Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
Once again being here is always a reason for great joy for my heart. Today I’m not going to say much, I just want to bring a lot of energy and a lot of Light.
At this moment I want each of you to close your eyes and imagine that in the center of your chest there is a place. How is this place? Each one create their own. It could be a place in nature, it could be a physical place, it doesn’t matter. Create this place the way you want it and sit in the middle of it.
Now around you, you will see a circle of Lights, swirling around you. It has no defined color, it is multicolored and it spins faster and faster around you. You can even feel the wind that it stirs around you. At this point I want you to say exactly what you want this circle to take away. Or give you a solution, something that will bring you peace about it.
I’ll give you 30 seconds.
This circle that is turning around you has taken your words and they are being understood by the universe. In this circle are the 7 colors of the 7 rays and each Master will help you within your walk, to have the answer to what you asked for.
Now, keep your eyes closed and the circle will slowly dissipate around you. You can leave this place that you were, that you created, that you imagined.
So today I just want to leave this exercise, so that you release to the Seven Masters, everything that bothers you, everything that you are having difficulty solving, everything that you desire. But it’s very important to remember; that each order cannot involve other people. In case your request involves another person, the circle will not spin, it will stop and dissolve instantly. If you want proof, try it and you will see.
This exercise is for each of you. And as you could see, you don’t need to say anything, just sit down and mentalize a place and immediately the circle will start spinning around you, because your mind will be focused on this exercise.
It is as we have said; everything is very fast and everything is also very easy to hit. I am coordinating this exercise, so don’t start thinking: “Ah, but if I don’t say anything, how can I guarantee that this circle will be of Light?” Who created the exercise? It was me, so immediately, after you think about doing the exercise, I’ll be there around you, coordinating the whole process, you’ll never be alone.
So I leave this exercise, so that you can put each problem, each difficulty for the circle to solve or actually help you to solve. And yes, multiple requests can be made, not just one. But remember, it’s all for you, you can’t involve other people, you can’t ask for the Whole, it’s for you.
I hope to see many circles run from today, from this moment on, as many times as you like. And it doesn’t hurt to remember: do it with faith, do it believing.
Otherwise, the circle will not be created. Remember, I will be with you. And the circle will be created or not, it will depend on what I see in each heart.