Sananda – A Little Love Ritual

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

It is with great joy that my heart is filled every time I can be here with you. Today, I want to leave a small…, a small message, but a message that will make many hearts fill with joy, fill with Love, fill with prosperity. It is a small ritual, but if done with faith, putting there all your belief in the possibility of realization, it will bring all that I said: harmony, Love, light and prosperity.

It is very simple. Take a glass with water, any glass; filtered water, there is no need to be mineral water, it can just be filtered. Place this glass so that it receives the Sun’s Light. Just put it in the window, because if it’s daytime, there is sunlight. See inside this glass all the feelings I have spoken about. Imagine that you have a small ball, in which each of these feelings will be placed inside this glass.

Then think of a little ball between your fingers; look at it and say: You are Love; 

Make another little ball and say: You are Light; and put it inside the cup.

Make another ball and say: You are harmony; and put it inside the glass.

And one more ball. Look at it and say: You are prosperity; and put it inside the glass.

At evening take this water and drink it with great faith, knowing that each little ball of that placed inside the glass, the Light of the Sun has expanded many times, and they almost do not fit in the glass anymore, but they will be contained in that water and when drinking this water all these expanded feelings, will be part of your aura, will be part of your energy field.

Repeat this daily. There is no reason not to do it. If you forget one day, no problem, do it the next day. The important thing is that you put more and more faith and belief in each of these feelings in this glass every day. Look at them with realization, with certainty, with confidence, and you will see the results. You can cover the glass with whatever you like, the important thing is that the water receives the Light of the day, the Light of the Sun, and is drunk in the evening, at the time you remember to pick up the glass and drink. There is no right time. Nothing is rigid, it is just a way to bring you all my energy, because I will also be in the rays of the Sun; I will be with all my Love amplifying this water so that it acts on you in each of the points mentioned.

Believe me my sons and daughters, I AM SANANDA, and my Love for each one of you on this planet increases every day, without judgment, without anything that prevents you from receiving my energy. Feel all my Love in this small ritual, but a ritual of much Light.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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