Dear sons and daughters of the planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I believe you had much applause yet for the work done. We won’t inflate your egos anymore. The result was good but necessary for the walk of each one. So, there is no reason to continue talking about it. Today, I want to start another subject of the same importance. We will have another Meeting this year. This meeting will be physical, and you will have much more freedom than the previous one. I will give you the directive of what will happen on November 12. 2022. I will address each group of Christ Letters.
In theory, all of you are linked to one city, a place. So, pay attention to what I am going to say here. Please, don’t ask a million questions because everything is clear. The rules are as follows:
1. Each study group of Christ Letters will meet to make an action for the planet. Which action is this? I don’t know. You will choose; several actions can be made for the planet. Just research. Don’t expect somebody to tell you what to do, do your research, and gather with those with the knowledge. It doesn’t matter.
2. Those not linked to any group or isolated will also take action for the planet. Which action? I don’t know. The answer is the same. Search for something you can do that teaches people how to take care of the planet, so everybody will be involved. Those who are in the groups will act as a group. Those who are not in the group or can’t be together with the group will work individually, no problem.
So, this action will be for all whose hearts resonate with my request. If you don’t feel like doing anything, that’s ok, don’t do anything. Just participate in the other step I will explain now. Besides the actions spread out through the planet, we will have a physical encounter on a place to be determined. How would this local be? It will be a place with the infrastructure to receive many people on a single day. So, I ask each of you that may know such a place to make it known.
However, there is a detail: many have serious financial difficulties. This is not the subject here, so these people will not be able to go to that place to be selected. However, all events that will take place at that location will be transmitted to all. We will create a program, and everything that happens in that place will be shared at each determined hour. People who will go to that place will have other tasks. Everything will be informed at the right time.
Note that everything is simple, without complication, despair, or anxiety. We have time. So, the place will be searched and contracted. Those who can go will go; those unable to go will watch live because it will be transmitted in real-time. At the same time, each group will do an action for the planet. Those without a group or who can’t be with the group will make it individually.
Most importantly, each person does their part for Gaia; She needs your help. So, research how you can help and invite other people to act with you; it is not restricted to the persons of the Christ Letters group. It can be anyone. So, you can gather with other groups that already make actions for the planet and do it together. This will be easier than starting from scratch. Why am I telling you in advance? Because these places must be contracted in advance, and finding them is not a quick process. So, please inform those who know these places, so the arrangements for that day can be made. More instructions will follow timely.
So, start today looking for a place, arranging, and defining what you will do. Those with financial conditions can go to the selected site. Those who don’t will follow everything live. Nobody will lose anything. All will do their parts. So, I am launching the Third Encounter of Christ Letters by Project LACAM. Again, even those not part of the letters’ groups can participate. The action is for the planet, and I will give more instructions later.
To complement all the last events, I ask you to keep your heart illuminated with high vibrations, don’t lose all you got. As already said, call us anytime, as often as you need, and we will be there to help you. My mission on this planet is almost complete. Maitreya will assume the entire ascension process, the new step for this planet. However, I will never abandon you. Because I am not outside, I am not in Heavens or Paradise … I hope to be inside your hearts.
So, you don’t even have to call me verbally, just a thought, and I know that you need help because I am there inside of you, or at least I hope I am. Learn how to call us and ask for our help. Why is it so difficult for many of you to ask for our help? You are not ashamed of constantly asking the help from others. Why don’t you ask for our help? You still have those limiting beliefs you don’t deserve; we are high in the skies sitting down on a gold throne, observing and judging what you do?
I would like to believe that nobody thinks this way anymore. So, why is it so difficult for you to ask for our help? The answer is quick: “I can’t hear, see or feel anything!” The answer may be coming to you in any form, through a phrase said by someone on the radio, TV, or by music you hear. So there will be your answer. But you restrict the answer. It must be heard, seen, or felt, and when the answer doesn’t come in that pattern, you think you never get one.
While you think this way, you will never have the answer. This is because we are not so explicit and tell what you want to hear. We manipulate the time and situations so you see the answer to your question, but since your heart is closed and repeating “I don’t see, hear or feel,” you don’t notice. The answer is before you, but you don’t perceive it. We have already said many times that there will be a moment when you won’t be able to ask for help from others because nothing will work to allow this. What will you do then? Will you run to the streets in despair, crying and shouting, seeking somebody to help you? “I want help, I want help!” Or do you know that we are here inside your hearts? You just have to say: “I need help!”. That’s all you need; the help will be there. Or is your ego that is very high and strong enough to admit you need help?
