Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, my heart is always filled with joy, every time I can be here, bringing a message to all of you.
The moments are interesting. Events are coming in waves, usually bringing new ways. These new ways aren’t very visible. Few are seeing them. Few are seeing the change. Few are seeing everything we are talking about happening. But events need to come this way: slowly and gradually. So that they solidify, anchor themselves and can be absorbed slowly by everyone.
Believe me, this world you know it’s near the end. No, nothing will explode. Nothing will finish. Listen to me: The world as you know it will finish. Because evil will be removed from the planet entirely. When we say “ the evil”, we talk about those who control the overall process. Because the all planet is controlled, principally by communications. From the moment this control falls, you will receive everything that is effectively happening. And yes, you will see that we aren’t standing still, that we are working hard on the overall process.
And little by little, this feeling of tiredness, of discouragement from so much struggle, so much pain, so much suffering, will give place to many moments of joy, peace and serenity. Of course, my sons and daughters, nothing will happen overnight. Of course, everything will slowly come crashing down until it reaches the last being that doesn’t emanate Light on the planet.
Could we do an extinction process of all these beings at once? Yes, we could. We would have the capabilities to do it. But we’re not like that. So we need to pull out the roots so that the vegetables…, (yes, I’m going to call them vegetables); so that the vegetables don’t no more strength to live here.
From the moment majority control falls, those below will try to rise will, try to project themselves, but they won’t be able to. Because in the place of those who have gone, there will already be Beings of Light who will no more allow them access to everything they had before. And all those who were minions of those who will go, will have to make their own choices. Yes, they will have choices. The choice to continue vibrating non-Light or to continue vibrating Light. It will be each person’s choice that will determine their journey.
We’re not like them. We are pure love. We are unconditional love. We don’t see them as you see them. We see them as lost souls who have allowed themselves to be carried away by power, by facilities. They are highly lazy ,souls who don’t want to do anything, they just want to suck. But all will have the chance to look at the other side and change. Will they change? You don’t know that. But we have to give everyone the chance. Because we are like that. We are pure love.
Of course, those who have controlled this planet for thousands and thousands of years, will have their choices too; but not here. They will be brought the courts of the universe. And they will pay for everything they have done. It doesn’t matter to you what happens to them. You aren’t yet ready to understand and know all that much. In the right time, you will understand everything.
So nothing will be instantaneous. In the same way as a drop thrown into a lake spreads, the wave of Light will spread and take the power from many. And they will fall. And only Beings of Light will conduct this planet. They will be at strategic points; at the same points where those who controlled everything were. And you will see how these things will change, little by little.
As some brothers and sisters of the Light have already said here: You will have a lot of work to do. We won’t be the ones to put the house in order. It will be you. So it’s as if the agreement with this overall process, with the surrender to being part of it, was the very separation of the wheat from the chaff. Those who don’t agree, those who continue to want to vibrate against the light, yes, they will be taken away. And unfortunately, we are aware that there will be many of them. Because many like this entire process.
Many are enchanted, we could say; they have blindfolds on their eyes .They’re looking at everything with other eyes, not their own. And at the moment when the Light acts, these blindfolds will fall off. And many will have the opportunity, in effect, to repent and learn their lesson. They will be ascended. It will be difficult. But we will be liberating each one of them from this entire process.
Then, they will go to other orbs to continue their journey, but with the consciousness of the Being of Light that they are. They will no longer be manipulated by the non-light .The The liberation will happen for everyone. Everyone will be free. But we can’t just close our eyes and let everyone go to ascension.
But it’s important to say that everyone will follow the way. There just won’t be time. They will follow the road of evolution. They will liberate themselves from many things. But there won’t be time for them to get there. But they will already be very near, wherever they go, to a new spiritual evolution.
So, it will happen, my sons and daughters. Nothing will be instantaneous. Nothing will be like a magic wand that touches and changes everything at once. You will accompany us, step by step. You will understand everything we will do. We won’t fool anyone. That’s not what we’re here for. We are Light. We are pure unconditional love. So, we will act within the norms of the Light. Even though many of you don’t understand some of our actions.
But we’re not worried about that either, because that’s also part of the entire process. Whoever trusts us, trusts us. Whoever doubts, whoever doesn’t agree, will make a choice. Yes, of course. Because a lot of what will to do will not seem like Light to your eyes. But we will only be following the Universal Laws. Everything that is already defined in the universe, everything that is already done in the universe.
It won’t be any different here. Whether you understand it or not. And you need to get used to living within the universal laws; because this planet will be part of the Galactic Federation; it will be part of all the other groups of planets that are ascended within the Light. So you need to understand what happens. Not what you’ve been taught. But what effectively happens to those who don’t follow the precepts of God the Father/Mother.
It’s my sons and daughters, interesting moments ahead and very near. We’ve been telling you this for a long time. That everything is just around the corner, that it’s near, that it’s coming, and you don’t see it. You just don’t see it because you don’t want to see it, because everything is already happening. Won’t start anything, the process has already begun a long time ago. Only you still have blindfolds on their own eyes, which is the Matrix itself.
The day it falls, yes, you will see everything clearly. And you’ll say: “How I didn’t see that?” So it is. But you’ll see everything. And you’ll see how much we’ve done here on this planet. Everything seems so senseless, everything seems hopeless. Everything seems to be moving towards the worst. Don’t get carried away by these ideas, because the Light is at work. And every point we touch, the victory of the Light is certain. And we are managing to follow everything that has already been planned by God the Father/Mother.
Tradution by Virginia Leite