Sananda – Be Attentive to the Present Moment

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Dear sons and daughters. There is an important moment happening on the planet. A time of many changes, a moment of much reflection. As has already been said, there is nothing for us to teach. The lessons are over. All the teachings must now be remembered and followed. But this has never been, and never will be, an imposition. It’s necessary  that everyone must make their own choices. It’s necessary that everyone must choose to live what they have learned or not.

We’re approaching the big moments. A lot is already happening. But nothing is being said, and it won’t be. We don’t want to make a fuss. The only thing we ask of each of you is trust. Trust in what we have said. Trust in what we are doing. And surrender to the flow. Because whoever surrenders to the flow, it itself will take you where you need to go.We are approaching the big moments. A lot is already happening. But nothing is being said, and it won’t be. We don’t want to make a fuss. The only thing that we ask of each of you is trust. Trust in what we have said. Trust in what we are doing. And surrender to the flow. Because whoever surrenders to the flow, the river itself will take them where they need to go. We are approaching the big moments. A lot of things  is already happening. But nothing has been said, and it won’t be. We don’t want to make a fuss. The only thing we ask of each of you is trust. Trust in what we have said. Trust in what we are doing. And surrender to the flow. Because whoever surrenders to the flow, the river itself will take them where they need to go.

But this is also a choice: to let yourself be carried away by the flow or to try to impose a new path. We are here, always. Next to everyone who respects us, loves us and asks for our help. We are here, all the time. All it takes is a thought, a request, and we will always help to move the stone a little, to remove it, so that you may pass. Believe in us.

Everything is being done to have the least impact on humanity. But unfortunately they will happen, because those who are losing their power want to leave their mark, want to leave suffering, so that everyone remembers the consequences of going against them. That’s why we can’t be frivolous. We can’t do it in the time you want. You have to destroy everything that is created to harm you. And that’s what we’ve been doing all the time.

But the time will come when we can’t wait any longer. The moment will come when everything will happen. And everyone will have made their choice. Those who believe in us will be spared, will be protected, will be removed from all danger. Those whose hearts are totally turned towards the Third Dimension, towards feelings of pride, discrimination, anger, violence, evil, will suffer the consequences of their actions. Because they will be vibrating in the same frequency as them. And whatever happens, they will be affected.

Don’t take this as a threat, because we’re not like that. We’re just putting everything , truly, as it will be. So, those who have already made their choice for Light and Love have nothing to fear. As Michael wisely says: “The world will fall around you, but you will fall on your feet. Just you trust, just you believe”.

So there’s not much to do at the moment. Just let it flow. Put yourself on that buoy and let yourself go. Don’t fight it. Don’t set limits. Let the universe bring to each of one what is necessary for the moment. Trust. You have come a long way; you will receive the fruits of what you have created. You will receive the gifts you deserve. So why fear? Those who have created their path, those who have led their way, will receive support; and the flow will continue to be slow and calm, leading ever closer to evolution.

But there are always new choices. So the only thing I ask: Be attentive to the choices you make. Always observe your feelings, because these will be the great commanders of each of your processes. It will depend on the heart of each one of you which path you will take.

So just be aware. Be confident and calm. Live your own journey. The  other people’s journey will always be other people’s.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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