Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth, I AM SANANDA!
To say that it’s with great joy that I am here once more is repetitive; yes, it is. But I can’t help but express how I feel. My heart becomes increasingly enlightened by receiving the Light from this beautiful planet. The Alcyon Sunlight lies entirely in the atmosphere of the planet Earth. The world is one big ball of Light, a great deal of Light. But many still insist on not wanting to see this Light, insisting on living through all that has brought their civilization to the point it is today.
It’s a pity! The vices, the ephemeral pleasures, all that take away the moment’s consciousness, bringing a vain and utterly senseless consciousness, is what many on your planet seek. The feeling of Love is being trivialized; there’s only pleasure. There’s no surrender of feelings; there’s only one instance. Don’t think that I’m melancholic or sad. In a certain way, I’m sad, yes, because I’d like all of humanity today to vibrate together with the Light that’s there, to be on the path of evolution, to be on the path of ascension.
But unfortunately, many are enforcing their own ideas without caring what the other person feels; it’s what they think has value. There is no reverence for one another. It really saddens me. On this long journey through this process that is coming to an end, I was able to open the eyes of many, to let them see the truth, and to choose the right path; it makes me extremely happy, for I know that these souls, these sons and daughters, will soon be reunited with me in one big heart.
Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about everyone. Many speak with words that they love; they love in words, not with gestures, attitudes, or feelings. They love in a distorted way, totally different from what Love means. Each one of you right now has a lot of feelings in your mind and heart—good feelings and bad feelings. So I ask you: Which side of the scale is heavier? What side are you vibing from today? Mostly positive feelings, or primarily negative feelings?
The Ego likes to be pampered and loved, and when that doesn’t happen, the Ego rises strongly and expresses its views, which are generally not favorable. Many are like that now, finding their own decisions, opinions, and understandings and manifesting themselves, allowing the Ego to swell again. The Ego is often like a child who wants to get a present; it wants that present. But for some reason, whoever gives the gift thinks they can provide a more extraordinary gift, but that child’s Ego wants what he wants. So on receiving the much better present, the child throws tantrums, cries, and fights because that’s not what he wanted; he wanted that other present.
Although it’s a much better present, he doesn’t realize it and throws tantrums, wanting what he wanted. This is what Ego does. It blinds your understanding because you want it the way you want it; you want nothing different, even if it’s better. So I ask a question: Which gift would please everybody on the planet? everyone, without exception. I reply, “None”, because even if it were the most beautiful gift, there would be one who would complain; he would not love it; he would want what he wanted.
Such is humanity’s Ego. It would be best if you got rid of the pitfalls of Ego. You must learn to see with Love, with Love’s eyes, not with Ego’s eyes. Unfortunately, there is still a long road ahead because it is not easy to lose the power of the Ego; it is strong, domineering, and uncompromising, and at times it can dominate your mind, taking each of you off the path of Love, only love.
You want change, a better world, but you haven’t changed yourself; you still allow yourself to be carried away by the Ego, and in the New World, there can be no ego because there is no self; there is the Whole. So you come to exist for the Whole, and the whole exists for you. That’s the way the Fifth Dimension operates. So as long as you vibrate the Ego, the pathway will become sluggish, slow, and very difficult for you to learn to suppress the Ego—not just to think of yourself but to seek the Whole.
My sons and daughters, change in this world depends upon all of you. If you today, in its entirety, decided to eliminate all the evil on this planet, you would succeed, and the Earth would rise instantly because you would all vibrate with Love. How come that doesn’t happen? Because everyone focused on themselves, their needs, their desires, and their wishes, and not on the Whole. As long as this attitude prevails in the mind of each one of you on the planet, the ascension moves further and further away—not Gaia’s, because Gaia has a set time, and when the day comes, she will ascend, with or without you. Whoever succeeds at that time in eliminating the Ego, stopping being “I” and becoming “whole” will go with it.
That’s why your world doesn’t get better, and that’s why this mass is so connected, so close to you at this moment, because it knows how to manipulate egos; it brings to your mind what the Ego wants to hear and what the Ego wants to think, and you join it. And that’s the world that you are living in. So it’s up to each one of you to override the Ego, and by doing that, this mass no longer manipulates you because you stop thinking only about yourself and start thinking about the Whole, and that has no way for this mass to act.
How is your heart now—thinking of yourself or of the Whole? How do you interpret your surroundings? Do you want to complain? Do you want to contest? Do you feel you have been mistreated? It’s your ego talking; it’s the feeling in this way fostered by this mass that’s there. Now it is up to you to overcome the ideas of Ego and stop thinking solely of yourself.
The journey, my sons and daughters, isn’t easy. It’s like a big climb, where repeatedly, this hook that holds you to the mountain is not strong enough to keep you tied up, and you fall. You can fall a few meters, and you can fall a lot; let alone, you can injure yourself a lot. But what made that iron not strong enough to hold you? The strength you brought to the mountain You didn’t position it forcefully with a claw, and it wasn’t inserted sufficiently to hold you. It’s how you do things.
You think you’re getting higher, you believe you’re on the right path, and you don’t put that nail into the mountain deep enough to hold you.