Saint Germain – Let Us Seek Beauty

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I bring once again my Violet Flame, and, in this moment, I embrace each heart, bringing peace, balance, and serenity. 

Serenity is necessary, my brothers. It is necessary to trust. It is necessary to see beauty where it seems not to exist. But in these difficult times, seek it in nature. Look at the sky. See the clouds passing by, the birds flying, each one uttering the corresponding sound. Look at the sea, the waves that come and go. Feel the wind on your skin.

Look at a flower. See how much beauty there is in each little piece that forms it. Look at the mountains. See the beauty, the size, and what covers it or not. Look at a simple stone and see the shapes it possesses. Those who have pets, look them in the eyes. See how much love and grace are involved there.

You must understand, my brothers, that nature keeps following its course. Despite everything Man has caused, it keeps on. Gaia still exists, a little hurt, a little changed, but she still exists, with all her beauties. Stop focusing only on what is bad. 

See the beauty in every moment. Speak positive things. Attract positive energies. Open your windows; let the Sun come in. Perfume your houses; let the Angels come in. Smoke your houses; throw the negative energies out. Create positive atmospheres. I assure you that the negative will seem unimportant, small, and powerless because you are multiplying positive thoughts, feelings, and words. And that is very powerful, even more powerful than great magic. 

Thinking is magic. Speaking is magic. You are powerful. Everything you emanate is magical because it is an energy that goes and comes back. Therefore, seek to create positive energies so that the future is marvelous. Do not let yourselves be involved by negative energies. 

When someone starts to speak or comment, turn your back. Be rude. Keep yourselves in an aura of positive energy. No, you are not obliged to share, listen, or comment on what is negative. People like to comment on what is negative, and that is what generates the world in which you are because it feeds what they see.  

But you do not just see that. You see love, you see friendship, you see beauty, you see health, not only illnesses; and this also feeds the positive egregore, the egregore of Love and Light that is formed around this planet and that each day penetrates more and more, suffocating the negative energies, suffocating those who vibrate them, and they become even more confused, even more unbalanced. 

But you do not want to see that. Therefore, you step aside. The time is over to try to assert your opinion. That is ego. Let others think you no longer are nothing, that you do not complain, that you accept everything, that you no longer have an opinion, that you are becoming weak, a coward, because you no longer challenge anything, you no longer fight for anything. 

As they think that way, they are feeding their own egos, and they are even more involved in the mud, and you are more and more distant from them, more and more elevated, more and more, more evolved. Until the moment comes when you hear them no longer because they are very far away from your path, they will not remain on your road, and, in that moment, you must be detached. Understand that this is your journey, and you need to evolve. Understand that you have made your choice, and they have, too. 

Be ready, my brothers, to lose many people. Now, there must be no suffering. There must be understanding: understanding that each one is choosing their path, that each one is preparing oneself in their own way, and that you will not be able to correct anyone, to change anyone’s mind, to change anyone’s character. You can barely change yourself, let alone change others.

No one changes anyone. That little story that was told—that love changes—it is not your love for the person; the person’s love for himself will change him, not yours. Your love will change no one. It is self-love that changes people, not the love of others. Therefore, do not mislead yourself. Do not think you will be able to change anyone’s mind. 

But what is most important now is that you understand that each person will get out of the way lightly. The Light will not let you suffer to the point of despair. Everything will move slowly and gradually, and those who have to get out of your way will do it lightly. The moment will come when you will understand what happened. You will realize it much later. 

Therefore, understand, my brothers. Look at everything with love. Look at everything seeking beauty, not the negative, because the negative you will find. Now, beauty, sometimes you need to search for it. And this is a great way to spend time: seeking beauty in everything. 

Therefore, I invite you here to do a great exercise. I do not want you to write treatises. I do not want you to write sentences and sentences and sentences trying to convince others. Write about the beauty you find in each thing. But I do not want you to write, “Oh! A flower is beautiful!” Everybody already knows that. What is beautiful in the flower? “Oh! I saw the beauty of a flower’s bright petals!” “I saw the beauty in a child’s smile!” “I even saw the beauty in a line of ants on the ground. So much organization!” “I saw the beauty in the clouds that passed in the sky!”

That is it. Small things. Maybe unimportant things, but which will create for each one a will to find beauty, to show what they are searching for. Oh! The ego will speak louder. “Oh! I also have to show mine.” And it is all right. At this time, the ego is beneficial because you will search for beautiful things and find them in the lesser details. 

I assure you that you will be surprised by the beauty in each thing, by the beauty in each one, by the beauty of a dog’s tail wagging when it sees you. Indeed, there is beauty in that because it is its way of saying he loves you. That is beautiful. The beauty of a cat rubbing up against your legs, showing all the love it has in cleansing you at that moment.

Oh, my brothers, if you stop to search for beautiful things, you will forget about life. And you will find so many… But share what you find because many will start to look at things differently. Many will say: “Interesting! I had never thought about that.” And in this way, you will get used to seeing beauty. You will get used to looking at each thing and searching for beauty there, as little as it might be, as physical as it might be. 

It might be a glass. How is this glass? “This glass makes such a beautiful picture!” The beauty of the air bubbles inside the glass when you pour water into it. See how many things you do not stop to observe. And everything is there, at the distance of a gaze.

So, do it. Stop talking about the lives of others, stop commenting on bad things, and comment on beauty. As I said, small sentences. I do not want you to describe everything you have seen. I want you to describe the beauty you have found. Oh! And there is no judgment. It might be that someone thinks the beauty you have found is silly. That is not your problem. Later, he will have to rethink his judgment because he could not see the beauty you saw and even judged you.

But, with time, he will learn that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And that everything is beautiful. To exist is beautiful. To breathe is beautiful. Seeing is beautiful. Practice beauty; but not the fleeting beauty of looking in the mirror. See the beauty of your bodies that work without you doing anything; just feed them, give them water, and breathe. That is beautiful. That is Father/Mother God in action. 

So, see beauty in everything—practice beauty, multiply beauty. If people call you mad or lunatic, do not worry about it. Be mad; be a lunatic. But be evolved. See the beauty in everything and I assure you that you will attract more and more beauty. 

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