, obstacle, or problem. Looking at everything with Love, the solution is evident because looking at a problem with Love is saying it is there for you to evolve. And you want that. You want to go through this problem to learn and evolve. Many wish to evolve without suffering, without learning, that doesn’t exist, not living within a Third Dimension. You still need to learn a lot about a lot. So I repeat: look at the here and now; change your actions here and now, not tomorrow, not next month. Because you don’t know where you’ll be next month, anything is possible; everything is anything. Why plan so far? Look at the here and now, and do in the here and now what you intend to live ahead. Where you will be living doesn’t matter; you are evolving because you are loading your soul with good things. With evolution, that is the crucial thing. Don’t leave it for later; this has to start yesterday because those leaving it for later will have a complicated process. Because the further away, the sorer it will be. And when I say sore, it’s not painful; it’s soreness. Soreness, because your body will suffer the consequences, and you will be on your conscience, and your body will hurt.

So learn to follow an enlightened path, forget what’s out there, look at the road itself, and look with Love at each problem, each obstacle. Because this is how you evolve, this is how you move forward, towards the Fifth Dimension. Don’t think it’s a blink of an eye, don’t think it’s a finger snap, your ascension is difficult and painful. Those who need to realize what they are doing. Now those who start thinking effectively about each step they take will take; only then this road begins to get lighter, and everything will happen gradually. It’s not that things don’t happen, they happen, but very slowly, so the pain is almost nil.

Which path do you choose? To suffer almost imperceptibly from moment to moment, or to suffer all at once? Understand the word suffer is really suffering. Respect your bodies, minds, and souls. By following these paths, you will reach the Fifth Dimension much easier.

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