Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
It’s with much joy and happiness in my heart that my work today is to end the Journey of Forgiveness. So many haven’t even felt the journey go by. A little over three months, a long time for some and a lapse of time for us. But the important thing right now is the results: they were fantastic. You have fulfilled the purpose for which you entered this journey, each and every one of you.
Those of you who are still in the middle of the road or who have not yet found the proper way to accomplish it do not think you are less or inferior. There’s a lesson: the lesson of persistence, of not giving up, of trusting, and of believing that you are capable. We never do anything impossible for someone else to do, ever. Be aware that all of you who really want it from the heart will be able to complete this journey. Everything must come from the heart. You lack confidence in yourself or don’t understand that everything has a lesson when you look at another person and say: “Why him and not me?”; “I can’t do it!”; or, “Why is it happening to me? These questions show that you didn’t understand the lesson. The day you figure it out, the door will open, and you can do it easily. If you can’t do it, it’s because you haven’t seen the lesson yet, or in some cases, you don’t want to.
Thus, no one is incapable, and no one is punished. Your own behavior opens the door to go on or off. It’s up to each of you to decide. For those who end the journey today, the wounds are still open. Were the connections broken? Yes. Are the souls free? They are. But suppose the feeling that connected you to one of these souls was anything but love. In that case, that feeling comes back, and the connection is redone because it shows that you have not yet learned to cope with these feelings; there is still forgiveness or a request for forgiveness to be made. Then the connection comes back.
Of course, these points are more pertinent to people you have had contact with in this lifetime; in other lifetimes, you won’t have these feelings. But, it may be that some of you even have and are aware of some souls that have passed your way, and somehow the feeling still echoes in your heart. Not a feeling of love but of hatred, anger, or vengeance. So, do an analysis of what you are still feeling. It will be necessary today, since the meditation will be intense and extremely strong, to break all the traces of these attachments.
Therefore, take advantage of this day to rid yourselves of all those feelings. And I would add: you’ll do the meditation today. If you feel any feelings are still there, repeat today’s meditation as often as you think necessary. It will end this process and allow you to walk freely. It’s a way that we allow all of you to let go of feelings that we know aren’t easy because the hurts and the bad moments are very strong, and these same people are still living with you.
We know it isn’t easy. So we’re giving you this remedy, this possibility, to repeat today’s meditation as often as you feel necessary. And why is that? As mentioned, if the feeling other than love returns, the connection returns. So you must do the meditation again to get rid of the connection. Until the day comes when you say, “No, I no longer need it.” And then, yes, you will no longer need to repeat the meditation. And there’s no time limit, no frequency; repeat it whenever you feel that some feeling is still inside and hasn’t yet been eliminated.
It is the gift of this journey that we are leaving with you. Repeat as many times as you like, only today’s meditation. And, little by little, you will eliminate these connections and transform them into love. The path isn’t easy for many. Breaking bonds of millennia of pain, suffering, and disputes, where souls keep coming back, always trying to improve but not improving. It isn’t easy for your soul to say, “It’s over.” That’s why we are giving you this chance to repeat the meditation whenever you need to so that you don’t keep those connections and release those around you, whether you like it or not. However, they are still messing with you very much. Don’t get hopeless if you still make many mistakes or express feelings other than love. It isn’t an easy process.
Thus, we’re already leaving the solution here. Will the connection come back? Yes, but by doing the meditation again, it will be broken. But you must change yourselves because it is not just like you make daily mistakes and do the meditation. There will come a time when it won’t work anymore because you aren’t trying to improve or evolve. So it’s not just thinking, “Oh, so now I can continue on being who I’ve always been.” And at the end of the day, do the meditation. No, everything has a limit. The meditation will work for those who effectively have regrets and consciousness acquired in their heart. Then, yes, the meditation will work because you are trying to improve; you are doing your best. Then everything will be all right. Now, those who want to return to the way things were, don’t even do it because it won’t work.
Congratulations to you who have made this journey and come this far. Congratulations to those who are on the way, who are not done yet, but who will eventually finish. As has already been said, we won’t have long journeys anymore. Still, you’ll be led to many examinations of conscience to reflect on each action. This is what will make you take those first steps forward every day. The moment is becoming more and more delicate. The approach of the great awakening leads to more imbalance on the planet. Observe. Ideas and threats are escalating, but nothing will change what we do.
Those who believe that the ones who threaten still have the power, beware of what you emanate. Welcome to the New World to those who simply listen and believe everything will happen as Father/Mother God wishes. They will be much higher than the rest of the world. In a certain way, apart from everything that will happen. So remain in balance, use your Light weapons, spread the Light on the planet, and you will see the results.