Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth, I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
I will begin our conversation by saying to each of you: “Do not fear.” The illuminated, flowery path is accessible to everyone. In your world, picture any city; to reach it, there are innumerable paths, some easier, some more difficult, but there are numerous paths. There are countless ways to start the journey to reach this city from anywhere on the globe. Can you create new paths? Of course, you can; there are millions of combinations you can make to get to the same point; there is no single path; there are paths. And it is independent of where you are and where you will start the journey to that city. It makes little sense to go to another city and then to the last town I’m referring to; you usually follow a path from where you are.
Some may be in the town itself, and it’s easy and quick to get to where they want to go. Some may be on the other side of the planet, farthest from this point, in this town. So by making a comparison, each of you is at a certain point, but each of you is aiming at the Fifth Dimension. And in parallel, the city I referred to is what we call the Fifth Dimension. So each one is choosing a path; each one is at a point, some closer, some further away, but all of you have the same thought: to get to that point. And how can you get to that point? Within your world, you can go on foot, which is tiring, but you can also go on horseback, by car, bus, or plane.
It will depend on your financial situation and your own will. What is the difference between the two? Your walk. There are cheaper and more expensive ways in your world; it depends on the financial condition of everyone to choose what is best for you, what is possible. And why do some have so many and others so few? This teaching has already been discussed here to a great extent. Why are some so close and others so far away? It has also been discussed here. There is no need to repeat what must be done to be willing to go to this city, or in our case, to the Fifth Dimension. If you are a responsible, restrained person, you may even have been able to afford a vehicle and use it to get to that city.
No, life hasn’t helped you much; you could only take a bus, and who’s right and wrong? Who goes by car will get there faster; who goes by plane will get there faster? In your world, yes, but not on the way to the Fifth Dimension. The speed of the walk will not depend on the vehicle chosen; the speed of the walk will depend on how you walk. If you walk with faith, if you walk with courage, if you walk with a will, you will get there, even if you walk, because your steps will be extremely fast, faster even than someone who would take a bus. The one who takes a plane into your world on the path to ascension is still criticizing, judging, placing labels, and doing things that are not pertinent for an aspirant to the Fifth Dimension.
So it’s no use getting on a plane because it’s going to be slower than a turtle. So, my brothers, you can speed things up in your world many times, but not in the walk to the Fifth Dimension. The acceleration depends entirely upon attitudes, thoughts, and actions, not the means chosen.
To walk to the Fifth Dimension, there is no appropriate vehicle that can take you there faster. The only existing vehicle is your own feet. And what is the fuel? Your mind. You can walk so fast that you don’t realize how fast you’re going into the Fifth Dimension, or you can be running, but very much like those exercise machines you use for exercising, you run, and you don’t move because your thoughts are not allowing you to walk. So you run, but you stand still. So finding common ground or the right way is what everyone is trying to do right now. Because everybody wants the same thing, everybody wants to get there in the Fifth Dimension.
And many sometimes forget little details. Think. “I’m going to ascend!” It’s enough to go walking there. The will is already the first step, but by distraction, you might be walking in the opposite direction because you didn’t realize that you had misdirected yourself and are thinking that you are going in the right direction. So all the time, you need attention—attention to what takes your attention, what gets you out of the way, what you are given to eat, and what you are given to drink. Yes, food and drink are distractions; you may not think so, but they are. Because they contaminate your organism, and right now, they infect your mind first. So you think, “Oh, it’s just today.” And tomorrow, you repeat it, and then you repeat it.
And your mind gets contaminated, your sense of direction on that pathway gets foggy, and you get lost. The path is extremely tricky, where attention has to be constant every second because the environment itself puts stones in your path for you to stumble over. The setting puts things there that make you go off your diet a little bit, so you get upset. So pay attention; following the correct actions, words, and thoughts are not enough. It is necessary that the body also follow because the body is the mind, and it is the mind that decides everything; a disturbed or contaminated mind cannot follow the right path. Attention! Everything is accelerated; everything is powerful, for good and evil.
I am referring to the imbalance as “evil.” Because evil is knocking on the door, it’s up to you to open it. So if you don’t open it, it stays outside. It is easier than the temptations of everyday life. You need to have more focus and focus on what you want. You want to get there, and you want an easy and fast way, so look for this way; don’t let yourselves be overwhelmed by temptations; balance yourself, drink a lot of water, and eat properly. I admit that minor slip-ups once in a while are pertinent and are allowed, but not small daily ones. Minor everyday lapses become huge after a while. Observe your mind; the lack of focus is a function of what you feed yourself. It is not enough to want; the whole body has to be in balance with the energy that is out there.
The Alcyon energy is highly potent, and if you ingest anything contrary to it, it acts with power and becomes a bomb. If you stay in balance, the tendency is for you to stay more in balance, focus, and always act and decide the best path, the path that will take you quickly to where you want to go. So, my brothers, decisions are important, but choosing is not enough; you need to act with awareness and make the right choices. That’s what you need to make the right choices. And I guarantee that you will quickly come back into focus, get your mind back in balance, and see easy paths again—not those paths full of stones and thorns, but paths full of blossoms and light. So let’s do a test. I invite you to take one week, just one week, and consume only what is ideal for your body. If you have a craving for something that is not good, be restrained; eat to take the craving away, not to fill your belly. And I guarantee that within a week, you will be totally back in focus, and you will see how everything will clear up around you. And everything that seemed so confused and disorganized was just a product of your mind, which was manifesting the way it was. So come on, one week is a challenge. Don’t ask the other what the other will do; the challenge is for you.
Then it would be best if you found your balance, what you believe is good for you and never for another. The other may think that consuming only plants is balance, which is all right, but there may be a better balance for you. So please don’t ask the other what to do; each one should find their own balance, which makes your body work well and balance. And the biggest test of all will be your mind; the way you will see everything around you will show you the difference from what you are living today. Try it for just one week, and I guarantee that many of you will like the way you are going to look and will make every effort not to get out of balance again. So accept my challenge, and I guarantee you won’t regret it.