Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
At this moment, I envelop each of you in a violet bubble, allowing you to be cleansed at this moment of everything that imprisons you in this dimension.
My brothers and sisters, let joy come from the heart. Be enchanted by the little things. Look at everything with love. This is the wisdom of the moment. Every moment of pain, every moment of despair, immediately transmutes it into a positive feeling. Don’t allow the energy of that moment to take up residence in you.
Bring out the joy. Take it all in your stride. Make your lives light. The weight around you can’t get to you. It’s a dense, dirty, heavy energy that reaches you in all kinds of ways. By the people, by the collective conscience, by the media, everywhere; pushing you down.
But what are you? Puppets, animals in halters, or are you souls of Light, strong and powerful? I hope that by now you have answered that you are a strong and powerful soul. And that is what you must believe. Nothing more. What they say to you, what they say about you, doesn’t matter; what matters is what you truly are. Be strong, be Light.
When the external force is too heavy, call me. I’ll immediately wrap you in my violet bubble and take the weight off your shoulders. Don’t be afraid to call me. Don’t be afraid to call us. Besides me, there are many other beings of Light ready to help you. A thought is enough. You don’t need a prayer, you don’t need a moment of reverence; you just need a thought. It doesn’t even have to be verbalized; a thought is enough.
Believe me, my brothers and sisters, you are powerful and strong. And you will be able to emerge from this sea of mud, whole, powerful, and enlightened. The mud will dissipate. But only those who believe and stay in the Light will be able to get out of this sea. Those who don’t vibrate Light will be stuck in this mud and will be removed from the planet.
Don’t let any process, any event, no matter how sad or catastrophic, bring down the Light in you. There is no punishment. There is no evil. There is only the journey of souls. There is only the evolution of this planet. And there is, above all, the decision of each soul, the choice of each soul.
You have chosen a path. You are walking a path of Light. Stay in it and you’ll be entitled to reinforcements to get you out of this mire. You’ll only get stuck in it if you want to. But understand, the others made choices. And many, I would say, are unconscious choices, because they are not yet ready, not even a little bit, for evolution. So they need to continue their journey elsewhere.
Don’t suffer for them. Don’t think about punishment. Don’t focus on pain. Just think about this: They are changing addresses, moving house; are going to other orbs, to continue their journey, because there will be no place for them here.
Look at everything with love and gratitude for being able to perceive and experience such moments. Always with the certainty in your heart: “I am a powerful and strong soul. And because of the choice I’ve made, I’ll be able to stay on this planet”. Believe that. Seek it out. And the future will be intensely vibrant for everyone who makes this choice.