Sananda – Cut what prevents you from evolving

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

I always say, and I will always repeat, that my heart is filled with joy every time I can be here with you.

My sons and daughters, open your hearts. But this openness must be real, it must be deep; it must be an openness that allows you to forget all that you have experienced or are still experiencing in terms of sadness and suffering.

I understand and recognize the suffering of living on the face of this planet because I’ve been here before. But my faith, my surrender to God the Father/Mother, the Father, the Creator, whatever I call Him, was so intense, so profound, that I already knew my destiny. But for me, it was just a step in my evolution. You might say: “Ah, but you were prepared for 40 days in the desert.” Yes, indeed, that’s where my transformation began. But I ask each one of you: What did you do during that time?

I would say that everyone has received information and done procedures that have allowed their consciousness to expand. But many are still in disbelief. Many have not realized the time in which they live. They listen to what we say, they do all the steps, but the transformation doesn’t happen. Why is that?

Because the heart remains closed. It is unable to forgive. It is not able to ask for forgiveness. And so everything it does stays on the surface, it doesn’t go deeper, it doesn’t heal. I understand my sons and daughters; these are different times, mine and yours now. I agree, but the sufferings are identical, the worries are identical. And I would go so far as to say that it’s much worse today. Because you are competing with extremely exhausting processes that are making you more and more involved.

So for those of you whose hearts are still closed, for whatever reason, because you’re still suffering, because you still have a lot of problems, because you can’t forgive, because you can’t ask for forgiveness, because you can’t find your way, there is only one way for you to live and receive all that has already been given to you.

And no, I wouldn’t tell you to go back and do it all over again, because that would be pointless and there wouldn’t be time. I can even tell you that everything you’ve done has not been in vain. It’s like you have a shell around you, and everything you’ve done is trapped in that shell. And that when you break through that shell, everything will come into effect, only it will be all at once.

So you’re going to have to have a lot of faith, you’re going to have to have a lot of Light to endure everything. But I remind you that you have chosen to do everything you just haven’t lived it, every process, every cleansing. So you are aware of what is to come and how things will go. Make no mistake, it won’t be easy, but it won’t be impossible.

So today I speak to all of you who have not yet found the Father in your hearts. Because it is not I nor any other Being of Light that will bring peace to your heart. The trust must be in the Father; in God the Father/Mother. It is He who will bring the great balance. It is He who will bring peace to your heart. 

So be ready. Break through this shell. There is still time for you to live all that you have wanted to live but couldn’t. Now you must open your hearts. Now you must open your hearts. You have to look inside yourselves and do what needs to be done.

I speak now to the Whole. Each of you must expand your Divine Spark. How? By acting and living like a Fifth Dimensional being. By looking at all the qualities that you know, you will live in the Fifth Dimension and try to be them today, in the Third Dimension. It’s not difficult. If you want to, if you are open-hearted and ready for the New World, you will be able to live that way.

All you have to do is cut all ties with this world, with the world you live in today. Think of something you feel very attracted to and mentally cut it. Think of that attachment as a rope, a string, it doesn’t matter. Mentally, take a pair of scissors and cut it. And it will come off you and it won’t grow anymore. But for that connection to stop growing, you have to be aware that you are no longer looking at it as a desire, as something that you still want to experience. And this will gradually become unimportant to each of you.

Yes, my sons and daughters, the process is approaching. The great change is knocking at the door. You must act, and each of you must do your part. So disconnect from everything. That is certainly the best way forward.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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