You don’t hear us or perceive the answers for many reasons. We always answer. However, you miss it, don’t observe or perceive it, and the answers get in the air. So, we will insist on this. Stop asking for help from others; the help must be requested from us, not the other who cannot do anything for you. Are you putting us and the other at the same level? I don’t believe so. So then, who can do what is best for you, we or the others? It will be difficult for you to learn this lesson. This is the most common thing I see: “Hey guy, help me with this, help me with that. Ah, and the worst is that you ask for help for a third person. This is terrible. Did the other ask you to ask for help for him? Often not, the other is not even knowing you are requesting help for him.
This is called an invasion of free will. Haven’t you learned this yet? So, start observing these minor slip points of yours. Do you want help? Ask us, not the others. The only issue where you can ask for help for another person is for tiny beings who have no conditions to ask for themselves. Even for those in a coma, who cannot think, you must request authorization from the Higher Self of these persons to ask for them. However, you don’t do it. You keep begging and asking for other’s energy for someone; often, it is not even for you but for the other.
Stop doing this. This is a habit you haven’t lost. If you want help, ask for our help, not others. Also, don’t ask for another person. Do you want to help another person? Send Light. Send Light, so that situation that person is living can be solved. Perfect, this you can do. However, don’t ask the other or somebody, neither for you or anyone. We will insist on this point forever, so you learn. However, it looks pretty complicated for you. I continue seeing you asking for yourself and for the other. Why is it so difficult to ask for our help?
Stop depending on others to solve problems that are yours, not of others. What happens when you ask for help from another person? That person feels obliged to help, although they didn’t ask you that: “Look, ask me to help you! You just put on that person a load that the person didn’t ask. That person feels the obligation to help and often is not from the heart. Can you see your attitude? Many don’t and continue asking for others’ help.
Again, there will be a time when there won’t be another person for you to count on. What will you do? You never tried to ask for our help, and then you wake up and ask? Yes, we will be there. We are not like you … “Ah, he never asked. I won’t do anything now!” Of course, we won’t do it. We will be there, but it could be better if you had asked for our help. You must understand that you shouldn’t ask for help from anyone; people help if they want. The problem is yours, nobody has anything to do with that, nobody has to help you, you must solve it.
So, ask for our help, and we will help you. It is not the other person who will solve your problem. You must learn that. Stop asking for help from others. I think this is not difficult to understand, but this is a habit that you can’t get rid of. However, it would be good if you tried. At least make an attempt to stop asking for help from others. All of you have your Light energy and can exercise the self-help. Why do you ask the help from another person? It does not make sense.
Listen to these words with your heart, not resentment, because I am telling you that. You must learn how to hear about your errors with the heart and admit it: “Yes, I really ask for the help of others.” Fine, at least you have the conscience about your error. So now, don’t repeat the mistake. This is significant closure and wisdom. You have many wrong habits, and gradually we will make you know them and improve, so they are eliminated from your mind. These habits are not compatible with the Fifth Dimension. That’s it.
Don’t spread your problems. Nobody has anything to do with them. The problem is yours. Nobody needs to know your pain. To spread out the situation by waiting for someone to say: “Ah, I will help you!” is not good. Stop this. Is the problem heavy? Sit down with us and talk. Indeed, we will relieve your burden. Spreading your problem won’t solve it because many may applaud and send you negative energies, so you can’t solve it. Have you ever thought about it? Not all the people you ask for help receive it with an open heart. Many laugh at your suffering, and worst, feed it for you to suffer more. Is that what you want? So, there is no reason to spread your misery. The pain is yours, not the others. It is part of your walk, what you emanated, and now you receive it back. Does anyone have something to do with it? No, they don’t.
Listen to this video carefully, with an open heart and not your mind. Let’s stop saying: “I can’t, I don’t see or listen.” Stop with that because everything will change when you say: “I can listen, see and feel.” However, it must be said with the heart and believing each word. At that time, you will see, listen, and feel whatever is necessary. Do the test. Believe my words. You must change and learn for the quantum of Light you got with the Journey of Forgiveness to be maintained.
We are here to help you always, but you must stop doing wrong things. At least, you must start trying, and I tell you that this is a good start.