Dear brothers from planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
It is with joy, in my heart, that I have this opportunity to come here and talk to you a little. The Journey is almost over. Many are still there at the beginning, they are a little tired, disappointed at not being able to go much further. Never forget that you create everything; never forget that what happens is the result of what you emanate. It may be that you have not emanated in this life, but it could be the result of emanations generated long ago. So don’t be discouraged, keep going.
With each stone, with each obstacle, it is not enough to just push it to the side to get back. That obstacle has to be removed with an action, but not with the action of simply getting it out of the way; It is an action to be learned, it is an awareness to be acquired. So as long as you remove the obstacles with your hands, just with the intention of passing through that path, it will become bigger and bigger. And soon, just ahead you will see it again, only it will be increasingly heavier and larger in size. Until it gets to the point where you will no longer be able to remove it with your hands and you will have to find the exit to clear that path.
This is the Journey. Those who cannot stay on the path are because they are removing obstacles with their hands, they are not understanding. “Why did I make a mistake, why did I come back?” And the answer, almost in unison: “It’s my fault, distraction, mistake…”; and you move on blaming yourself for not being able to stay in line. And I can guarantee each one of you, that the error, that error to which you condemn yourself, judge yourself, is caused by the Journey itself.
So the main purpose is not to judge yourself, that you have made a mistake again. Note which decree the error occurred; What caused the journey to be interrupted? There’s your answer. And only then will you be able to move forward and probably no longer interrupt. Make each decree with understanding, not like machines that read, repeat 6 more times, completing the 7 times, and that’s it, it’s over. Acting like this is a serious candidate for soon having to go back all over again.
So stop judging yourself. Observe carefully which decree made you return, there is a major obstacle to be overcome. You get tired of situations very easily. The objective of this Journey is exactly to clear each of these obstacles, or shadows, or problems, no matter what you call them, from your own journeys. The Journey does not harm anyone, on the contrary, the idea is always to take them forward. So don’t judge yourself, or find it funny having to go back to the beginning again. There is no fun, there is nothing to laugh about, there is something to be analyzed and to be understood.
Every day new people will start the Journey and will reach a point, where each one will have to make their own journey and their own control. There will no longer be that daily broadcast showing you what has to be done. So those who are still back there, start learning to do their own controls, so that they don’t make mistakes again just because they’re distracted or because they’re not properly involved in what they’re doing.
This Journey is a Journey of transmutation and elevation, so that you learn to know and believe in the powerful beings that you are. You just need to use the decrees of the Journey. For those who are already ahead, soon you will be free to repeat as many decrees as you want. For the rest, there is still a long road ahead. Nothing will change. The Journey will continue to be the way it is forever, starting today, starting in a year, starting whenever you want; it will only end when the Earth ascends and all its inhabitants along with it. Then I guarantee that all the decrees will already be properly embedded in your cells and it will no longer be necessary for you to repeat them constantly.
You just can’t get discouraged. Look closely at each of the alerts that appear during the Journey. Misunderstanding a decree is not the other’s problem, it is not the other who will explain to you what you did not understand. It is up to you to look inside yourself, be in your Divine Presence and ask it to explain to you what you did not understand. Each of you has an interpretation, your own and suited to your soul. So it’s not your brother or colleague who will tell you what that means, the understanding has to be yours. If you can’t understand and ask the other person, which Journey are you following, yours or the other’s? Because he will give you the answer according to his walk, not yours.
So if you don’t understand what the decree is, ask your Divine Presences, ask me, ask your masters, never anyone else. You can exchange ideas and they are very welcome. Studying together is one thing, asking someone else in isolation is a little different, because when you are studying in a group, you will hear several interpretations and it will be up to you to decide which one fills your heart. Now, when you ask a single person, you will have that person’s interpretation, which will not necessarily be what your heart expects.
So be very careful with that. The Journey is not to be followed by the opinion of others, it is your understanding, it is your learning, it is your evolution, not based on what others think. Learn, my brothers, to listen to your own Divine Presences, which are nothing more than Creator God in action. Learn. Don’t depend on others for anything. The question, the doubt, has to be answered by you, not by others. And if that decree brought you so much doubt, rest assured, something is implicit there for you to stop and analyze, it is to draw your attention. Don’t be discouraged. Continue, and you will see how little by little the Journey progresses and that fear of making mistakes again goes away. And the next thing you know, you’ve already finished it, and a great transformation has been made in each of you.
I just want to leave a message of hope. When a strong storm hits, it can cause a lot of damage, it can even kill. Does the storm do that smiling? Is she acting, causing so many transformations, without caring about what happens to the results? Why was that storm formed? The answer is: Nothing that happens in your world comes from anyone other than you. Each of you creates what happens in your world. You reap what you sow, you reap what you emanate, nothing is out of order, everything happens for change, for you to see what you created.
Someone may ask: “But did I create war?” Yes, you and a lot more on the planet. You feared this all the time. They created this egregore of fear and certainty that this would one day happen. Therein lies the answer: nothing more than the consequence of what you emanated and continue to emanate. It is up to each one of you at this moment, on this planet, to emanate Love and Light. Do not feel small, do not feel powerless, do not feel incapable, because if this is emanated, this also reverberates. If everyone on the planet vibrates Love and Light, new egregors are created; and the more Love, the more Light, the more negative egregors are fought.
So what can each of you do right now? Emanate Light, emanate Love to the planet. Don’t focus on the problem, focus on the planet. It is consciences at a global level that need to be changed. Forget the conflict, emanate Love and Light, emanate Peace. Even if you don’t know any technique, take the planet in your arms as if it were a small animal that you love very much. Feel the planet in your arms and in the same way you would emanate Love and Gratitude to a small animal in your lap, emanate it to the planet. If each of you makes this move, you will see the result.
Embrace the planet, show all your Love and Gratitude to it, show the planet how much you love it. And this wave of love that will come out of your heart will envelop planet Earth and reach every heart on it. You don’t need much, a few seconds, embrace the planet; show him how much you love him, how much you love everyone on his surface and you will see the result. You can, you have this strength. There is no greater force in this world than Love. Love destroys anything negative. But it has to be from the heart. Do this as many times as you want a day: embrace the planet, feel it small in your arms, but with the Love that will emanate there, Gaia will know how to receive and multiply across its entire surface.
Translated by AI translator