Sananda – Difficult times will pass

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

Once again, it is with great joy that I can be here with you to bring you a question: Why can’t you understand what is happening to you? Why do you complain so much? Why do you keep questioning what is happening to you?

Each of you attracts what is necessary for your evolution, whether you like it or not, whether it’s easy or not, whether it’s peaceful or not, whether it’s with a stranger or with someone in your home. Nothing happens on purpose. Everything is part of a great process. For now, it’s the individual process everyone is going through for their evolution.

Trying to understand and question won’t give you the answers. What is the right attitude? Look at everything that happens to you with love. Whether it’s suffering or joy. These are not going to be easy times, my children. You will all go through some complicated setbacks, which will surely be a step on the ladder of your evolution. There’s no point in rebellion. There’s no point in sadness, there’s no point in arguing, there’s no point in trying to make the other person understand.

Now is the time for retreat. Don’t think of yourself as inferior. Don’t allow anybody around you to do whatever with you. Why am I telling you this? Who can attack you? Whoever you allow to attack you. Because if someone attacks you and you don’t want to be attacked, tell that person to stop and walk away. If you feel attacked, be a little more forceful; you can even slam doors, but you don’t have to listen. Nobody has to.

So learn how to behave, stop being afraid or acting like a puppet. Do not allow people to speak or act disrespectfully to you. You have your way of thinking. You have your path and you have already made your choices. So why allow it? Put an end to it, because if you don’t, everyone will think they have the right to attack you, to challenge you, to belittle you because they feel powerful.

Say that this is over, that you will not listen to anyone. Demand respect. Turn your back and walk away. You don’t have to listen to anything. Don’t feel inferior. Don’t feel intimidated. You need to be strong and show your strength, not with violence or harsh words. Just stop it. You should demand respect. And respect is simply not doing what is asked of you.

And every time someone tries to bring it up again, just walk away. Assert your way of thinking. Why should others force anything on you? Let everyone go their own way and respect the way of others. Whether that way is wrong or right, time will tell. Then, my sons and daughters, the attacks will come and they will be many.

Understand, you radiate light, much light. And those who are still walking, ignoring what is happening, are closer to darkness than to light. And your light bothers them because they cannot feel it. In fact, many cling energetically and absurdly to their highly limiting beliefs because the doubts and thoughts that keep popping up in their minds drive them crazy because they do not know who to believe.

So you become a threat, and why? Because you don’t have any doubts, you’ve already found the path, you know exactly what you want. So these people look at you and wonder: “Why does she have no doubts and I have my head full of doubts?” So they attack you, trying to understand how you have managed this feat of being totally balanced, totally where nothing shakes you, where nothing takes away your faith.

And so it will be for many. Unfortunately, I will say that many relationships will be broken. In all kinds of relationships it will be up to each of you to make a choice: to follow what you believe in, even alone, or to please others and try to follow their path. It’s up to you to make that choice. No one can make it for you.

My children, the separation of the wheat from the chaff is very strong, and those who are the chaff cannot find the way to be the wheat because they cannot let go of what they have learned, they are still trapped in all the limiting beliefs that they once had to learn. And they’re angry because you’re not connected to them. How is it that you’ve managed to free yourself, how is it that you don’t believe in anything that they believe in and manage to live?

That’s the question they ask themselves. “We follow everything perfectly and we’re full of doubts, and you, who follow nothing, nothing we believe in, are there calmly, in balance/ How can you?” Then they start to see you as something bad, something that doesn’t belong to God. Where it’s exactly the opposite, you have freed yourself from beliefs, you know the path and you follow it, in your own way, but you follow it.

So do not be afraid, my sons and daughters. I can’t tell you that better times are coming. Yes, they will, but after the storm has gone. Then, I can assure you that a time of great light, peace, and great love is coming. You have to go through the storm first. There is no shortcut. There is no other way.

“Will everyone go through the storms?” I can almost say yes. Everyone goes through them, everyone in their own way. Everyone experiences their own storms and knows how to take shelter at the right time or expose themselves at the right time.

Believe me, those who believe will face the storm and whatever comes their way, but they must face it with love, or the storm will continue until you learn to respect yourself, to demand respect, and to walk alone if necessary.

Do not expect easy times in a short time. The easy times will come but after the storms.

Translation by Helena do Lago Basile

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