Dear Brothers and sisters from Planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!
I’m carrying a bouquet of pink roses, and I am handing them over, one by one, to everyone who is listening to me at this moment.
My brothers and sisters, fill your hearts with love. It is necessary at this moment. Don’t allow yourself to get trapped, by those who want to throw you off balance. Look at everything with love. Even the most challenging problem, even the one that makes you feel angry for some instant, breathe deeply and return to balance. Don’t allow them to throw you off the track.
All those who are not awake are being used. They are being used by the shadows. Of course, it depends a lot on the vibration they emanate. If they are joyful, happy, calm people, the shadows don’t come close to you, but if you are bitter, suffering, fearful people, the shadows almost possess you entirely. And why is this happening?
Because many people are meeting the Light. Many brothers and sisters are noticing something different in their minds, and they like what they are feeling; they are opening their consciousnesses; they are expanding their thoughts. Thus, with this eagerness for information, with this necessity of learning, they are getting closer and closer to the Light.
Now, those who remain stuck in their beliefs, to everything they’ve been taught, who don’t accept change, are easy traps for the shadows, because they end up showing them that there is no joy, there is only a world where nothing is good, and all the pain they go through, all the suffering they feel, has no explanation; it’s something they’ll never have the answer to. And with this, they get more and more rebel.
My brothers and sisters, be aware. They are very close; in your homes, at work, with your friends. Not everyone is being attracted to the Light; a good number are being attracted to the shadows. So always be careful to notice when something isn’t right. Look at that person and involve them in Light. Don’t answer, don’t think, don’t say anything that contradicts them, and don’t say anything trying to make them see the truth, because right now they don’t have eyes to see anything; they’re completely blinded by the shadows.
Don’t mean this as these people have gone over to the side of the shadows; that’s not it. They are being manipulated by the shadows, and for what purpose? To throw off the balance of those who are Light. And many of them are succeeding in completely unbalancing those who are awake and who are of the Light. So, my brothers and sisters, pay attention. Don’t play this game. It’s a dangerous game.
The moment is of perception and action. Perception is observing what is around you and action is simply involving everyone in Light. Nothing else. There is nothing to be done, nothing to be said, nothing to be taught. There is only one action: to involve them in Light, so that person have a little strength not to let the shadows manipulate them. The more you send Light, the more you involve these people in Light, and the more the shadows will move away. This is the only way, the only solution for them.
Don’t abandon them. This is not part of the journey of an awakened being. It’s not about abandoning, it’s not about turning them back; it’s looking, looking straight ahead, and emanating Light. It’s not about being angry, it’s not about arguing, it’s not about trying to show them the right way; it’s just about involving them in Light. Understand, my brothers, the enemy is very close, it’s not as far away as you think; it’s close, very close, because it’s the vibrations of these people that attract negative energies.
They don’t come on by themselves, they come because they are attracted to the vibration of the same intensity. So the only way to improve this situation is to involve each person in Light. Nothing else. There is nothing to be done. I repeat: There is nothing to be done, just send them Light. And why can’t you do anything? Because each soul has its own time to learn, each soul has its own time to expand its consciousness, and it certainly won’t be you who will expand anyone’s consciousness.
This has to come from the own soul; wish to expand, wish to learn, wish to evolve. Nobody evolves anyone by force. And this is a mistake. Don’t try to make anyone evolve, because this generates karma for you. You are invading the person’s free will. So each soul has a choice. We understand that you would like everyone in your family, or your friends, or at work to be awake, so that you could talk, comment, and speak openly about everything.
It would be wonderful if you were already in the Fifth Dimension. But this doesn’t happen, and it’s not the reality. The reality is that you are a needle in a haystack, almost anywhere you go. So now it is time to emanate Light. And it doesn’t matter if it’s for one, two, three, or many people. Just have the intention of emanating Light. We’ve already said it here, but it’s worth remembering: the intention you have will always be amplified by your masters, by the Beings of Light you have in your heart.
So it doesn’t matter if you’re one, and you wish to emanate energy to a million people. It doesn’t matter. If that is your intention, we, your masters, your Higher Self, and all the Beings of Light who are around this planet, will make sure that this Light reaches a million people. This is what happens. No one is weak. No one is weak. The power of your Light will reach wherever you want it to because you will always have our help unless you deny it.
So, my Brothers and sisters, always be focused, always keep your eyes very open. And one more piece of advice: some call themselves awakened and consider themselves as such, but in truth, their hearts haven’t opened yet. It’s as if they were testing. “Oh, I’ll try being awakened and see what happens”. But for us, this person isn’t awakened, and they also disturb those around them.
So don’t trust everyone who says: “I’m awake”. Don’t trust them. Observe their words, and their attitudes, and observe. Always pay attention, and be smart enough to observe everything that happens around you.
Translated by: Ivana Bueno