Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again, and I will always repeat, it is with great joy that I can be here again, expanding my words and voice. Observing how each being on this planet is living now is interesting. Some have their chests full of hope; they trust, believe, and no matter what the world outside shows, they continue to believe. They remain oblivious to everything happening in the sense of not getting involved, taking sides, or choosing. Others need help understanding what happens. They know it their way; they let their ego control their worldview.
So they don’t understand what it is to be outside the mass and think they are. However, they are involved, let themselves be contaminated by it, and think they are on the way. They believe to be correct because the ego is still too strong to make them see that there are no sides. We are not talking about sides here but about vibration and choices. The third group is totally apart from everything that is happening about the evolution of the world. They are immersed, involved, attached, and enslaved by the Third Dimension and everything there. The addictions, facilities, everything that is pleasant and supposedly does no harm that the world is about to offer you.
So there are 3 groups: are there sides, left and right, right and wrong; who is right and wrong? You stubbornly put everything continuously within duality. This is the big problem. There is no duality when you evolve. When we talk about Light and non-light beings, are there only two vibrations? Of course not, so let’s put an extensive straight line, where one side starts from zero, and the other end is at 100, easily understood by you. Divide that into 10 pieces; so I can say who is of the Light, and then I will put all the enlightened beings, where I will be there also, I am at 100. Michael, Mary, Ashtar, the Masters of the White Brotherhood, they are all at 100.
Those who are non-Light, but that non-Light, where the very name says what they are, are at zero. So two opposite forces exist in the universe, and don’t try here to make comparisons of power. That’s not what I’m doing. Because there is no greater power than Light. There are no sides or left and right divisions. So let’s go back to the zero to 100 line. I can assure you that those who are following a path, putting themselves as learners, believing are close to 50. Okay, some exceptions have passed, but the vast majority have not; 99% are still before 50.
And then I ask you now, who are on this path, who are learning, believing, changing yourself: Do you think you are of the non-Light? Oh, but you are on this side, you are before 50, so in your mind, the way you put it, you would be of the non-Light. Is that correct? Of course not. So once and for all, let’s stop living in duality. No right, wrong, right, and wrong depends on your referential. For one, it will be correct; for the other, it will be wrong. And who is right and wrong will depend a lot on the situation of each one. So let’s stop trying to label. There is no “A” or “B,” but “C,” “D,” and the whole alphabet. So I make you see that there are not two sides. Instead, there are vibrations. So those who do not vibrate Love or anything related to Light are at zero.
And all those who are on a journey, distancing themselves from that zero, or I can say that many of them were never zero, they were 20, 30, 40, but they were not non-Light. Because you can’t know that vibration is totally positive, you’re still vibrating negative feelings. So you can’t be from the 50 on. However, there are no sides but vibrations. When you reach the middle, which for me is just a change of state, you start vibrating totally Light, and then the road to get 100 is still a long one. Whoever reaches 50.1 will be in the Fifth Dimension.
So realize that nobody is there yet. You are here in zero to 50. But you put yourselves as non-Light. No, you can’t put it that way. So there are no two sides; stop seeing the world with duality; the world is what you vibrate, and the sum of all the vibrations gives the result that you are living today. Now everybody is experiencing problems, everybody is experiencing violence, everybody is experiencing hunger, everybody is experiencing scarcity. There is no rule but the consequences of choices made today or in the past. They put each one in the right place, at the right time, at the right moment, for each thing to happen.
We have been saying that many are being compelled to move and radically change their lives. Why is this? The time has come for a great leap and a jump, a little bit faster on that line toward 50. So you are compelled to move, to change your address, to change your job, to change your profession, to change your family. Let’s stop this hypocrisy that what has been joined together can never be separated. God doesn’t want any son suffering, being beaten, or unhappy. He wants his children to be happy, each in their own way, each in their own way. This is God’s way of working. Every change, every little evolution, pushes you further to point 50, which is the Fifth Dimension.
