Sananda – Be in the Heart and Find the Divine Presence

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Once again, my heart is always filled with joy when I can be here addressing to all of you.

There is nothing to fear. Those whose hearts are immersed in the Light know that every suffering, every moment of reflection, every apparent problem is an indication, exactly, that they are on the way. That there is something there to be changed, revised, understood and released.

I’ll say it again: Don’t suffer the suffering of others. Yes, you can be a shoulder to lean on, you can be a lap, you can be the one who looks at you with love and listens to whatever needs to be said. And at this moment when you are listening, fill yourself with Light, so that the being next to you absorbs your Light; feels welcomed; feels cherished,

Don’t say a word. Your gaze, your emanation of Light, silent,yes, will be enough for that being to perceive that there, he has found a safe haven, he has found a friend, someone with whom he can vent. But even if he insists on asking you: “What do I do, what will I do? How can I solve my problem?”, you’ll just say: ”Listen to your heart.”

We’ve been repeating this phrase for a long time. And many still don’t fully understand it. Because  they don’t understand. Why listen to the heart if it’s the mind that runs everything? And I can assure you that , the heart is the home of love. It’s the home of solidarity, of friendship, of all those feelings that you can emanate towards others, positively.

Never use your mind. It’s always the heart. It is the heart that has the capacity to emanate good fluids, good energies. It’s already been said here, but it’s always, always good to repeat: Listening to the heart means sitting inside it. Create a little room; a cave; whatever it’s; but it’s just yours. Don’t share it with anyone. It’s yours. It’s your corner. It’s your refuge.

Put in it everything that brings you peace, brings you confidence. And when you want to listen the heart, go to this refuge. See yourself sitting in it. This is the first step. It’s not that difficult. You can imagine so many things. So, imagine this little corner, inside your heart. And then, when you feel comfortable, fully inserted in that room, in that place, start thinking about what you want to know.

Imagine that there, in that room, there is someone superior; there is someone who loves you more than anything; your Divine Presence. So always put two chairs: one for you and one for her. And see her sitting there; next to you, in front of you, it doesn’t matter. What does she look like? Like yourself. See her as your mirror, or you will be able to create her any way you want. An old woman, a saint, it doesn’t matter. It’s important that you create her. And at this moment, when you’re there together, talk to her; put your concerns, your doubts, your problems to her. And be open to the answers.

I often say that you often hear the answer, but it’s not the one you want to hear. So you put it to the side. You interpret it as something from the mind. In this case, you are totally under the dominion of the ego, where it calls the shots. Everything has to be the way it wants it to be. Or we could say, everything has to be the way you want it to be; not the way it should be.

So, this is a daily exercise. Get closer to your Divine Presences. “Ah, but there’s a right way to call the Divine Presence”. No. There is no formula, no recipe, no correct flow. It’s up to you to believe that it’s there; and that it’s capable of protect you and advise you.

Don’t create obstacles. “Oh, I need to do ritual ‘a’, after ritual ‘b’, after, do this, do that for me to be in the Divine Presence.” You need to believe that you are with your Divine Presence. And at that moment when you see it sitting in front of you, whatever it looks like, it won’t matter, it will be there. And you can have all the guidance and important warnings that she can give you.

But at this moment, turn off your mind. So that you can absorb what is said. It doesn’t matter if you believe it. Just absorb it. And at the end of the whole process, write it down. Write it down somewhere. Even if it seems totally far-fetched. Even if it seems like you’ve gone mad. Just write it down. And keep writing. And over time, you’ll see that a lot of what was written there will begin to resolve itself, will begin to happen and you’ll begin to understand that it wasn’t all that crazy. It was something that came from on high, from your Divine Presence.

And a more than important point: When you call your Divine Presence to be with you in that place, in your heart, it’s not far away and will need to take several transportation to reach you. It is in you. So, when you think: “My Divine Presence, be here with me now!” Immediately she will be. Because it’s in you; it’s not outside.

So let’s stop putting obstacles in the way? Let’s stop putting obstacles in the way of reaching the Divine Presence. Your biggest problem is that you believe all this. It’s to believe that this place exists, that it can be created and materialized within you. You feel ashamed that you’re being so crazy, living through this process.

To create something inside my heart. What a senseless thing to do!” That’s right. As long as you think with your mind and the ego deals the cards, you won’t get closer to your Divine Presence. Go back to being a child. The child believe everything they read. Everything they are told. for him They don’t care whether or not it’s questioned by their society or by those around her. So go back to being a child. Dream, imagine, think. But do something. Stop boycotting yourself.  Stop trying to think that this is all crazy.”Create something inside my heart. What a pointless thing to do!” That’s right. As long as you think with your mind and the ego deals the cards, you won’t get closer to your Divine Presence. Go back to being a child. The child believe everything they read. Everything that is said to her. Without caring whether it will be questioned  or not by their society or by those around her.  So, go back to being a child. Dream, imagine, think. But do something. Stop boycotting yourself. Stop trying to think that this is all so crazy.

So, I would say to you: Embark on this madness! Be crazy. Create your own corner in your heart. Call on your Divine Presence, talk to it. And I guarantee that you will be surprised with which it will be possible to create. Try it. Nobody needs to know. You don’t need to tell anyone. Because there will always be someone who will say: “Oh, you’ve gone mad!”

Why comment? It’s your thing, it’s your moment. You don’t have to comment. You don’t have to explain it. And if the first time that you try it doesn’t work, it’s still the ego at work. Because it loses strength when you connect to the Divine Presence. So insist, repeat it once, twice, three times, four times, thousands of times. But don’t give up.

This is the way to evolution. This is the way to your journey. To be in the Divine Presence. And I tell you, when you know how to do this, your heart will be filled with so much joy, so much love, that you will often go there, into your heart, and stay there for hours and hours and hours; just enjoying that energy, that atmosphere, that space of pure love.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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