Saint Germain – Be Ready Always

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

It gives me great joy to realize how much you are looking forward, I could say ready, for everything that is to come.

We have constantly told you here to stay balanced, to stay away from the energy of fear and confusion that will be installed on the planet. But this energy is part of the Great Awakening because every thinking being on the planet will see the truth; the masks will fall; the Matrix will be dissolved entirely. And many will see, for the first time, the truth, the Light; something they have always looked for outside, in gods, in saints, in religions, in images, but which has always been there, inside everyone’s heart.

Many will feel the urge to follow this Light and will begin a long journey of change and learning. A heavy, painful, and, I might even say, painful journey. There will be a lot of pain in their bodies, because all the dirt that has settled in their souls will tend to come out at once, causing a great catharsis.

It will be an almost equal wave of reactions all over the planet. Many will be able to free themselves; many will be able to find the inner Light that has always shone in their hearts.  Many will be angry and feel cheated because so many sacrifices have been made in the name of what? Because, in reality, there was no return. They didn’t grow as they imagined. They didn’t prosper as they imagined. Simply because they were on the wrong path or giving away something that was outside, not inside.

Many, unfortunately, won’t be able to bear it, they’ll go mad, and they’ll go off the rails because they can’t admit that they’ve made so many mistakes. It will be a very violent, very profound self-analysis. And they won’t be able to stand it. Many will flee, thinking that death will free them from all this. It’s a mistake because their souls will have to be cleansed at some point. Because evolution will continue for everyone.

Every soul that leaves this planet will be treated and taught to follow this path of evolution. Then there will be no point in running away. Many, as I said, will begin a long journey of evolution and will be almost ready for the final moment.  But they will only be away from Earth for a short time; they will return quickly because they will have evolved.

And a mass of beings, quite significant, I can say, will awaken to the internal mission they have come to fulfill on this planet. It’s as if everyone has one end of the wire, ready to connect to the other end that will come; thus creating such an energy that will make them disconnect from everything here on Earth and remember the mission they came for.

Unfortunately, many people won’t have the other side because they’ve destroyed it through addictions and bad attitudes. They didn’t follow the right path.  And even though they are beings from very high dimensions who have come here for this process, they will remember nothing. They will be in the middle of that confused and unbalanced mass. For those who awaken, they will be strong and courageous, because they know that together they will have a lot of work to do. They know that, at this time, they will need to anchor their energies to help the planet ascend.

So realize that these will be very interesting times when there will be multiple reactions. There will be all kinds of reactions. And as we’ve been saying, just be a light, a beacon. And what does it mean to be a lighthouse? It’s showing the way. It’s being the way. It’s living the path. It’s showing in your attitudes, the way you live, and the paths that lead to evolution. Not a word will come out of your mouth. You will be the way, with your attitudes, with your shining heart, because it will be shining even brighter.

No, I haven’t forgotten about you. The Great Awakening for those who are already awake will be a very strong quantum leap. Not everyone will receive it in the same way. Because you are in a very wide frequency range. So many are more active, and others are just starting their journey. So everyone, within their own band, will receive this energy, which the higher in frequency you are, the stronger you will receive; the greater your quantum leap. What happens to you will be more intense. But not intense in the sense of hurting you or making you feel pain or suffering. Intense for your own truths.

Some will have immediate access to all their gifts. They will have vivid memories of the times they once lived in. Just think and you’ll be in the time you want. But everyone, regardless of frequency, will make a leap. Even those who are just starting out, who think they’re still so raw, will go to much more advanced points in that great range.

So, my brothers and sisters, this will be what you call the future. Everyone will experience it in their own way. Don’t think that it will be easy for you, the higher-ups who will receive this much more powerful leap. Because you’ll see things that won’t be nice to see. You imagine what you’ve done in all your time on the planet. But seeing it happen, seeing it, doing it is different.

But we hope that you are well-balanced enough to look at everything and simply think: “I forgive myself for everything I’ve done. I didn’t have the awareness I have today. Today I am Light. And may this energy dissipate, dissolve, and may those involved receive all my forgiveness and much Light to also eliminate these energies from their pasts.” No, don’t keep these words. You will say what comes to you, but your minds.

You don’t have to memorize these. This was just an example. And you will continue your journey. Every day I see more things. But there’s an interesting point: you’ll also see all the beautiful things you’ve done over time. You are not evil beings who have practiced evil all the time. You have had moments, times; but you are Light and as Light, you have done many beautiful things. And you will be moved by how much you have contributed to society and the planet getting to where it is today.

None of you were unimportant. Believe me. Deep down, you have never forgotten the missions you came here to fulfill. No matter how long. Time? It doesn’t exist, it’s just a journey, where every moment is the present moment. And you have created a long journey.

So, my brothers and sisters, I envelop each of you now in my Violet Flame, calming your minds. Don’t try to imagine what it will be like. Just be ready, because it could happen in a second, at any moment. So always be ready. Be living within that vibratory range, as if you were already in the Fifth Dimension. And everything will happen naturally. Just be ready.

translation: Be living within that vibratory range, as if you were already in the Fifth Dimension. And everything will happen naturally. Just be ready.

Translation: Viviana Accorsi

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