Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Yes, I am here once again. The mission given to me by Michael compels me to be here as many days as possible. The moment demands great attention, but I will not fail to express gratitude for yet another day, for another opportunity to be here with each one of you. Today, due to the numerical alignment of the date you use, there is an open portal, a portal of Light, a portal of elevation and evolution. Whenever a portal opens, beings of great Light are allowed to act on the planet. It’s like a day of celebration where you receive many guests, and each guest brings a gift. Most of the time, this gift is a quantum of Light from their own dimension, contributing further to the consumption of negative energy still present in the atmosphere of Gaia.
I must tell you that the transmutation of energies is intense because the Light coming from the Central Sun of Alcyon is very powerful. It can eliminate a significant portion of what is currently generated and almost entirely eradicate what has been generated by you over eons of time. The physical changes on the planet, in essence, are nothing more than the removal of the vast amount of negative energy embedded in Gaia’s soil. Many bases have already been destroyed, and these bases need to be completely buried, causing significant disruptions on Gaia’s surface. Nothing that happens is by chance or punishment; it is the elimination or compensation of the negative energy that resided in that location.
If you observe, many strange things are happening on your planet. Everyday occurrences in your streets, in your cities. More and more unusual events will happen from your perspective. Much has been built above enemy bases, sustained by entirely negative energy. As this negative energy is consumed, much will crumble and fall. But, as we always say: Each one is where they need to be. Whoever chooses to reside on a base emitting negative energy and feels comfortable there is truly vibrating in the same frequency and, undoubtedly, will not remain on the planet.
So, never ever forget that each of you is exactly where you should be. Each one of you resonates with the place where you live. When you feel extremely happy in your house, on your street, in your neighborhood, in your city, in your state, in your country, your vibration is entirely compatible with that place, with the Whole. No one lives in a place by accident or due to an impulsive decision of the soul. The Higher Self coordinates the changes, adjusts the surroundings for the changes to occur.
So if you move to a place, as you say, better, more beautiful, it’s because the vibration of that place is attracting the vibration you currently embody. Where you are now may no longer bring the joy it once did. You feel the urge to change, seek new places, and find locations that resonate with your vibration. Always notice that each change is a leap; it is a leap in life, in economic status, within your own society. Tougher times may come from that, but therein lies the lesson that nothing comes effortlessly, everything must be achieved with faith and belief. The supposedly difficult process will pass so quickly that you won’t even feel it. After a while, you may feel the desire to change again because your vibration continues to rise.
Many are leaving cities and heading to the mountains, the interior of the planet. Why? Because the vibration of the cities is no longer compatible with the vibration you are experiencing. The proximity to Gaia, having your feet firmly on the earth, attracts many of you. Many are making this move. However, we must also never forget that these life changes, changes in habits, must happen gradually, gently. You cannot want to change everything drastically overnight.
So make your changes, but do so slowly, gradually, so that the adaptation to the new place occurs smoothly. Losses happen. You cannot move from one place to another without experiencing some losses. Places you were accustomed to, neighbors, old friends, some loss always occurs. However, you are undoubtedly elevating yourself in the new place, and new friends will come, new neighbors will come, all compatible with that new energy. So, don’t worry if suddenly everyone decides to move, everyone suddenly becomes dissatisfied with where they are. This is normal. The vibration of that place is no longer compatible with yours, despite the rest of the family thinking everything is fine. But if there is a leap in life, everyone agrees because everyone wants to evolve. So it is very beneficial, as long as it is done with great care and planning, to avoid it becoming a burden that you cannot maintain. Everything must be done cautiously and with planning.
Now, many here may be wondering: ‘What if we move to a place lower than where we were? Why does this happen?’ I can say that there is a serious lesson to be learned there. Every time you experience severe financial losses that significantly alter your way of life, it is time for you to learn that lesson. It has come several times, and you may not have paid much attention. Now it has come in a way that forces you to stop and think about where you went wrong. If the lesson is learned in its entirety, you will undoubtedly return to higher levels soon. Because the vibration will become incompatible, and you will move. The Higher Self organizes everything for change.
So, the place where you live is where your vibrations are compatible. Why do so many people live together in poverty? Because they help each other to be poor. Society itself discriminates, separates, pushes these people to places suitable for them. So they unite in a feeling of poverty, scarcity, suffering, and pain, and that’s what exists there. It is rare for someone to rise and say, ‘No, I am not obliged to live like this; I will seek something better!’ And they succeed because they move out of that vibration, out of everyone’s vibration of hunger, despair, difficulty, scarcity. So, in that place, the vibration will always be the same because everyone vibrates the same thing.
So, do not be alarmed by the things happening on the surface of your planet. What you call natural disasters, we call cleansing, transmutation of energies. Those who perish, who were there in that location and left, had to be that way because that was their purpose; otherwise, they would be in another place. And why were they there? To fulfill things their soul did in the past. So, that is how the Higher Self finds a way for that soul to learn the necessary lessons.
We have often said here, do not suffer the suffering of others. It is precisely because each one is where they vibrate, where they like to live. Many times, the Higher Self places people in a certain location, but their vibration is not compatible with that place. So, they prefer to lower their vibration and move to another place, somewhere that vibrates lower. And then I would say that that soul shouldn’t have been there at that moment, but it was her choice, it was that soul’s choice to vibrate like that point on the surface and when that point leaves, it goes with it. This also happens a lot.
So nothing happens by chance, nothing happens wrong. Either you are in the right place, because it is part of your soul journey, or you are there because of choices made by your own human consciousness. All of this is respected. It’s the same thing as a soul that comes to be a great…, a great person and then he decides to fill his brain with alcohol, alcoholic beverages and goes driving and in the end he has a serious accident and dies. Was it set for that soul to die like that? No, but it was her choice, she caused that, she chose that path. We can’t do anything, it’s the soul’s choice. She chose to take the risk, she did and she died.
So don’t suffer anyone’s suffering. Each soul that separates from the physical body has a reason. It could be by choice of the soul even before incarnating, which decided that it would leave in that way; it may be the definition of the Higher Self, who placed that soul there so that it could learn a lesson; or it is by choice of the human mind itself. So everything is a choice. So you are not the ones who are going to change the path of any soul. What must happen to each soul will happen; unless she also makes her own choices.
We often understand that it is difficult for you to accept all of this, you do not understand death. For you it is something absurd, something that God the Father/Mother could not allow. And I tell you that this only happens because you are in this dimension, because everything that happens, dying, being born, dying again, being born again is specific to this dimension and this process on the planet Gaia. There’s no way to change that now. In the Fifth Dimension it will be different. So everyone is born knowing that one day they will die.
So just learn to accept that everything comes from the soul or the choice of that soul and there is nothing that can be done about it. Everyone chooses where they want to live according to their vibration. And the higher you place yourself, the more you rise, the more you evolve in your place of residence. Now, let all this be very clear, I am talking here about an honest process, a process of abundance and prosperity, generated by each person, within divine laws, within merit.
Anything other than that does not apply to everything I said, because people can grow and become extremely rich at the expense of the poverty and suffering of others; and of course, this also reverberates, for themselves, and the lesson will come, hard and strong, but it will come.
Translated by: Paula Prado