Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth, I AM SANANDA!
It is with great peace in my heart that I come here today. Every time a son or daughter is on the right track, reflecting and making the right decisions, and aware of what needs improvement and change, it is a moment of great joy, of great peace for everyone, not just for me. We are unique energy in which everyone existing in the universe vibrates, emanates, and instigates this whole structure.
Each soul, being, and energy with awareness in the universe thinks and acts. Every thought and action draws on other similar thoughts and actions; this is how everything takes shape. Not a single thought, not a single step. It is necessary that a great whole emanates, thinks, and acts within the same concept and the same objective to become viable and happen.
Within your little world, everything happens the same way. You emanate, and small egregores are created around you. Egregores of joy, sadness, sickness, disharmony, and equilibrium. And with every thought, word, or action, you feed one of them. When you provide the positive emotions, the negative ones lose strength; it’s as if you take the negative energy and turn it into a positive one.
This is how the universe is. It is in total equilibrium. There is the first creation, but that first creation was a transmutation of something already existing, giving birth to something new. So, if you think positively, the energy has great power; if you think negatively, the energy has a much greater force. So for you to neutralize that negative energy, it takes many positive forces. And so, the universe moves forward, always in equilibrium.
Nothing exists without its counterpart. There is Light, and there is Darkness. There is good, and there is evil, as you determine. So, within the consciousness of each of you, what is the important thing? It is to constantly vibrate with positive thoughts. You often catch yourself dreaming and creating beautiful things; then there comes the ego reason, saying, “Stop, this is an illusion.” This will never happen.” And your whole castle, which was made of sand, falls apart. But if you dream, you think, you first build that castle of sand and simply say: “No ego, you are wrong. I can, I want, I will have it.” As if by magic, that castle begins to transform from sand to stone, something indissoluble.
Over time, you never believed that you could dream and make it happen because the ego always told you: “No, stop it. Come to reality. Stop dreaming.” Your surroundings made you believe it. You never thought that it was possible to make it happen.
Today we are here, repeating every day that it is possible, that you can, you have the strength, you just have to believe in it. Never let neither the ego nor the surroundings take this belief and this strength away from you. So, dream of the New World. Believe in the New World. The egregore already exists, and I can tell you, it is pretty significant. I wouldn’t say it’s already the planet’s size, but it is already very close to the extent needed to change this planet.
Don’t give up or be discouraged; keep dreaming and thinking of the New World. No matter when or how you will get there. We’ve already seen that. We’re not here inspiring or encouraging actions and thoughts that will come to nothing; we know what will happen right down the road because we don’t see time as you do. We see the here and now. And we already see many of you vibrating within the Fifth Dimension. We have seen many of you jumping for joy, hugging each other in the Fifth Dimension.
Gaia is totally ascended; it’s beautiful, clean, and organized. So, what is up to you at this moment in this whole process? Vibrate Light, Love, and everything that can fill this great egregore of the New World. Forget what you experienced here. You will have none of it there. So the time is for dreaming; dreaming of things you have never seen here; dreaming of the balance of people; dreaming of everyone with full bellies; wishing that every person has a roof over their heads; wishing for every person to have a decent and pleasurable job; wishing for their rulers to be balanced, governing for the good of all rather than for themselves;
See this world that you don’t know today. This is the world in the Fifth Dimension. Nothing from your life and possessions will be available there. So learn to dream and, above all, learn to let go of what you live here. I just keep telling you that the pleasures you have in this third-dimensional world are pleasures of the body and the mind. In the Fifth Dimension, you will have much deeper pleasures because they will not be pleasures of the body or mind but pleasures of the heart and soul.
Now it is up to each one of you at this moment to make your choice. What do you want to vibrate today? Increasing, nurturing, and fostering what already exists in your world today, or keep trying to change it and wasting your time because your world won’t change. Your world is heading toward self-destruction, not physical self-destruction, but self-destruction of the people themselves. Only it will be up to each of you to choose a new path, a new place to live, a new way of living, and stay totally apart from the world that is there today, that has no turning back.
This world won’t improve and won’t evolve. Instead, this world will end because Gaia will ascend to the Fifth Dimension. The Third Dimension on this planet will no longer exist.
Gaia will be whole evolved, and those who decide to go with her will vibrate on her surface, grateful for every moment lived in the old world, which will seem like a book not so lovely to read.