Sananda – Chaff or Wheat?

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Once again, it’s with great joy that I come to be with you all today. I’d like each one of you to see yourselves sitting on a large plain, seeing me also seated on the top of a small hill. The acoustics help a lot, and everything I say, like magic, reaches everyone’s ears. All you have to do is open your hearts, and you’ll hear me. The moment… is difficult. Things are becoming more and more strange, weirder. Everything has a purpose; to bring more and more of a sense of disorganization, danger, arrogance, and superiority, and, as an end goal, to bring fear. Don’t let yourselves be dominated by fear. Fear at this moment is the worst advisor.

Look at every grotesque or horrifying situation, every situation of extreme violence, as being the way, the only way, in fact, for them to demonstrate what they really are. For a long time, they hid in a cloak of goodness, of Light, and they managed to fool many people… but this cloak has melted away. Today, they are what they are, and there’s no longer an attempt to conquer them with pretty faces or kind attitudes. The strategy now is different; it’s to dominate you through fear, to make each inhabitant fear for the next moment of their life and path. Feeding fear attracts what they desire. Those who don’t allow themselves to be fed by this fear suffer nothing because they don’t attract what they vibrate. On the contrary, they repel it.

If you are overwhelmed by fear and think you will be another victim or believe it will happen to you, be assured that you are attracting it. You do it because you connect with the same energy that they release. The great wisdom of this time is to not cling to anything and instead look toward a sunny, bright, and flowery horizon. This is the image you should connect with, for it’s an image of Light, Love, beauty, and peace of mind. And the more you connect with it, the more it becomes real and palpable in your world and along your pathway. Now, if you look at that situation of fear and feed it, this is what it is, increasing more and more.

What is your current vibration, Light or Fear? Is it indifference to this world that presents itself or fear of it? Is it confidence that there is a shining sun and a wonderful world, or the certainty that the world is what it is, violent and sad? What are you vibrating right now? What are you attracting to yourself? More and more, you’ll only see this as if the world has really lost its grip. Bizarre, sad, violent, and dangerous cases will increase. You will have the feeling that danger is around the corner of the corridor of your house, not outside of it, it’s in there, and this isn’t true. Evil only enters your home if you open the door. Evil only enters your mind if you connect with it. You receive what you connect with.

What are you connected to now: Light or shadows, Light or fear, Light or something else? This isn’t the moment to connect with, vibrate, or fight for anything. The moment is to vibrate, fight for yourself, and stay in the Light. Every other brother will be or should be doing the same thing, and each is making their choice. And I can assure you that a needle in a haystack is hard to find. Today, it is challenging to find wheat in this mass because we only see chaff. But if wheat lifts up its spirit and leads its way to the Light, it will come out of the tares and can follow his path.

Everything is very well separated. It’s like water and oil. Oil doesn’t mix in water; it can be in it for a while, then it separates. It’s the same with you; you can be amid the chaff, but if you elevate yourself, if you walk towards the Light, you will come out of this chaff and become wheat again. The separation began a long time ago; it isn’t happening now. What is happening is that the great mass of chaff has come to see if, together, this great mass can achieve victory. Nothing will succeed. Does it increase? Yes, it increases because of the fear it feeds, but it will never defeat the Light. And there are better strategies for a battle than having all the soldiers in the same spot. This is an extremely risky strategy, but they play their last cards.

It’s easy for us because we know exactly where the chaff is. But don’t think that we will attack anyone; we are Light. Our concern is to remove those who entered that mass by mistake, by negligence, or by believing in something false. This is our goal. We want you to look and move toward the Light to get out of this mass. We want this now, and we are guiding you to do this. But, unfortunately, many of you can’t do it, and can’t admit that you are wrong, so you stay where you are. It is unfortunate because you will be in the middle of Mass and suffer all the consequences of those who are inside.

There’s still time to wake up, and there’s still time for new choices, but this time is coming to an end. So don’t wait too long, and don’t set aside your own lives for anyone else. Instead, look at that horizon, bright and flowery, and if you look with energy, faith, and trust, you’ll find the way to get there. If you’re not able, we are here. Just ask for our help, and indeed each of us will extend a hand to you, and you’ll be able to choose the hand you want. But in the end, know that you’ll be there on the other side, far away from this great mass, just remembering that one day you were there and almost missed the right time to choose.

Take advantage of the timing. Nobody can have one foot there and one foot here. Either you are chaff or wheat. So make your choice, but make it quick because time is running out. Look into your hearts and decide: what do you want to be at this right now, Chaff or Wheat?

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