Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
With great joy, I come here today to promote this great Journey of Forgiveness. Every action always produces a reaction. Emanating feelings of low vibration against yourself or someone else is highly harmful. On the other hand, emanating positive emotions is a positively glorious thing. All these feelings always bring a response and cause something in yourself or someone else.
When we talk about forgiveness or asking for forgiveness, it’s precisely the opposite force that can destroy the action of these feelings when they are emanated negatively. So this is the great challenge: to look at the one or those who made you suffer and forgive them, or the one or those you made suffer and ask for forgiveness. This is not to belittle yourself. This is not to diminish yourself. Instead, it is elevation. This is because, as has been said many times here, the action is yours; the decision is yours, no matter what the other person or persons involved in the case will do. What matters is your action towards yourself, towards your journey.
Don’t find it difficult, don’t put obstacles. Do you want our help? Just ask. Asking for forgiveness or forgiving within the journey is easy. The past scenes and acts have remained in the past. Still, don’t think the acts committed in this life will be brought to you to transmute and resolve within the human consciousness.
This is part of the purpose of this journey as well. So, first, fill your hearts with love. Then, if you find difficulty, ask for our help. And when the act is done, you’ll see how light you’ll feel. The action I refer to is forgiveness; no difference between whether it is asked for or given.