Saint Germain – The Journey of the Violet Flame and the Walk of Expansion

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I am once more with you during the Walk of Evolution. Part of the journey of the Violet Flame ended; only follow the decrees every day to the end. You are transforming yourselves and the world. Don’t feel defeated or upset for restarting the journey so many times. Nothing happens by chance. I would say that soon we will close this journey.

So, today I will change everything that has been done up to this point. Those who are on time in the journey will end it. In case of error and you have already passed a milestone, return to it and continue. If you do not want to come back, that will not be necessary anymore. Those who started again or started every day keep reading the decrees every day. Read seven times each, although now you can repeat other decrees.

So, you must understand what I am saying: this is not the time to stop for those on the journey; complete the cycle you started and continue your journey up to the end. In case of error and you are after a milestone, return to it and continue to end the journey. Those before the first milestone should continue daily decrees at your choice seven times. You can repeat any other decree as many times as you wish. I am telling you that you won’t finish the journey anymore.

Please understand that I am not prejudicing anyone. We make adjustments to each thing we do, according to your answer. Those who achieved and will achieve the entire journey, please do not understand that you will have privileges over others. You just overcome what was necessary to be in the journey and will choose to end it.

After the first milestone, you may continue up to the end or stop. Remember that those who opt to follow the journey must follow its rules—the decree of the day seven times and any other decree only once until the end of the journey. The journey will end. Those still in the middle should continue the sequence as if each decree was published. Nothing changes.

However, I am changing how those who restarted several times behind the first milestone will proceed. They have the opportunity of making the journey more loosely; however, they can go up to the end if they wish. It’s up to each one. Nothing we do is mandatory. Those who want to leave the journey should keep repeating any decree, the one you like most, seven times each day and any other decree several times.

I will repeat to avoid doubts: those who want may follow the journey up to the end, within the rules of the journey. Those who want to stop and repeat any decree as many times as desired do it. Just leave the journey. I suggest that you repeat at least one of these selected decrees seven times per day. There is no harm in it. On the contrary, you will always be close to the I AM presence. I hope this is clear. Those who want to continue in the journey. Those who want to stop, do as I told you.

Now proceeding with this Journey of Evolution, you are in the week of Consciousness of changes, new postures, understandings, and facing the problems. This week will not be easy since it is as if you had balls of fire burning in your hands, and only Love can cool down these balls.

See each problem, point, or obstacle to overcome with Love, not anger, despair, or sadness. See as a rock, maybe a big one or small, but you have the physical and mental capacity to overcome. No obstacle is insurmountable. It’s no use looking at the rock or obstacle, sitting down, and crying. The moment is to remove the obstacle. How can you do this? Understanding what it means and changing your way to be, think, and act.

Handle everything with Love; otherwise, it will grow, and then it will be challenging to remove it. So, proceed with Love. Love is the key to any problem/obstacle you will see or face during this week.

An important point: we are talking here about Love. Love yourselves. The moment is not to judge or criticize yourselves or your souls; the moment is of Love. Love your souls for having brought you up to this point. Think about the millions of souls that do not have this opportunity. Just be grateful to your souls for getting you to this step, whether or not with pain and suffering.

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