Sananda – About the Anjos e Luz Terapias Group

What I will say here wouldn’t fit within the previous video.

This group, Anjos e Luz Terapias, was created by Miguel in the etheric a long time ago; in the physical, approximately 5 years. He made this group and kept it within his teachings and energy for a long time. He asked me to lead this group at a certain point, and with great honor, I accepted because I like to teach people, to bring my teachings to everyone.

Miguel remains by my side; he hasn’t completely pulled away. So let it be clear that both he and I lead this great egregore formed by this group together. We have an immense concern with everything that can reach or disturb the integrity of this group.

So many times, what you call scolding, when we come here and talk a little more rudely to you; that’s why it’s necessary. You must wake up to the world around you and everything surrounding you.

This group is very heterogeneous. There is a center where with those more evolved. Because of their energies, others approach and resonate with each other. And some spread out according to the frequency of vibration. But all are inside a great egregore.

Can I say that everyone in this group vibrates what we say? No. Some are here to incite problems, watch over, observe weaknesses, and act at the right time. Then many may ask: “But if you are watching, why do they enter?” Because it’s part of your nature. If you all vibrated Light, they would not enter, but there is that day when you get bored, you get sad, opening doors for them, and they come in.

Don’t forget that evil does not enter if the door is closed, it only enters when the door is opened. So you have to be very careful with what happens here. We can say that this is a house with many people, and we have to keep the house organized and clean; we can’t allow clutter; we cannot allow things to get out of hand.

Today, several study groups on the Letters of Christ spread across the planet, not just here in Brazil. Yet, with every step we’ve taken to clean up these groups, the number only dwindles. Why? Because many think that… “Oh, I’m going to join,” and it’s just joining another group among many others that participate in your personal life. It’s just not that. We want these groups to be the stage for the studies of my Letters. Suppose we have done so many actions to cause only those who are effectively involved in staying. In that case, it is precisely to remove those who do nothing, those who want nothing, and those who are just making numbers.

It’s a shame because we would like to have groups spread all over the planet and entire groups, large groups. But everything starts small and we hope that in the future this will change, and the groups will become much more extensive. Now one thing that cannot happen. These groups belong to one house. Imagine that each such group is a room in this great house; they belong to this house, and this house has one owner, or instead 2 owners: me and Miguel. No, that’s not her who is talking about; she’s just our instrument. This house is ours. Because if tomorrow we see fit to have this house demolished, she won’t be the one to stop it.

So the house is mine and Miguel’s. So let this be very clear. Don’t put decisions on her that are made by Miguel and me. She is just our voice. So each group is a room in this house, and some rooms are closed. So everything that happens inside this house is our business; yes, it’s our problem. So let it be evident that any action taken by anyone within this house cannot be taken individually or at will.

You live in a house in a rented room, then you decide to have a party and invite many friends, not to mention the house’s owner. Is this right? No, you need to ask the house owner for permission. So any action within the Letters of Christ groups of this great group must be taken by those who physically represent this great house today. So that it is, I would not say for it to be brought to us because we already know; it’s so we can tidy up the house.

Nothing goes hidden about what happens inside. So if some people think like that, they are thinking wrong. So let it be clear that this house has an owner, and it’s not for everyone to do what they want, using the house’s name. So the actions that you do outside are everyone’s problem. They are outside this egregore. If the action arises within this egregore, then it is our problem.

So let it be very clear here: Any action, whatever it is, needs to be brought to Light. And why all this? There is an explanation. Your world is in complete turmoil. What did I just say? People inside this egregore are just waiting for a door to open to enter and cause chaos. So we need to prevent these doors from opening. This is what has to be very clear.

Any action within this large group must be informed to the physically responsible person. Only then, within your physical world, is it possible to maintain the integrity of this house, to close the gates of the house. Many have the key to the house in a relationship of trust, so they come and go whenever they want. Still, if an intruder enters, it is necessary to change all the keys to restore security.

That’s what I’m doing here today. We are doing everything to change this house’s keys since there is still much work to do here. We don’t want this work to be contaminated by anyone, no matter who it hurts.

I hope you understand. Those who didn’t understand the subject, no problem. This is just a warning, but soon you will understand. And let it be very clear: She’s not the one who takes care of this house; it’s Miguel and me. So be careful with your actions. Very careful.

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