Saint Germain – Emanate Love and Gratitude Today

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

Today is a day of grief and longing for many on the planet. To many, it is a day of grief and sorrow. It is damaging to a soul to perceive the pain it has left with those who loved it on the planet when it tries to escape its incarnated life. It is not a mild pain to the soul; it feels guilty for having gone away.

Before incarnating, every soul delineates the path that it will tread within the incarnation. Many choose precisely when and how they will die, or to put it better, when they will abandon their physical body. Some souls do not fix a date. They want to live intensely until the maximum is permitted by the physical body itself. Others do not think about anything. They wish to incarnate, fulfill their mission and draw it to a close. Each soul is a case; each soul is a subject.

What is common to all souls is this suffering that you cause to all of them. Freeing itself from the physical body constitutes a prize to the soul, for it becomes a Light spark again. Sometimes this doesn’t occur, but it regains the consciousness of its entire journey, which it holds within itself. Then, it can assess everything it managed to fulfill any path from which it deviated. It might recall the love it experienced, its family, and all the emotions it felt when it was incarnated.

Of course, the soul also holds a feeling of longing. Yet, it is a different kind of longing because it also misses all the other families it had throughout its journey. Its latest families become more vivid. Most ancient families remain in their memories but can quickly return if the soul wishes.

As it decouples from the physical body, the soul takes time to understand what is occurring and be aware of what occurred. This doesn’t happen with a few more evolved souls. They know precisely when to leave and are aware of the exact moment of departure, even with all the pain and injuries many times caused by that moment. It is way more difficult for those souls because they need to lose that connection with what happened to their physical bodies.

However, most enter a state of hibernation to disconnect from all those memories. They now start living into a broader soul consciousness of the journey it has already trodden. Those who stay suffer; they feel pain, anger, and hate. Countless feelings are experienced at the moment of a soul’s departure.

Do not believe that all weep with longing or love. The great majority weeps with anger because the soul left and, in their minds, everything will be more accessible for it now; and for them, who stayed, what has remained? Problems, new assignments, and new responsibilities. Therefore, it is neither a feeling of love nor longing. It is a feeling of anger; many times, it reaches hate. And all that emanation of emotions reaches that soul, whether it is lucid or in the hibernation state.

The soul feels all the feelings that you emanate. It is as if small energy waves reached it. Energies of love and longing come to it as pain, but not the physical pain it previously felt. Instead, they reach it as a pain in the heart, and it often begins to be unaccepting of its own physical death for having caused all that. So it rebels, it revolts, and many souls on the path of Light rebel in such a way that they change their course. They start to haunt those who possibly caused their death; if no one was responsible, they haunt anyone. They feel the pain of those who have stayed, and they rebel.

The feelings of hate and anger from those who emanate them also reach the soul. This energy goes to it as a pain, but a pain in the body. It is a different pain. The soul identifies exactly the emanated feeling and who emanated it. The soul still recognizes the energy. Thus, do not think that your connection ends at the time of physical death. The link will prevail eternally. It is up to you to break that connection, as it was already taught. Yet, the love connection will never be broken. The family will never be forgotten. It is a memory that every soul will carry for the rest of its existence and will never forget.

Thus, you may feel a feeling of longing today, but a positive kind of longing. Recall the good times lived because that joy of having lived with that soul for so long reaches it. It will feel immensely radiant knowing that it left a positive impression on your life and that you remember the good times you lived together. Do not emanate suffering because the soul has gone, for that hurts the soul, and it might change its path. And I may say something more about that — it also reverberates on your path. It doesn’t matter if to a living physical body or a soul. It has originated. It will come back in the same intensity with which you emanated it. It often comes back with even greater power, depending on other factors.

Thus, if you emanate anger to those who have left, do not think your actions will remain unpunished because they have died. No, it won’t. It will come back to you in some way. It would be too much for me to ask you to see this day with joy but remember the good times lived. Be grateful for having lived with that soul for so long. Show that you are thankful for having had that soul in your life for the time you did.

If the pain is rather intense, do not reverberate it. Change your thinking; do not do anything that increases that pain. Ask for our help in order to remove that pain from your heart, but do not live it intensely, showing the soul how much you are suffering. That is terrible for the soul. If you want to do that with a negative feeling, telling the soul, “Look, what you have done to me!” will reverberate back to you. Do not think that that goes unpunished.

These habits of worshipping the dead, created in your world, are highly damaging to the souls. The soul has left, and the physical body has stayed. Therefore, there’s no worshipping the dead body. That body was just a garment, nothing else. Place the body anywhere you wish and feed the soul with love and gratitude only, a feeling of longing with appreciation. Thus you will be helping the soul to be all right and in equilibrium. Any other feeling harms the soul that has left. And no, it doesn’t remain attached to the physical body unless it wishes to.

A soul can stay attached to the physical body for not wanting to be aware that it has changed its state and form. Thus, the soul has the illusion that by remaining there, in that body, it will remain alive; that happens with many souls. Many might ask why we allow that. However, the soul also has free will. If it wants to remain there, it will. It will stop evolving and stay frozen in time, experiencing feelings that it won’t understand.

Thus, there’s always a choice. As you say, this word in vogue lately: Choice. And, really, those are always choices. For example, what does the soul choose? Remaining connected to the physical body? Worshipping a life that has already ended and next to those who have stayed on Earth? Or to evolve and follow the path? This is also a choice. As is also the choice of what you feel towards that soul: longing, love, gratitude, or sorrow and anger. These are also choices.

Do not feed macabre rituals created in your world. It is high time for you to change these situations. Since you have more knowledge and discernment today, it’s up to you not to worship those rituals from which nothing will come; they often make the soul suffer. Instead, think about what you want to pass on to that dear soul who has left. Please do not accept the rituals imposed on you precisely to prevent the souls from properly freeing themselves.

Respect the souls. Respect the decision of each one of them to leave. It was their decision. Therefore, respect it. Do not emanate sorrow. Do not emanate anger. Be grateful for your time with that soul, and be sure that it ensures the soul is following its path with a whole heart, knowing that it has fulfilled its mission. It incarnated, it lived, it founded a family or not, it made friends or not, but it fulfilled the mission it came to fulfill. And if it didn’t, it will be aware that it still needs to learn a lot to improve its journey.

And we will be here, extending our hand for it to know how to choose the right path. You may be sure of that. No soul decoupling from the physical body leaves alone and abandoned. All of them have beings corresponding to their emanation. If it is a soul of Light it will have Angels around it; if it is a non-Light soul, it will have the same beings around it. Yet, no soul leaves alone. All souls always have someone waiting to follow them or to guide them through the path chosen during their incarnation. In fact, this is also a choice, and it is still respected even after the physical death.

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