So my sons and daughters, let’s stop this right and wrong nonsense. Stop this duality; it exists in this Matrix world that you are living in; what is right and wrong, you see what you see as right, but the other one next to you notices that it is wrong. And then who is right, and who is wrong? Each one is in their belief and choice; in fact, each one is compatible with the energy that each thing emanates.
Yes, because when you believe something is right, you condone it. You go along with the other choice when you think it is wrong. So there is always a vibration in between. Now, will you one day find out later that what you thought was right is not? Or the one you think was wrong will one day find out that it was right? Who knows? Only time will tell. So let’s stop with the “you and me”; there is “We,” and there is the Whole. It is the Whole that has to evolve, not the separation. Today, the zero point is like a giant magnet, attracting all who are almost there in the 50. With their distorted beliefs, and ego, they are allowing themselves to be knocked down and carried away by the attraction at the zero point; this is happening.
That is why we say separating the tares from the wheat because there were many tares. There still is, but they are being attracted back to the zero point, and wheat is getting cleaned up. So there are two sides, the wheat, and the tares. They are definite things; there is no way to change them. Does it or doesn’t it? Yes, because you can even let yourself be attracted, but at some point, be aware and disconnect from that energy and move forward again. There are no sides, only vibrations. Let’s say that the 50 point, the Fifth Dimension, attracts some, and the zero point, which is non-Light, attracts others.
There will come a day when, yes, the separation of the wheat from the wheat will fully take place. And those attracted by the 50 will go to the Fifth Dimension, and those attracted by the zero point will leave the planet. Yes, there was a separation of wheat from the chaff, because there are 2 sides, not because they are incompatible vibrations. The chaff is a vibration that vibrates from zero to a very high number, all that is chaff, so it is not one side; it is a whole that will come at a time, yes, that will be separated. Until that happens, there is no side, one big mix, and yes, there is a vibration to be emanated. I hope you understand; stop putting yourself on side “A” or “B.” Because when you do that, you tell the universe, “Look, I don’t want to change anymore, I’m on this side, and I don’t want to change.”
Very well, you will stay there being drawn more and more to that side. So now I ask you: Are you sure you are on the right side? Then you will answer me: “Oh, yes, I am!” Well, tomorrow, you will discover you were on the wrong side. Only you will be up to your neck, and there is no way back. So I tell you, don’t choose sides; choose your side, choose your path; there are no sides to choose, there is one path to follow, and that is to look forward to 50. It doesn’t matter who is on your right, left, behind, or ahead; what matters is your path, your walk. It may lead you to 50, or it may not. It depends on how much you vibrate. Now, if you choose the side, you have two chances: either you choose the right side and keep going forward, or you don’t know and choose the wrong side, sinking deeper and deeper into it. And the time will come when you won’t be able to get out anymore. So what do you choose? I’ll repeat it; choose your path. Choose to look at your foot. It’s your road ahead, don’t choose sides, choose your side, your walk, your life, your will, and your vibration. What’s around you don’t matter. You’ll be doing the best walk to live the best way within everything that’s there. This is what you have to do, not to choose a side, not to fight for a side, not to be contrary to all, in favor of only one side.
You have to be in favor of only one side, your side. Because you might be making the wrong decision, and then when regret comes, it might be too late. Don’t choose sides; choose only one side, your own, your walks, your evolutions. Forget about the world out there because it attracts those who don’t want to pay attention to your walk. They are paying attention to the path of the rest, of the others. And why if your walk is the one that matters most? So look at yours, live your walk, live your evolution, not the evolution of All.
Because the All, at this moment, is very confused, it is mixed up. So I advise you not to take sides, not to choose sides. And it is not walking on the fence because there are no sides. It is walking in the right direction, the direction of the Light. Not taking sides is not judging, not condemning, or criticizing anyone. Look forward, just forward, and at your feet, where your feet are stepping, what you are emanating, what you are thinking, is what matters now. To believe that there are sides is why your world is the way it is. To choose sides is to live in the Matrix because the Matrix has created duality and demands that you choose sides.
Only there is no side. There is what you vibrate, where you stand on that zero to 100 straight line, no side. Only your vibration. Remember that you want to leave the Matrix? Then stop vibrating like it.