Rowena – The Other’s Pain and Suffering

Dear Brothers from Planet Earth! I AM ROWENA!

I bring in my hands, at this moment, a pink rose for each one of you. Receive this rose. It is full of love, peace, and harmony. Buy a pink rose as much as you can. One is enough, and let it be next to you. It’s unnecessary to dedicate the rose to me because it always represents me, and I will always be there, emanating love, peace, and joy.

My brothers, sometimes joy is a difficult feeling to be kept. They seem to be unreachable moments. They seem like ever come moments, but believe, a smile is enough, but a smile that comes from the heart so that the joy fulfills your body and chest. Feel your heart smiling, and everything around you will change; everything around you will rise.

Sadness is a powerful feeling. It is like a big hole, and as long as you get into it, you go deeper, and it becomes increasingly stronger and more and more powerful. What is the end of this hole? There is no end. There is only your mind’s capacity to get involved in this feeling and bring all the consequences to your physical body. Don’t feed sadness.

Always remember this: When you feel sad, a hole is being opened, and you are inside it, and the more you feed it, the more you will sink. So, get out of the hole in time because there will be a time that only with help, a lot of help, you will get out of the hole. And how to transmute this sadness?

Look at nature, look at an animal, look at a flower, look at the sky, and be grateful for having the opportunity may be seeing all this. Many don’t have this opportunity. For these, connect yourselves with each element in your mind, and you will feel the energy from each one of them. Look at a tree, and connect yourself to a tree. I don’t need too much, it’s not necessary to be near, just look at a tree and say: “ I connect myself to you,” and be sure that immediately a connection of love, of energy, will nurture your body, your mind. Open your heart to receive this energy, and you will see sadness; little by little, you will lose strength and great joy, and a wave of gratitude will get your body and your soul, and mainly from your heart.

My brothers don’t feed the suffering, don’t live the other’s suffering. Each one is responsible for their choices, and when each one, for your choice, achieves those who are around, it is also a charge for him because he needs to have the discernment to suffer all by himself his own choices and consequences. Don’t get anyone involved in it.

Don’t let yourselves get involved. Don’t allow yourselves to be swallowed by the suffering of the other. This is not love, it is adaptation. If you really love, get out of this energy that is around you. Look at it with love. Don’t get involved in it, don’t allow it to involve you. The energy is not yours. Learn how to get distant from something that is not yours. Remember that you have your own journey already, your own problems to solve, and your own lessons to be learned; it is not necessary to be involved in anybody’s lesson.

Now, don’t take it as abandonment, as a slouch. It’s necessary to learn to look at the suffering of the other with love. Wrap it into light and love, always. This is the answer to the lesson. This is how you learn not to get involved in unrelated suffering because the anger, the sadness, the unease make the energies to get intermediated, mess themselves up, and become practically one, and as that feeling is not yours, to you, it seems anger, sadness, unease.

So, don’t allow yourselves to get involved. Respect the suffering of the other, and look at it with love and light. Each one responds to the suffering in their own way; some accept and laugh at it; they are upper people, happy, even with all the burden of suffering. They have already learned to transmute it. Other people don’t. They think they are strong and powerful, but they only cause pain, unease, sorrow, and anger emanating, and they think they are extremely affected before the others are wrong. So, they need to emanate all this burden for the people around them, and they only get damaged by it; they don’t help themselves at all.

So, it’s up to you that are around to look at that black cloud of pain, suffering, sorrow, and anger and involve it into a light ball, sealing that moment. Seal that moment with light and little by little, your brains will learn that they don’t need to listen to anything, they don’t need to get involved in anything, only look at all that with love and light. This is the role of the people that are around.

Each one needs to carry their own suffering and don’t spread it around the world. This is also a lesson, but many don’t know that. They think it is unfair to suffer all by themselves. So, it is up to whoever is around to connect yourselves to that tree and ask it: “Give me light, give me joy, give me strength,” so you can emanate light, emanate love, at every moment. This is your lesson, so any other feeling you mess yourselves up to that energy, and this is not good to nobody because your anger, your sadness, your unease, will be added to the suffering from the other one that is full of this already. Look how much harm you are doing to that human being for answering the same way to the energy he has sent to you.

Think about it. You are increasing his suffering. So, there is no other way out; the way out is to create a ball of light and emanate love. Maybe it is truly hard for you to do that, but each time you start doing it, everything is practice and learning, and you will notice that as time goes by, your brains, your minds, will be faster than you in creating that ball of light, and simply will not perceive what was said there, what has been done. Nothing else will shock you. This is the way you need to live to have joy.

Never forget about the hole of sadness. It goes down and grows up quickly. A thought is enough; a tear of pain is enough. So, accept that you can change this. Take care of your own suffering. You don’t need to bear the feeling of the other’s suffering. Each one has your burden, each one has your journey, and each one collects the result of your choices. There is no other way to follow. There is no other solution because any other solution that you emanate remembers that you are adding to the suffering that is so huge in the other. And it doesn’t matter if the other is selfish, it doesn’t matter the way of thinking or being; that is not your problem, he is what he is, and he acts the way he thinks it is right, as you do too.

So, don’t judge him, but it is not necessary for you to get involved. Love is to respect, including the suffering of the other. Love is to involve the other in light and say: “ No, the suffering is yours, not mine. I don’t want to share this”, and look at that with love and light. Try to act like this, and don’t forget the connections with nature, don’t forget the pink rose.

This one that you received today is in your heart unless you don’t want it. So just say: “ I don’t want this rose,” and I won’t put it there. Otherwise, all of you are with my rose in your hearts leading love, joy, and calm.

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