Saint Germain – Message from the Light Code

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

Once again, you must learn to see things with serenity and simplicity. Why do some of you tend to complicate what is simple? To see things where they don’t exist?

I’ll tell you why. When you do anything with Love, with heart, nothing seems wrong. Nothing will seem confusing. Everything will come extremely simple and easy. because you are putting yourself out there with full Love. You’re not worried about insignificant details. You’re being grateful for what you’re receiving and you just want to enjoy the gift you’ve been given.

Otherwise, you’ll see all sorts of imperfections, mistakes, and problems, where none of them exist. There is what your mind sees, not allowing you to act entirely with your heart. Why is it so difficult to look at everything from the heart? Because the ego is still in control. The ego is still in charge.

So I would tell you to those who every day encounter a problem, something wrong, or something that bothers them, stop; stop this process immediately because I’m sorry to tell you that you’re not gaining anything. You’re getting lost in time. You have to make a long journey of eliminating the ego, of growing Love in your heart, before you can take part in something like this.

And don’t insist, because you won’t get anything. Because you’re not doing it from the heart. You’re doing it mechanically, like something someone has told you and you’re repeating it.

It is necessary, my brothers and sisters, that each guided path is followed with Love; it is followed with the heart. Only then will the results come; the treatment will take place. Anything else will do no good. Why so many problems, and so many questions about something so simple?

Do it with your heart and all the signs of imbalance will disappear. Do it with your heart or, if not, don’t waste your time. Because you are gaining nothing. You still have a long road ahead of you to learn how to receive gifts.

Unfortunately, my brothers, you can’t fool yourself any longer. Time is running out. The processes are moving fast. So you need to learn to go through everything with your heart. And it’s in these little tests that we see exactly where each of you stands.

So do some self-analysis, but don’t let the ego answer. “Am I ready to live this?” And if it’s a resounding no, don’t judge yourself or feel discouraged. Just know that you still have a long road ahead of you and that it’s not impossible to get there. But you still need to learn to live everything from the heart.

For those of you who are following this little journey, I remind you, that the glass will remain from today until Monday. And, as has already been said, there will be no excess. Nothing will be different. We are simply respecting your calendar.

Today’s message is as follows:

“I am the Violet Flame.

I am the Perfection of the Violet Flame.

I Am the Path of the Violet Flame.

And I Am the Action of the Violet Flame.”

At the end of these words, say this word three times: Lenamê! Lenamê! Lenamê! And go on, my brothers, but go on with your heart. Otherwise, don’t go on.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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